Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have a cavity on the side of my front tooth.?

It's not too bad but it's to the point that I have to take Tylenol because it hurts. It's on the side of my front tooth. I can't get into the dentist until tuesday. If it hurts, does that mean that i will need a root canal? I hope not because we don't have dental insurance. Our health and vision insurance is great, but we dont get dental. Do you think it will just need filled? And, will it be able to look like there was never a cavity there? I brush regularly, 3 or more times a day. And does having a cavity filled in the front teeth hurt more than any other teeth?
if its on the side of your front tooth that is interdental, do you floss? if not you should as this will prevent cavitys in the future, it may not need root canal it may just be sensitive if there is a def hole. composite (white) fillings are very good and you usually cannot tell youve had anything done and no just the same as any other but you will probs need local anaestetic to numb it hope this helped x

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