okay let me give you a background on who i am. im 17, my family just retired from the military. my dad has been to iraq twice. he was in the navy for about 20 years or more i think. my mom was a marine. ive lived in nine states. and i hated leaving all my friends. and moving around all the time. i always told myself when i get older. i would never be in the military or marry anyone in the military. that way i dont have to deal with it. i mean the military has given my family so much but taken away so many oportunites from me as well. lately my boyfriends been thinking about joining. because he has a poor background. we got into a fight about. because i dont want to be with anyone in the military. my parents are for him doing it. they encourage him. and keep encouraging me. and i keep getting mad. but they keep talking to me about it. and they've kinda got into my head. and i dont know how i feel about it anymore. i mean im planning to go to community college soon. and i have no way to pay for it. accept for my small mesley job i have now. and well i dont know how thats gonna cut it. i mean even if i work long hours. and then im gonna be so worn out i might not be able to study as well. i mean i dont want to be paying for something for nothing. and i DONT want to do student loans. cause you dont pay those off till your like 30. and my dad was telling me about some of the young girls at his work that juggle college. working. and sometimes raising a family. he says they look like hell. i dont want to be one of those girls. so i mean they were telling me that the navy will: provide free college, a free place to stay, cheap health and dental insurance, and pay for me to go to bootcamp. and i wantt to soo badly get into shape. no matter what it takes. so i mean those all sound good. and the job im looking into studying is radiology, or dentist asistant. and you have to train for one of those in sandiego CA, which is where me and my bf want to eventually live. since we love it there. so thats another pro. the only thing i hate about it. is that im gonna be controlled. and thats what i hated always about the military. its like they have a contract on your life. idk. im pretty confused. i need advice, experience, pros & cons please
Corpsman are Sailors. Your best bet is to go talk to a Navy recruiter. At the very least, you will be able to take the ASVAB and see what ratings (jobs) you actually qualify for. I'd also suggest trying to get into shape now if you're really serious about joining. It'll make boot camp much more enjoyable. And, while it is not difficult for females to go Corpsman (HM), the rating is currently manned (CREO 2), which means it could be months before you ship off to boot camp if you do get HM. So its best not to delay getting to a recruiter and MEPS if its something you actually want to do. And, due to the rating being manned advancement is a bit difficult at the moment. After boot camp, you'd go to Corpsman "A" school which is in Great Lakes, IL as well. Once you've graduated "A" school you'd either go on to Field Medical Service School (FMSS) or your first command (which could be anywhere). Normally, though, your first command would be a medical facility stateside, but it is possible you could end up on a ship. If you graduate top of your class in "A" school they may allow you to choose a "C" school (such as radiology) but getting a "C" school straight out of "A" school is rare. So unless it is in your enlistment contract, no guarantees there. If you don't get a "C" school, you can request one later down the road. Anyway, don't join because someone is pressuring you into it; otherwise, you're going to be miserable. Only do it if it's something you actually want to do.
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