Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Should I sue this dentist?

At the end of Nov./beginning of Dec. I went to the dentist because my dental insurance was about to expire. I had no tooth aches, just a chipped tooth and some cavities. The 1st time I went they cleaned me and told me to come back. The 2nd time they filled a cavity (after breaking off large chunk off of a tooth, stopping to look at her assistant, and resuming hoping I didn't notice the BB sized chunk that flew across my mouth and the loud breaking sound) and left a nub where a tooth used to be. They also fitted me for a crown. I paid 350 for the crown (was 700, 50% co pay). The temp broke the same day and I swallowed many pieces of whatever they used to coat the temp. When I got the real crown it was not like any other tooth in my mouth, even my other crowns. It's like a crude attempt at a crown. On the day they set the crown they also filled a small bicuspid (did well on that), and filled/drilled a molar. I sat in that room for 45 minutes waiting, losing numbness, because her and 3 of her 4 staff members were in the back making fun of a Pakistani family that had just left. They finally came back, finished, and referred me to a specialist to extract a wisdom tooth. Well, they told me I could eat on the side that was worked on that day in a few hours. I was in pain for a week straight. They told me they would call if they had an opening the last time I was there, but they never did and after 7 days I decided to call them. Turns out, I needed a root canal (650$ out of pocket). The guy that did the root canal does nothing but root canals, and had to use an anestetic they only have to use 6 times a year. The nerves were so enflamed I can not understand how she missed it. So now I have to go buy a crown with no dental insurance because she refused to charge me for it the day before my root canal (Dec 20th). I had the root canal done on the 21st (last day of insurance) and could not charge it then because you can not charge a root canal and crown the same day with the insurance plan I had. NOW, I have been in pain for over a week on the tooth that had the CROWN put on it. She crowned it without checking to see if I needed a root canal, and this is bad pain. Bone pain. Hydrocodone does nothing for it, all I can do is endure for now because I do not have 2000 dollars just lying to fix her mistake. I hate to sue but I'm in pain here. I feel like she screwed me big time. so back to the question... Should I sue this dentist? If so, for how much? If not, why, and how should I fix this? Thanks, Casey Dwayne
You can sue anyone but you would not win. So what should you do ? Go back to the dentist and tell him of your concerns. Listen to his side and see if there can be some kind of mutual agreement on where to go from here. If that does not work, and you are not satisfied, ask that all of your records be sent to another dentist of your choice for evaluation and a second opinion. You may have to pay a small fee for this, but it is your right. Depending on what happens from this, you can file a complaint with the state dental society or licensing board. If the dentist was at fault, they will make him pay reparations, etc. I think going through the legal system will only frustrate you. I wish you luck.

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