Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How bad is this situation I have put myself in...?

Few years ago I was told I needed to have my bottom wisdom teeth removed...I hestitated and waited about less than a year ago I went back to the University at Buffalo school of dental and they showed me an x-ray of how my wisdom teeth have progressed. they were now horizontal and closing in on my back teeth... Today, well actually, 2 months ago my left wisdom tooth is almost out of my gums and I can see the tooth. I can only see the side because the front part of it is digging into my back tooth causing immense pain. Taking 100mg of Ibprofen usually subsides it a little. So now i can phyiscally touch this tooth. Do you think if I were to get this extracted it would be easier or harder to do? The reason why I hestitated was because I had no health or dental insurance and still dont right now...not sure the cost of an bad is this?
I waited to get my wisdom teeth taken out, and I wish I had just gone ahead and did it when the Doc said. Get them out as soon as you can, especially if they're hurting, before they can do any real damage to the rest of your teeth. As far as insurance I used to have dental insurance, but canceled when I signed for this discount program. It gave me a huge discount off of regular dental stuff which made what I pay about the same as I would have paid with insurance.. but I don't have to pay the $50 a month for the insurance. It's 20 bucks, and it gives me dental coverage, vision, prescription and chiropractic. And it's 20 bucks for anyone living in my house. My roommate (who is not related to me) gets the same discount on her stuff. If you sign up today, you can go the Dr. tomorrow, no limits, no deductible. you just pay whatever your discount is. It's great. click on dental plus. You can search for a dentist in your area, and then at the top hit join now. Register with the site, and you're good to go! Good Luck!

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