Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I have a non-painful abcess...?

...and have had it for about 8/9 months, on the outside gum one of my back teeth. It's always been about the same size, 3-4mm, and fills with puss which I've been draining every three or four days or so. It isn't spreading, nor do I ever get any pain, just a tiny bit of liquid each time I get it out. It's on the side of a crown (done 3-4 years ago the last time I went to the dentist), which can't be a co-incidence, but I'm really scared of dentistry etc. I've now got my dental insurance and have booked an appointment after the insurance kicks in, but am hoping that it's just a case of antibiotics. Is this likely or will it need drilling etc? Reason for my question is out of financial as well as scared reasons!
Antibiotics are a must. Drilling or not will depend on what is causing the abscess. Sounds like there is something under the gum that is irritating, causing it. Removing what is causing the irritation would solve the problem. EDIT: Yes, you may have to have a root canal...if it's a periapical abscess, meaning the infection is at the tip of the root. If it's a periodontal abscess then no root canal, the infection is in a pocket between the gum and the tooth. If a root canal is necessary the it will take two or three visits on average, more if the infection takes longer to get rid of or if any of the canals (molar) are not straight. If the tooth is already crowned you will NOT have to have the crown removed. An opening will be made in the top of the crown, the root canal done, and the opening sealed. I've had two done this way.

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