Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which is better for you, ice cream or yogurt?

Here is the question: lite, sugar free ice cream or yogurt ice cream range from 80 to 110 calories a serving (1/2 a cup). Regular 'lite and fit' yogurt has the same values; with the same size serving as the ice cream or yogurt ice cream. So why are the 'food people' telling us to eat yogurt? If the caloric value is equal in the ice cream and yogurt,(or yogurt ice cream) are they not the same in harm and good or are their other factors to be considered? I also enjoy adding a serving of whipping cream to either of these enjoyable snacks. My whipping cream breaks down to 1 tablespoon = 50 calories as it is in the carton. When I whip it up, I usually mix 4 cups adding 2 tablespoons of brown sugar or equivalent fake sugar, then about 5 tablespoons of vanilla flavoring,( 0 calories). I use the same amount on my ice cream as I do the yogurt; I think that makes everything equal. Beyond this question, what is suggested that I do to loose the remaining lbs? Thank You Background to the question: May of 2005 I had a gastric band put on my stomach, I weighed 445# I had weighed 500 (=/-?)#. I starved to get to the 445#! I can't do most regular exercise, though I try to walk 80 yards daily, however I have degenerative disk, arthritis in my joints, bones that are thinning, (Fibormyalgia (some doctors said yes-some said no, but the symptoms are there, huh?) Crohns, IBS, and GERD. It takes 14 pills a day (also some every 12 weeks doctor/nurse to infuse it stuff) to keep the pain and my insanity to a tolerable level, it was 15 but my BP is now normal. My only exercise I get is aqua pt, 2 hrs a week in a and daily stretching. My weight has dropped to 360#, I had it down to 275 because I was ill and I couldn't keep most of my food down. The doctor loosened my band, and within 2 weeks my weight went up 25#, with out changing my diet from before band adjustment and after my weight increased to 300# The only difference was I no longer threw up my food intake. I now must admit that when I was back to 300# I was angry and gave up trying for about a month, sadly my weight went up to 325,(I was also drinking green tea sweetened with fake sugar and taking Hoodia capsules, also stopped that for a month, but I just started taking it again)though my weight went up to. 350 and now the end of winter I am 365#! I admit too I love coffee flavored ice cream, and once a month cheesecake. I have stopped the cheese cake, and I am cutting way back on the snake stuff. I drink my coffee black sweetened just a bit with fake sugar. I do drink my home made capachenno, of course it starts with stout espresso, then it is a mix of low fat milk, creamer that is low fat and fake sugar, and then real cream(heavy whipping cream). I also eat the 6oz'lite' yogurt with a table spoon or less of whipping cream. Now as to my 'regular' food, I eat very little of it. (i.e.; a brand name oven cooked lasagna. I make 8 meals out of the two meals that come in the bag.) Some food I don't eat because medication has rotted my teeth. They look like a meth addicts teeth, and I will take $8500 to correct my tooth problem. All of the remaining teeth, some are stubs, must be pulled and replaced with dentures. I don't have dental insurance so I wait with tooth ache as the decay, and bacteria corrupt my blood causing MAJOR problems! (Question for later, teeth are a major part in our physical health-insurance companies know this!-so why aren't they covered in our major medical policy?) Ok, all that said to help you know where I am coming from. I read the serving label info to know how much the caloric value is, serving size ( this is not correct most of the time, I measured it out, and emailed Customer service ,they had no clue what I was trying to tell them!) and other values are.
yogurt is best

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