Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is the cheapest way to restore tooth enamel?

I'm looking for a relatively low-cost way to restore tooth enamel. I know that all of those toothpastes and mouthwashes out there simply strengthen tooth enamel. So, what's the cheapest way, preferably safe and/or through a dentist, that I can restore tooth enamel? I only have minor wear on the ends of my eight front teeth. Generally, veneers, caps, crowns, etc. are thousands of dollars to get. If that's my only option, can anyone give me a price range, per tooth, for any of these options? I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical and Dental insurance, so if you do too and have had similar procedures, I'd especially appreciate your advice. Thanks!
tip: try to drink from a straw as much as possible. this will help to refrain from losing tooth enamel. find some time and go to your nearest store; try finding a toothpaste and a mouthwash or anything else you can find that says they help strengthen your tooth enamel (Crest has some). look for 'fluoride' in them. there are 3 types and all 3 are good. refrain from using whitening toothpastes; they don't work and weaken your enamel. hope this works! :]

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