Saturday, August 6, 2011

Very painful tooth-what can I do?

I have health insurance but no dental. Since I take good care of my teeth, and don't have much expendable income, I do not have a dentist. I cracked a tooth about 3 weeks ago, and have been in severe pain ever since. I did not and will not have any extra money to spend to see a dentist for about 3 weeks, as I have to pay my rent and electric bill and water, and will have nothing left. The pain is getting drastically worse and feels like it is in my ear, head, and neck. I am practically in a state of panic at this point, because I have heard that if I have an infection, it can spread to other parts of the body? I don't receive gov't assistance, but barely make enough money to pay my bills. There are no dental schools in the area. I obviously can't miss work, as I need every penny I make, though I am in such pain I'm having a very difficult time concentrating or even not crying at my desk! What do working-class people without dental insurance do?? I can't take much more pain. =(
Many people seek out Dental Clinics. They are free of charge and they fix your teeth in a timely fashion. Dental Clinics are consisted of Dentists around the neighborhood who are good-hearted and volunteer to help those who can't afford dental insurance. They are usually open from 6-9 so you can go there after work. But they are not opened everyday, usually only about twice a week. There is usually a Dental clinic in every major city or in a city where a university is located. (Be nice to the Dentist though, they do take their own personal time after they finish up at their own practice then come and volunteer) To help fix your pain temporarily. If you have a syringe and some hydrogen peroxide or peridex (both can be found at Walgreen's, target, wal-mart, etc...). Squirt some peridex or hydrogen peroxide into the cracked tooth. Rinse and spit it out. PLEASE DO NOT SWOLLEN! This some help the pain and reduce any infection if there are any. Take some cotton and rip off a little piece and also soak it in the peridex or hydrogen peroxide. Put that little piece of cotton in the cracked tooth to prevent anything from coming in. Change this cotton twice a day or more. But this is not the solution to your problem! Please still go to a dental clinic so you can get it fix properly! Try not to eat on that tooth and try your best to keep the liquids you drink away also.

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