Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big decision to make. Any advice?

I am almost 18. I have been living in Germany with my family since last August. As soon as I turn 18 I can either move home to America (without my family) in March, or stay here with my family until next December. If I move back I will be flying home alone, living with my older sister, working, and attending a local community college If I stay here I have 9 extra months to be a kid with very little real responsibility. I'll be on my parent's health and dental insurance. I can save up more money. I can travel more. I could take some basic college courses here on post (military post). I could better prepare for the transition into adulthood. And, I'd be flying home with my family. Really, it makes so much sense to stay in Germany for 15 months. I'd be very happy doing so. The thing making this decision so hard is my desire to be where my other loved ones are. Sister, nephew, boyfriend, friends, etc. Also, I already told people I would be home in March. It's been my plan for a long time. I don't feel like bumming anyone out by telling them I'm not coming back for much longer than expected. And I really don't know how much longer I can be away from them. I'm not asking anyone to decide this for me. Just wanting some words of wisdom. Some words of advice. Just anything that might aid me in choosing the right path.
Hello there!(: what I would do is stay in germany because even thought you miss your loved ones and they miss you too they will understand this is what's best for you. Hope it helped!

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