Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is it ok to ask for a Mercury poisoning test?

I broke a tooth with a silver filling about a year and a half ago. It didnt hurt and I dont have dental insurance so I didnt go to the dentist. 2008 was the worst year of my life as far as panic attacks, anxiety, depression, death of a friend, extreme fatigue (that the doctor cannot help me with it seems) My memory is getting really bad, and my ability to function normally is like dissappearing. I get tingling sensations.My eyelid twitches. my back feels kinda like its tingly numb. I leave out letters and words when I write sometimes. Im having hard time comprehending things. And learning new stuff or problem solving is like so hard I cant do it. Im trying so many things to help w/ all of this diet, exercise, thinking positively, going to therapy and talking about crap I never had to talk about before to see if that is the problem. Some things are a little better but this extreme fatigue and like my cognitive abilities are getting worse. I went to the dentist he said I have mercury amalgam fillings and the broken one is leaking. Well mercury is very toxic. The more I read about it I cant believe they put it in peoples mouths. But there are still people who say its safe. I don't know what to believe. I want to have my blood or urine tested for mercury levels just for my peace of mind. I get extremely tired after eating inspite of trying very hard to keep my blood sugar within safe levels. Could it be that eating aggravates the fillings and Im sensative to mercury? Could it be intensifying my mood swings and making my memory go bad? I have this constant metal taste in my mouth but mercury is odorless and tasteless I hear. If I tell this to a doctor will they just laugh at me or will they give me a mercury test? Im 29 years old and I feel like Im losing my mind and going to have dementia and extreme exhaustion where I wont be able to leave my bed if I dont get to the bottom of this.
Just ask him to do it. He should. I had mine test me for lead. You are the one paying him. He shouldn't have aproblem with it. Don't be afraid to ask him. I've thought about doing the same. But most of my dental work has come apart and gone.

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