Friday, August 19, 2011

Please help, question about TMJ disorder?

Hello. I am a 23 yr old female. I think I may have TMJ. I am very frustrated with dentists I feel that a lot of the dentists I have seen are only concerened with getting my money and not ansering my questions thoroughly. I have a lot of problems with my teeth... -adult tooth grew in behind baby tooth, still have baby tooth with adult tooth behind it -missing molar on lower left side from a bad abcess -dentist recently told me my jaw alignment is off -dentist recently told me I clench and grind my teeth at night -popping/ clicking sound on left side when I open my mouth -had all four wisdom teeth removed within the last year and a half So those are basically my issues with my teeth. Myparents didnt take me to the dentist much as a kid so I am paying for it now and let me tell you how frustrated I am with all of these issues not to mention its not cheap to fix. any ways I have had this pain in my right temple and also slightly above my right ear. I have also had some ear aches. All of this pain is only felt on the right side. It is not an unbearable pain but it is enough to bother me. I am also a bit of a hypochondriac. I have been worried sick for the past two weeks that I might have some serious problem such as a blood clot or something terrible. I am in sales and have been so worried that I have a difficult time talking with clients and performing at work. I have been a nervous wreck having a few panic attacks over this. I went to an urgent care center one night where the doctor assured me that I probably dont have a blood clot and that he didnt feel it was necesarry to run any further tests. I am still worried thoug. Can any body out there let me know if they have experienced similar pains? and what is causing this? I do not have health insurance at this time so if I need to see a doctor it realy needs to be for an emergency. If this is all TMJ related I can deal with the pain and see a dentist since I do have dental insurance. Please help! Thank you and sorry this was so long!
The popping/clicking can definitely be a symptom of TMJ. Been there. Do you have a stiff jaw or headache when you wake up? I grind/clench at night and often wake with both. IF TMJ is your problem, get a night guard to wear to help alleviate some of the pressure you're putting on your jaw, and so you don't do damage to your teeth. Also take some magnesium to help relax your muscles before bedtime (I recommend Natural Calm). After awhile of this you can reevaluate. Also, consider taking some steps to help alleviate your anxiety and panic attacks as well. Relaxation tapes, EFT, or even a course I really like called Attacking Anxiety and Depression. Hope things get better for you.

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