I have a 11 month old baby, and she got her first tooth when she was 6 months.It came out perfectly,white and free of any dots or spots, but I noticed that her second lower tooth was coming out with discoloration, kinda white, I was concerned and her Dr. said to wait a little more to see if it was something more serious than just a spot. Eell, then she got her third tooth(top) and it also had white spots on it. Now she is 11 months, and it look yellowish, and I just saw that around her top tooth lining the gum there is a brown line. I am so freaked out! I already cried because I was reading some stuff online about baby decay, and I dont want my baby suffer any pain because she takes a bottle with formula and I let her fall asleep while taking her bottle.For what I read it can cause baby tooth decay Also, when she was 8 month she started going to daycare and got a bad sinus infection, her Dr. prescribed her antibiotics (amoxicillin) for ten day. 2 weeks after that she got another inffection, and had to take antibiotics again but as I noticed the spots in her second tooth I was afraid it was going to cause more spots in the coming teeth. Well, soon after that her third teeth came out and had the spots. I started to brush her teeth every night with baby toothpast and I tried not le her fall asleep with a bottle, and I also stopped giving her sweet stuffs because I am so afraid she will have bad teeth. How much am I looking to spend with dentist?I dont have dental insurance. does it sound like baby decay or some side affect from the antibiotics? Thanks a lot!
Why is a doctor giving a baby that is not even 1 year old various antibiotics??? That can't be safe. As to the white spots, I don't know. I had some whit spots on my teeth once and my dentist just told me it's just the way my tooth is.
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