Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brush floss and mouthwash?

I had not been to the dentist in two years due to well...laziness... and for one year didn't have dental insurance. I got dental insurance and went. Had a cavity and had a root canal done. I am now obsessed with not allowing myself to ever have a tooth that needs a root canal done due to not going for regular cleanings exams and good oral hygiene. My dentist prescribed me a fluoride tooth paste to use for only one week because I complained about a little sensitivity. NOW to my question... Is it HEALTHY to Brush twice a day rinse with listerine after brushing and of course flossing? My concern is that TOO much flouride is BAD. so if I brush than rinse with flouride is this doing more harm than good? Is just brushing with crest twice and flossing good enough? Sorry if I sound like a freak lol
You should brush twice a day for two minutes using an ADA accepted toothpaste. Crest is good. Floss daily at night before bed to get all of the food and plaque between your teeth out before you sleep. I personally do not rinse, but I recommend it to many of my patients. Rinsing with a mouthrinse that has fluoride in it is safe because you are not swallowing it. I usually only recommend it to patients who have a high risk of cavities (kids, sugar addicts, people on many meds, or recession). Sounds like you are doing everything right. I would be happy with a patient who cares as much!

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