Thursday, August 11, 2011

Regarding universal healthcare...?

I have health and dental insurance through my employer with premiums deducted from each paycheck. A few months ago I went to the dentist for a deep root cleaning and my insurance denied part of the claim because I had too much work done in one visit. Not because I had an uncovered service, but because I had three quadrants done in one visit and the plan only covers two in one visit. The way the denial read, if I had just gone back the very next day, they would have covered the service without question. If this is what private health insurance is like, why the hell is everyone so afraid of universal health care. I would much rather pay my premiums to the government (in the form of taxes) and know that when I go to get my teeth cleaned, I'm not going to have a portion of the claim denied.
People fear it because it's socialized and politicians reject it because lobbyists on Capitol Hill give them huge amounts of money to help their causes. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies basically own Capitol Hill. With any luck, we should have universal health care within five years. Some people tend to forget that our firemen, policemen, libraries, postal service, and school among other things are all socialized. And some people hate it because it does raise taxes to offset the cost and some people would rather let others suffer than pay a bit more money into taxes every year. See Sicko, it's a great movie. Also, the people who say Canadians and British people hate universal health care and they wait months to get seen are full of shite. The most revered Canadian is Tommy Douglas who introduced Canada to universal health care and even the most conservative of people in those countries would never want universal health care taken away. The excuse about long waiting times are just that, an excuse and a fear tactic to scare people away from something that would be good for all the poor and middle class in this country who suffer because of the greed of others.

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