Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tramadol how many is to many? What if the pain won't stop addiction?

I have tooth problems but no dental insurance. I do have Kaiser health insurance I was able to get Tramadol which i've taken before recently with antibiotics. But, my jaw and neck are hurting like crazy. In an eight hour time period i've taken nine 50mgs of the tramadol. I read on a message board of an addict taking 30 a day without fatal complication or seizure. I'm not sure if i've built up a tolerance or the pain is just that awful. Anways, i'm weary of going back to the doctor to ask for something stronger. One because she's a family doctor treating a dental problem. And, two she just prescribed me 60 tramadol. I already know about the increased seizure risk. Any help would so much be appreciated I can't sleep its 12:30am pacific time i'll be by my email :(
I found Tramadol to be a completely ineffective pain reliever as well. However, taking more is not going to give you increased analgesic effects. The maximum dosage a day is 400mg-you took 450mg today? And you are still in pain, so its obviously not working for you, so stop taking it. As far as becoming "addicted" to Tramadol, that is highly unlikely-Tramadol has a low potential for abuse-it is not related to traditional opiates, but does has some aciton at the mu-opiate receptors, and on norepinephrine, so that may explain why some people report that they feel "high" or "euphoric" when taking it in large amounts. Addiction must be differentiated from physical dependence and tolerance. Tramadol can cause physical dependence with long term usage (even at doses prescribed by the doctor)-that's just the way your body works. It is associated with severe withdrawal symptoms as well, so you don't want to abruptly discontinue it. If you are taking Tramadol for other purposes than to acheive pain relief, than yes, that could possibly lead to psychological delpendence. But it sounds like you are in extreme pain, and you took more than you should not to get high, but to feel better. You need to ask you doctor for Vicodin-stronger and safer than Tramadol, and usually that is what dentists prescribe after procedures anyway, so why she gave you Tramadol is beyond me. You have every right to be comfortable and pain free-just go in a be blunt, explain, and ask. Good luck!

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