Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Child custody.What would a judge think?

What do you think the court system would think with sending th ex this? In the letter I wrote you dated 8/19/2008, which you received and signed for by certified mail, I stated that (The child) had said that he needed glasses. He had said that his music teacher wrote a letter stating that he needed his eyes checked. I asked for a copy of that letter to be sent to me prior to any action being taken in respect to his vision, in order for us to discuss, choose an optometrist and a time in which (Step mom) and I would be able to attend an appointment. Also, in the letter on 8/19/2008, I stated, once again, that we currently do not carry vision insurance for (child) because there was previously never any mention of him having any vision issues. When I picked (child) up from your house on 09/01/02008, you stated that you had taken (child) to get glasses and that the bill was in his school bag. In blatant disregard for my wishes on the matter, you never communicated to me that you were taking him to the optometrist nor did you ever communicate with me the date that he would be seen so that I could attend. This is completely unacceptable. We both have equal rights to (child), but by you not communicating with me properly and not involving me, you are taking away some of my rights as his father. You have not respected any request I have made to be allow me to be an active parent or for me to have any input on issues pertaining to his medical health. As previously stated, I wanted to discus this matter before any appointments were scheduled because I am the one who carries insurance on him. When open enrollment is available with my employer, I intend on adding (child) to my vision plan. Wal-Mart's vision center is not covered a preferred provider with my insurance and therefore, when he is added to my policy, all of his records from Wal-Mart will have to be transferred out to a provider who is covered. He only needs one eye doctor and this entire situation could have been avoid with merely your compliance with my previous wishes and requests for you to communicate with either myself or (step mom). In the future I expect for you to keep me involved in every aspect of my son's life, and that you will allow me to have equal rights as the court decreed was appropriate. As stated in the original Journal of Judgment and Decree of Divorce, which I have included a copy of in this letter, all medical and dental expenses not reimbursed or otherwise paid by health or dental insurance policies covering (child) are to be paid on a "fifty-fifty" basis. With the new ruling of child support it states that I am only responsible for $300.00 per month plus all extracurricular activities, lunches, and daycare for which I provide. Since expense above and beyond the aforementioned items were not addressed in the prior rulings, I feel that the incurred expense of his vision care should follow "fifty-fifty" rule and we should equally share the expense. Therefore, I am requesting that you generate a payment plan to allow me to pay my half of the $111.00, the total cost of eye exam and glasses, since you did not allow me adequate amount of time to budget for the extra expense. There was also other bill's for two polo shirts and other miscellaneous school supplies in (child) school bag. As it has always been clothing kept at your home you have paid for and clothing kept at my home I have paid for. As for the supplies that he needed for school you said you would be taking care of them. You have never communicated to me that I would be responsible for expenses incurred nor did you give me the option on what was bought or spent. It would have made more since to of have given me a copy of the school supply list. Then some form of communication on what you expect for the expenses incurred and in what proportions each of us should be responsible for. I have done some research on the subject and have included in this letter, copies of the collection of opinions of many peoples views on the matter.
Way too long and way too trivial. It is exactly like stuff my ex husband tried to pull on me, and it didn't fly well with the judge. What do you expect to get from it? Money? Probably won't work. Make your ex look bad? Also more likely to backfire onto you. The kid needs glasses, and if it is bad enough that the music teacher notices, he needs them *now,* not after protracted negotiations between you and your ex. My company changed insurance policies every year or two, which often meant I had to change one of my medical providers. So having records transferred from one office to another is not going to be unusual. And finally: $111 is cheap, cheap, cheap for an eye exam *and* glasses. I sat down and did the calculations on how much I paid a month for vision coverage, how much the co-payments were for eye exams and frames, and how much *more* regular optometrists charged. I realized that it was much cheaper to skip the vision coverage and go to Costco or Walmart for exams and glasses. I certainly hope you will include my post with your response, but somehow I don't think so.

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