Friday, August 19, 2011

23 no dentist?

Im 23 and basically my whole life Ive never been to the dentist , I went once when I was 13 to have a tooth pulled but other than than I never went to the dentist , my parents never had enough money to take us. Now that Im older and I have my own kids I know how important it is to take them to the dentist every 6 months. About 4 years ago I noticed my teeth started decaying , the back two molars are almost completely gone from cavities and I have other cavities that are now coming up but it has never hurt until now - I can barely talk and all my words are slurred because my teeth are sooo sensative. I know its important that I see a dentist right away but Im scared and embarrassed that my teeth are soooo bad and Im scared about what the dentist is going to say. Im also scared about how much money it is going to cost me , I dont have insurance for myself . Any advice or tips on how to deal with this situation or maybe a dental Insurance info can help ??? And what can I expect when Igo.
Don't be embarrassed - dentists see patients like you all the time. It's literally their job, and if the dentist tries to humiliate you during the initial consultation, take your business somewhere else. Besides, the momentary blush you might feel when your dentist looks in your mouth and says "Gee whiz" will be nothing compared to the months and possibly years of slow agony you face by letting your teeth rot all the way down into the gums, which will cause you tremendous amounts of pain and cost much, much more to fix in the long run. Although you really should get this taken care of as soon as possible (is money more important than your health?), I understand the financial hardship it may present. When you take the kids, schedule a checkup for yourself as well. Talk to your dentist and tell her you've avoided this because you're concerned about the financial aspect. Dentists are doctors too - they began their careers to help people. It's very likely she'll take pity on you and either give you a discount, refer you to another cheaper dentist, or put you on an affordable payment plan per month.

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