Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am afraid of the after effects of novocaine Any alternatives?

I have a deep fear of novocain not so much the injection but the after effects. I cant stand the feeling of having my cheeks feel numb and "like a chipmunk" for lack of words. Any alternatives? Its been years since my last appointment/cleaning and I know I have some major work that needs done(root canals, fillings, extractions, bridges and wisdom teeth extracted). I dont have dental insurance, am on medi-cal because I am disabled. Not only did I not know that medi-cal provided dental services but also now cant get them because the dental portion has been stopped! This is due to state budget cuts thanks to the govenator. So how can I get work done on my teeth within the next 4-7 days?
Quit complaining about the govorner and your crappy state insurance. If you dont like it, then find some way to pay for better insurance. Or you know, just be happy you've got anything at all. And there is no way you will get any of that done in 7 days or less. Medi-cal needs approvals for everything except a yearly cleaning and fillings. And getting one takes 4-6 weeks at the minimum. Edit: Clearly you cannot understnad basic English if you didnt see that I pointed ALL of that out.

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