Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My top wisdom tooth becoming too long for mouth?

So, up until recently I had NO problems with my top wisdom tooth -- it grew it straight with plenty of room in my mouth and no paint whatsoever. Now, the bottom gum below it is starting to hurt whenever I bite down and a slit is being produced in the lower gum. The gums are sore -- they do not look bad when I look at them, but they hurt. At first I thought this was where the lower wisdom tooth is coming through, however, now I believe it to be the top tooth cutting into the lower gum. The real problem: I don't have dental insurance right now. WTF do I do?! Is there anything I can do to at least temporarily relieve the pain by myself? I probably won't have dental insurance for another 2 months :( Any help or ideas are appreciated.
Wisdom teeth do keep growing in instances where you have had the one above or below out and there is nothing to stop it. This is happening to me but it isn't a problem at the moment. When it is, it will have to be taken out. In the meantime, I have 3 suggestions that you may find helpful: 1. Go and get one of the boil and bite mouth guards that is used for people who suffer from bruxism. You can find different kinds at any drugstore, Walmart or from an online retailer like Amazon. They range in price but there is a reasonably inexpensive guard called 'The Doctor's Night Guard Advanced Comfort' which you place in boiling water thus loosening the plastic which you then place in your mouth and it molds to your teeth. This is very similar to one that you would pay hundreds of dollars for from a dentist. I compared the results of mine to one that cost $600 that my mother in law has and they are almost identical. This will prevent you from causing damage to this sensitive area during sleep by biting down. You can wear these during the day but I am thinking that you can use your will power to keep your teeth slightly apart. 2. Get an oral pain reliever, which can be purchased in a drugstore or Walmart. This will give temporary relief from the pain and also help to protect the area from becoming infected. One I have used is called 'Orabase' and it is made by Colgate. It comes in a small tube which I found next to the floss. 3. If you have a regular dentist, go and approach them and explain your situation. You might be surprised at the help that they may offer, which could include giving you the treatment now and settling up later or offering treatment at a reduced fee that can be paid off over several months. It is advisable to get this checked out by a professional sooner rather than later incase it is something else. I hope that this helps.

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