Tuesday, August 16, 2011

At a job interview I was asked what salary I was looking for before I knew what the benefits were.?

I told the interviewer a low end expectation and when I found out how weak the benefits were I need to re-state my salary expectation. I need a job. I need to know when and how to re-negotiate a higher salary due to the lack of benefits that I will need to buy on my own (i.e. life insurance, dental insurance, 401k (IRA), etc.). I don't want to shoot myself in the foot but I need to be honest and get it out there before we put too much more into the hiring/interviewing.
This is a tough spot to be in. I would recommend in the future that you ask about benefits prior to stating a salary expectation. The best bet would be to either deal with it and go with what they may offer if you need a job that badly. Or tell them you thought the benefits package would be better and your salary expectations have changed after reviewing the package. The one thing that I have learned is this - tell them what you honestly want even if you think it may be higher than they will pay. If it is more than they want to pay - they will make a counter offer. Or they may meet your salary expectations.

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