Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dental cement for filling in a broken front tooth?

Need help quick, I've searched other answers, but I didn't really find one that was similar to my situation. I have a chipped front tooth,2 actually..No insurance..and I do not have the chips that came off. My appt with the dentist is in 2 weeks, (paying out of!) But I have my BF's family coming in from out of town, and will be meeting his fam for the first time..and I can't get them filled in til after..(because of money). I've heard you can use dental cement for filling in, and "molding" the area til I get to the dentist. Is this true? Will it work? and what color is the stuff..I just don't want to meet new people with a chipped front tooth..and it's not that tiny, as to where you can't see any suggestions would be reat! PLZ help me?
Don't waste your money. This temporary material comes in almost a stark white shade and will never hold up to the biting stress on the edge or corner of the tooth. It sounds like a tooth shaded bonded composite filling may do the job and would be much less expensive than a porcelain veneer or crown. Good luck.

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