Friday, August 26, 2011

How does invisalign work? Do you have to have your cavities filled first?

I know this is $$$$, but i also have a few cavities too, i want to get the invisalign first and gradually pay for my cavities because i dont have dental insurance....Also, does it work and how long til you see results?My teeth are spacing apart. How much does your office visit usually cost when u have to go in to get fitted i think every 2 weeks? Anyone that has been threw this and can fill me in on their experience would be soooo greatly appreciated!! thanks!!!
You have to get your cavities filled any any dental work done BEFORE you get fitted for Invisalign. You cannot have any fillings done that could in any way change the shape of your tooth while you are on Invisalign because the Invisalign trays are molded to exactly fit your teeth and are all made at once. If you got fillings while on Invisalign it could cause the trays to not fit right and ruin the entire process. I had to have 9 cavities filled before getting Invisalign and it took 2 months with all the appointments but my orthodontist made it clear that no dental work could be done while on the program and they needed to be done ahead of time. Also, if you don't get them filled before you start Invisalign the cavities will get even worse as food gets trapped in the Invisalign trays if you do not brush properly after every meal. I have spacing issues that are going to be fixed and it is going to take approx 12 months. It does work, I've read numerous blogs and saw true real life progression of people's correction. My sister and mother in law both had it and loved it because no one could tell they had them in and it straightened their teeth. I just got fitted for Invisalign for both my top and bottom teeth. It is costing me $5,000. I paid $2,200 up front and will be paying $200 a month for 14 months once the treatment begins (200 x 14 = 2800). There are no 'per visit' fees (at least not for me). It is all included in the final costs which for my case is $5000. There is only one time you get fitted, they take pictures and moldings of your teeth then ship them to Invisalign and Invisalign makes all the trays and sends them to your ortho. You then have periodic appointments once you start the program to make sure everything is going to plan and to add any necessary attachments to your teeth. I started a blog of my Invisalign experience so if you're interested in reading about my experience so far go to

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