Thursday, August 11, 2011

12 Weeks pregnant, oral emergnecy. What is the safest numbing medication to be used for unborn baby?

I am 12 weeks pregnant, I have some really badly infected teeth, that also have terrible decay/ cavities. The pain is so bad, and I have bumps under the teeth that hurt really bad, the gums are swollen and hurting really badly by the teeth, my back teeth. Between the morning sickness, and the tooth pain I am starving, and I am in constant pain, having trouble even sleeping. So I made an emergency appointment for tomorrow, I have western dental insurance so I have to go to western dental. They will not tell me how much it is going to cost to get the teeth surgically extracted, but I need it done, its an emergency. I just dont know if Im going to have enough money to get the pain-full teeth out tomorrow. Any how I was wondering what is the safest dental numbing medication for baby to be used on a 12 week pregnant woman? Anyone know which causes the least possible effects to my unborn baby? All answers are appreciated, thank you all in advance. Best wishes, and God bless you all.
Local anesthetics are safe during pregnancy because they only effect the tissue around the injection and don't get into the bloodstream in significant amounts. They will use novocaine or lidocaine. Do not let them give you gas, and if x-rays are necessary make sure they do as few as possible. The risk of one or two small local x-rays of the mouth is smaller than the risk to your baby if an infected tooth is left in and you become septic. (I had to have a dental xray at 8 weeks pregnant for that reason and my son is 100 percent healthy). You will also need antibiotics, and you should call your midwife or doctor to find out which is okay because only certain antibiotics are safe during pregnancy but I'm not sure which ones.

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