I HAVE NO DENTAL INSURANCE HAVENT BEEN TO THE DENTIST SINCE I WAS 7 OR 8. Well I remember the last time i went to the dentist was before i came to american was about age 7 or 8. I'm currently 17 and I havent been to the dentist ever since. I'm kind of imbarrased all my teeth are straight in the front but if you look mostly in the back there are cavities with the plague thing not that much.. I have 7 cavities... 1 which just started its a tiny no color or nothing just a small tiny hole.. 6 other cavities which i can play in with my tongue (lol) not most of them i got as cavities but all of them have the blue decay thing except the 7th one which started. on the left side of my mouth i have 4 cavities 3 of them have a good not quite so big hole but i can fit my tounge in a little and feel the meat. and the other one just has the plague. on the right side of my mouth i have 3 2 which are very open like the rest and 1 tiny one with no plague on it. There are so many bills in my family right now from all the buying and stuff and its just hard to ask my dad to get these filled...as it might get him mad.. Can who ever is reading this tell me what to expect if i go to the dentist. like how much approx will this all cost to fix? most of the openings are on the top and a couple/few have the decay on the side..its hard to smile sometimes since ppl might recognize... but my teeth are white its just the cavities. I dont have a job going to school still...and im planning to get these filled before next school year. 10 points read here: but how much do you think it will cost to get all this actually done 6 not that big openings and 1 small tiny opening to get filled/cleaned with the compost filling that actually looks like you had nothing done to your teeth since i dont like the silver fillings. How much and what will they do will the dentist be mad?
Bottom line is it doesnt matter what it costs you need to get them done or they will just get bigger, which can lead to an infection. then instead of fillings you need root canals and crowns(more money). Noone can tell you exactly but your denstist. every area has different prices. my area a small filling can be about $150 a tooth to a larger one closer to 300. Dentist aren't mad for doing white fillings, but fyi they cost more! they should be ble to work out a payment plan or capital one has a credit card specifically for dental work. here's their application form online: https://secure.capitalonefinance.com/form.asp?plan=DFP&currPage=0&refer=www%2Egoogle%2Ecom%7Ccapital%2Bone%252C%2Bdental
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