Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Broken tooth, filling exposed. Should I have it pulled?

About a year ago I had a tooth break and it exposed the filling. It does not hurt so since I have no dental insurance I have been putting off getting it taken care of. I have a continuous taste of metal on the side of my mouth where the tooth is. More metal taste after I eat or chew gum. I have read abit about mercury poisoning from old silver dental amalgams and this has become a concern for me since I already have problems with anxiety and depression. I know its probably just a coincidence but ever since this tooth broke last year my mental and physical health have declined. Probably not related but kinda funny. Anyone really know if this could be releasing toxins into my blood stream? If so I will probably just get it pulled because I don't want anymore of that mercury stuff put in my mouth and I don't really have the money to do anything else about it. Thank you for your answers.
It not only could it be releasing toxins into you but you could die from the poisons from an infected tooth. If there is no tooth pain then it has not yet began to attack your nerves, probably. But if left untreated when it does it could be fatal. Dont wait for the pain to kick in if at all possible. Because if you wait then it will likely be a surgical removle which is far more expensive than a basic extraction experienced if you go in now.

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