Heres the thing I already have health, dental, and vision insurance from work. It provides for me and my wife. It is a very comprehensive plan but if i go to a doctor i have to pay $15 bucks (small fee) and other relativley small copays. Now my wife got a new job about a while ago and is finally being offered a health plan. She gets to choose and we're thinking to get the plan that covers hospital procedures with a 0 copay but doesnt cover doctor visits or drugs. my plan has about a $100 deductible on drugs and $500 for hospital visits. so between both of them we pretty much got everything covered.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am an American visiting England and need emergency dental care. What can I do?
I don't have any medical insurance and don't qualify for their NHS. Do I just fork over some money and hope someone will help me? I have lost a tooth and I'm pretty panicked. I don't even know how to categorize this question correctly.
Try and find an emergency dentist they'll do it for ya
Try and find an emergency dentist they'll do it for ya
Can someone tell me what it would cost to make around 4 crowns for teeth?
Please note: Have no Dental Insurance
I have a dentist list on my website. go to it and look for providers in your area. after that if you go to, CONTACT US and and fill out the info " totally confidential " I can get u signed up for a discount program, or I can get you more info.…
I have a dentist list on my website. go to it and look for providers in your area. after that if you go to, CONTACT US and and fill out the info " totally confidential " I can get u signed up for a discount program, or I can get you more info.…
How much do braces cost?
And if we had dental insurance, would they cover the cost of them?
/////////// it will not cover the whole cost, it usually cost about 5,000 or so depending on the orthodontist and area
/////////// it will not cover the whole cost, it usually cost about 5,000 or so depending on the orthodontist and area
My husband pays for insurance for his 2 kids and braces for the older one,can his ex keep him from seeing?
My husband and I have been married for 2 yrs. His 2 kids from 1st marriage now live with his ex wife and he is supposed to see them on weekends now. There is no court order for custody and no order for support, however, we carry the medical, dental and eye insurance for them, plus we help make monthly payments for the older one's orthodonture bill, plus her cell phone!! ( ages are 15 and 10). Now on weekends, his ex notifies him by text msgs that the she has plans for the kids and they won't be coming over. This is becoming a regular thing now, he has not seen the kids for 3 weeks! She is doing this to him again as I type this which is what prompted me to seek advice and help from others. Does he have any rights as a father who is paying for his kids? Should we try for something more legal, or would it backfire in his face and he still end up with nothing?
Paying child support has nothing to do with custody and visitation. They are separate things and good parents are entitled to whichever one (or both) if they apply. It would be a shame to involve the courts if they've managed this long without them, but you may have no choice. The father has the right to see the kids. He should try talking to the kids directly about what is going on. It may be that they may have activities or things they want to do that they are afraid their dad would not take them to (even though he might be perfectly fine with it). On the other hand, if they are being withheld from seeing their dad against their will, that is something you will want to know too. You will want to understand what is behind it before you go to court. If the kids are choosing to stay home, going to court could backfire. Have him reach out to the kids and let them know he wants to see them. Encourage him to let them know that he will still take them to their activities, let them see their friends, etc. Good luck!
Paying child support has nothing to do with custody and visitation. They are separate things and good parents are entitled to whichever one (or both) if they apply. It would be a shame to involve the courts if they've managed this long without them, but you may have no choice. The father has the right to see the kids. He should try talking to the kids directly about what is going on. It may be that they may have activities or things they want to do that they are afraid their dad would not take them to (even though he might be perfectly fine with it). On the other hand, if they are being withheld from seeing their dad against their will, that is something you will want to know too. You will want to understand what is behind it before you go to court. If the kids are choosing to stay home, going to court could backfire. Have him reach out to the kids and let them know he wants to see them. Encourage him to let them know that he will still take them to their activities, let them see their friends, etc. Good luck!
how much does underbite surgery cost?
i want to quit my job but i've been sticking it out because they give me med and dental insurance but i've just about had enough but first i want to know the range of the cost for the surgery to see if i could take the financial burden.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
I want to offer my employees some healthcare benefits besides health insurance...what are my options?
Ideally, I would like to offer a "bank" of $1000 for each employee. This money can be used for doctor visits, dental care, gym memberships, vitamins, prescriptions, etc. Am I allowed to do this, or is there a specific program or plan that I must follow? Any information is greatly appreciated!
Yes, you are allowed to do this and yes, there are specific rules and regulations. Depending on your health plan you can set up an HSA, MSA, HRA, or FSA, among other less used plans. Here is the IRS publication with more information and links to more details about each type:
Yes, you are allowed to do this and yes, there are specific rules and regulations. Depending on your health plan you can set up an HSA, MSA, HRA, or FSA, among other less used plans. Here is the IRS publication with more information and links to more details about each type:
question on changing health insurance policy?
hi i have a insurance from my empoyer, that doesnt cover dental and vision,as i didnt opt for it.. am getting married in couple of months.. and want to change my insurance to a family insurance, so that it covers both me and my wife.. please let me know, what are the things to consider while changes the policy from single to family, how to get a best rate, and how to have good coverage.....
First of all...all you have to do is add her to your employer group policy as a dependant. No problem there. But if you want to get you own family policy, you have to becareful with "Pre-Existing" condition. You want to make sure that the policy you switch to doesnt decline any condition you may be experiencing at that time. If both of you are on no medications, then that should not be a problem As far as good coverage, ask for the most comprhensive coverage. It cost more but you will be covered properly especially if you start a family. See how much it would cost to add her on to your group policy Then call an agent to see how much a policy on your own would be. Sometimes it is cheaper on your own because if the group you are in is unhealthy and the group is rated high, then you would be paying a large premium for their claim activities Congrats on the marriage!
First of all...all you have to do is add her to your employer group policy as a dependant. No problem there. But if you want to get you own family policy, you have to becareful with "Pre-Existing" condition. You want to make sure that the policy you switch to doesnt decline any condition you may be experiencing at that time. If both of you are on no medications, then that should not be a problem As far as good coverage, ask for the most comprhensive coverage. It cost more but you will be covered properly especially if you start a family. See how much it would cost to add her on to your group policy Then call an agent to see how much a policy on your own would be. Sometimes it is cheaper on your own because if the group you are in is unhealthy and the group is rated high, then you would be paying a large premium for their claim activities Congrats on the marriage!
5 year old has lots of cavities and has never seen a dentist-advice on finding a dentist that won't judge us?
We just got dental insurance and her teeth are not good we also live in a weird-o state that doesn't put flouride in the water. We didn't know that for 4 years! Please don't tell me I'm a bad mom, I feel terrible about it as it is.
Don't feel bad, fluoride isn't nearly as good for you as you might think. While it can prevent cavities it can also damage your thyroid. Some water levels contain dangerous amounts but no one tells you that. Some kids just have softer teeth and sometimes genetics plays a role no matter what kind of preventive measures are taken. You are not a bad mom. I would highly recommend looking for a pediatric dentist or a family dentist that takes special interest in children. I think they'll be more sensitive to your concerns rather than making you feel judged. Schedule a no fear "getting to know you" visit, just as a meet and greet . A good dentist will do this. They will want to do this during a non peak time of the day when they can take time to answer questions and give you more personal attention. The dentist is providing a health service. your daughter is a patient and you are a customer. You are in charge.
Don't feel bad, fluoride isn't nearly as good for you as you might think. While it can prevent cavities it can also damage your thyroid. Some water levels contain dangerous amounts but no one tells you that. Some kids just have softer teeth and sometimes genetics plays a role no matter what kind of preventive measures are taken. You are not a bad mom. I would highly recommend looking for a pediatric dentist or a family dentist that takes special interest in children. I think they'll be more sensitive to your concerns rather than making you feel judged. Schedule a no fear "getting to know you" visit, just as a meet and greet . A good dentist will do this. They will want to do this during a non peak time of the day when they can take time to answer questions and give you more personal attention. The dentist is providing a health service. your daughter is a patient and you are a customer. You are in charge.
I live in Dc area.. [ DC MD VA ] and i would like to know... how much does a dental implant! [molar] PLEASE! i have no insurance =(
I'm not positive, but my dad was told once that if he wanted once of his teeth removed and replaced, i'd be around $3,000. I don't wanna shock you, cause, again, not entirely sure, but the cost is pretty up ther, at least $1,000, but probably a lot more without insurance =/
I'm not positive, but my dad was told once that if he wanted once of his teeth removed and replaced, i'd be around $3,000. I don't wanna shock you, cause, again, not entirely sure, but the cost is pretty up ther, at least $1,000, but probably a lot more without insurance =/
Hi i paid for premiums for health, life, and disability insurance and was wondering where i would file them on my tax return and can my health insurance be filed as a deduction under medical and dental expenses? please tell me what form and under what category
Life insurance is not a tax deduction because if you were to die the policy would pay out tax free.
Life insurance is not a tax deduction because if you were to die the policy would pay out tax free.
Why do people think that they shouldn't have to pay for their own dental work?
"i don't have insurance"...quit whining. if you're sick you go to the doctor whether you have insurance or not. so why do people avoid dental treatment knowing that it's gonna cause agonizing pain just because they don't have insurance. here's another one. why do you think that you deserve new teeth without paying for it? you let you teeth go bad (cause you didn't have insurance, right) and now you want some charitable organization to pay for your extreme makeover. it's by far the most common question on here. your tooth problems are always your own fault so it's time to take on the personal and financial resposiblity to do something about it. put the soda and candy bar down and pick up some floss so you don't have future problems.
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
Looking for an inexpensive Dentist in Dallas for Molar Extraction.?
My husband is needs his two upper molars removed and we have been quoted 344.00 per tooth and 500 for the anesthesia. Our insurance won't cover very much, does anyone know of a Dentist in the Dallas are that takes Dental Select Insurance, and works at a lower price. We aren't worried about a pretty waiting room at this point, just getting these painful teeth OUT. Thank you in advance for your answers.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
My Aetna Insurance isnt paying their agreed share of my bills!?
I work for red lion hotel, I signed up in November of 2009 for health, dental and medical insurance though Aetna. They take exactly $8.90 out for Dental, $17.02 out for Medical and $2.00 for vision from every one of my paychecks. So I Pay $55.84 per month for my insurance. I have seen a gyno and an eye dr. I called Aetna to make sure I was covered before I went to my appointments they said "yes"! I got a bill in the mail for my gyno app and I have to pay the entire Bill of about $200.00 I also have to pay the whole bill for my eye dr of $130.00. I called Aetna to find out why they will not pay the bills, they said well the gyno will not be covered because Aetna doesn't cover preventative care! I had an annual exam! They won't pay it! They said they'd only cover it if I was SICK!!! WTF! The Eye Dr. Appointment will not be covered because its not IN THEIR NETWORK! WTF I asked these jerks if they'd cover these appointments before I had them and they all said yes now they all tell me they will not pay after I had them! Of coarse I'm going to cancel my insurance but can I request to have all the money they have taken out from my paychecks back? since they didn't cover any of my bills and i never use the insurance? they have received $233.36 from my paychecks to pay for the insurance! I feel since they will not pay my medical bills like they had said they would I should get all that money back since I never got to use any of it! I also never used any of there services! My other problem is the hotel I work at doesn't really have an HR anymore they do but they don't so it's not easy to talk to my employer about this. The girl who was the previous HR didn't even give me my Insurance Cards, I had to ask the Accounting department to help me, they are just cards you rip out of the back of the packet. This company doesn't send you cards like Blue Cross Blue Sheild or othe companies do... Also I never got an ID # I was told to use my SOS, well that doesn't work either. I hate Aetna!
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
Does anyone know a place near Tampa where i can get my tooth removed at a fair price?
Does anyone know where i can get my tooth fixed or removed near Tampa,or Saintpetersburg Florida at a low cost?I dont know if it is true but i heard that dental colleges and universities does it at low cost if this is true please tell me places i can get help,it is very expensive to see a regular dentist expecially if your insurance doesnt cover dental.I am hurting please help.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Liberals please answer the following questions?
1. Do you believe that the government should pay for health insurance for every american? 2. Do you believe that the government should pay for dental insurance? 3. Do you believe that the government should pay for everyone's college? 4. If a person wants to work, and does not have a vehicle do you believe that the government should pay for transportation to work? 5. If a person wants to work, and does not have child care do you believe that the government should pay for child care? 6. If a person wants to work and does not have money to pay for an apartment do you believe the government should pay for a place for them to live? 7. If you answered yes to these, who will pay for this?
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
My daughter had surgery to remove an impacted tooth. Did I get cheated?
The dentist/oral surgeon wanted to do the operation at a hospital instead of his office. Everything went great untill I had to pay for it. I got stuck with the entire bill, because my dental insurance said "it was a medical proceadure" and my medical insurance said "it was a dental proceadure. What can I do to make these dead beat insurance anancys pay their part?
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
Health insurance. Is it worth it? Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay out of pocket?
My job does not offer insurance and even my husbands job offers expensive insurance that would cost us over $115 a month for health and dental for us. All we want is two dental cleanings a year and one or two visits to the doctor for when we get the flu (which we do get, every year). Wouldn't it be cheaper just to pay for the doctor visit instead of paying hundreds to an insurance company only to get half off at the doctor?
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
A piece of plastic lodged in my gums?
A few months ago, I was picking at my gums with a plastic toothpick, and tip got lodged in my gums. I tried pushing it out at the time, but it was too deep to get out. Eventually, time passed and I forgot about it, but now it's starting to hurt again. How can I get it out myself? I don't have any health or dental insurance so I can't just go and get help.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
I need a tooth pulled, havent been to dentist in years, do i have to have all the x-rays and cleaning done?
2nd molar upper right, is loose and has moved. No dental insurance, don't make much money, just want it pulled none of the other stuff. will it be required?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
My brother has a VERY bad cavity thats giving him major pain, what should he do?
He doesnt have dental insurance and all the dentist are closed...he's in bad pain. What can he do to stop the pain???
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
I was chosen as best answer for a question, and when I went to look at the question it was deleted?
My answer was totally legitimate, boring, non offensive, non-spam answer about dental insurance. It was a good and thorough answer and the Asker chose it as best answer. When I went to look at the question today, it is gone. Not in my activity details or anything. I don't care about whether I get ten pts or not, I just want to know why the question got deleted.
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
How can i get braces?
I am on medicaid, and my mom keeps telling me that if you are on it that you can't get braces. I really need them. I'm 17 and about to be a senior. I really wanna get them before i go to college. Can someone help me. Also, would it be possible if I got health-dental insurance for me, would that cover the costs of braces?
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I need a cheap dentist in Denver, Colorado?
I had a root canal done, which maxed out my Dental Insurance. I still need a crown lenthening done and crown put on the tooth.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Question about braces and insurance?
Ok my mom's job (she's a hospital nurse) went bankrupt so then another company took over. She had to get a new dental and health insurance thing and they were supposed to start taking money directly from her paycheck. They'll take it this upcoming paycheck and yeah. Well I need braces and my mom said that since it just started I can't get them. Is that true? And is it possible to get braces without insurance and then when it kicks in, you can start using payments with insurance (sorry if that doesn't make any sense!). BTW the insurance is called Aetna.
u could do a payment schedule where u pay every month..and no u don't have to have insurance for that...i would call an orthodontist and see what he of luck to u :-)
u could do a payment schedule where u pay every month..and no u don't have to have insurance for that...i would call an orthodontist and see what he of luck to u :-)
What are the benefits you received from your employer?
1.Medical Insurance: 2.Dental and vision insurance: 3.401K matching: 4.Paid Vacation days: 5.Paid off (Sick leave...etc): 6.Bonus:
Medical insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Flexible spending accounts (for childcare, OTC drugs, etc) 401(k) account and matching Paid time off (vacation, sick, holiday) Bonus program (varies) Tuition reimbursement Work from home (limited) Credit union Wellness program (vendor comes into our office to do cafeteria-style tests like thyroid panel, blood pressure, diabetes, etc) We used to have a Legal insurance plan that worked like an HMO but there wasn't enough participation so they dropped it. But those of us already participating had the option to keep it on our own. ************* MESSAGE FOR TREASURE TROOPER *********** Thank you for your service!!
Medical insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Flexible spending accounts (for childcare, OTC drugs, etc) 401(k) account and matching Paid time off (vacation, sick, holiday) Bonus program (varies) Tuition reimbursement Work from home (limited) Credit union Wellness program (vendor comes into our office to do cafeteria-style tests like thyroid panel, blood pressure, diabetes, etc) We used to have a Legal insurance plan that worked like an HMO but there wasn't enough participation so they dropped it. But those of us already participating had the option to keep it on our own. ************* MESSAGE FOR TREASURE TROOPER *********** Thank you for your service!!
what happens when an establishment breaks a labour law?
im doing a project.. and i need to come up with a consequence for my law. this is the law: provide dental and medical insurance for part-time workers & their families who work in an establishment that offers benefits to fulltime employees. i need a consequence if you break that law. i dont even need an educated answer.. just anything that you think is fitting :]
Back pay for all medical/ dental work received during the time which the employee was employed with the employer. (Yes I know I could have rephrased it so it would be less confusing, but it's still correct.) And compensation for any punitive damages.
Back pay for all medical/ dental work received during the time which the employee was employed with the employer. (Yes I know I could have rephrased it so it would be less confusing, but it's still correct.) And compensation for any punitive damages.
Court Ordered Insurance Coverage?
My father is currently paying child support every month or so. But last year the court ordered health, dental and vision insurance coverage from him as the noncustodial parent and it said it was now in effect. I was wondering am I covered for his insurance or not? It said it was in effect but that's basically it. So is there other things I have to do to be covered under his insurance or what?
The court order is in effect. That doesn't mean that your dad's employer is required to add you to their policy, if you don't meet the definition of dependent for that policy. If you don't meet the definition of dependent - like maybe he has to claim you on his taxes - then to follow the court order, he has to buy private health insurance coverage for you. No here could possibly know, if you're covered under his employer's policy, or if he bought you a seperate policy - or even if he's complied with the court order. You'll have to ask him.
The court order is in effect. That doesn't mean that your dad's employer is required to add you to their policy, if you don't meet the definition of dependent for that policy. If you don't meet the definition of dependent - like maybe he has to claim you on his taxes - then to follow the court order, he has to buy private health insurance coverage for you. No here could possibly know, if you're covered under his employer's policy, or if he bought you a seperate policy - or even if he's complied with the court order. You'll have to ask him.
Question about braces and insurance?
Ok my mom's job (she's a hospital nurse) went bankrupt so then another company took over. She had to get a new dental and health insurance thing and they were supposed to start taking money directly from her paycheck. They'll take it this upcoming paycheck and yeah. Well I need braces and my mom said that since it just started I can't get them. Is that true? And is it possible to get braces without insurance and then when it kicks in, you can start using payments with insurance (sorry if that doesn't make any sense!). BTW the insurance is called Aetna.
Well I had the opposite situation. I too had gotten braces through my moms aetna dental plan and then after her company shut down I was forced to pay out of pocket. It is possible to get braces without insurance its just very very expensive. Once my insurance ran out I was responsible for making their payments on top of mine taking my 138.00 payment to almost 400.00. Some offices offer credit cards which you can use to pay for your braces as well. There is a number on the back of your insurance card that you can call and ask a represenative if they will allow you guys to make a payment out of pocket until your insurance plan kicks in, and also make sure your future ortho office knows of the plan too. Good luck
Well I had the opposite situation. I too had gotten braces through my moms aetna dental plan and then after her company shut down I was forced to pay out of pocket. It is possible to get braces without insurance its just very very expensive. Once my insurance ran out I was responsible for making their payments on top of mine taking my 138.00 payment to almost 400.00. Some offices offer credit cards which you can use to pay for your braces as well. There is a number on the back of your insurance card that you can call and ask a represenative if they will allow you guys to make a payment out of pocket until your insurance plan kicks in, and also make sure your future ortho office knows of the plan too. Good luck
Dentistry Help For Adults Without Insurance?
My husband needs dental work in the Ohio area.... Is there anyone who knows of any dentists, charity offers or any type of assistance out there that can be of help to us? We don't have insurance and although I have tried to familiarize myself with the medicaid dental for adults in the state of Ohio, it's very confusing and of course frustrating.......All comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks
Go to a dental teaching school, or dental hygienist school. They will both have on site licensed dentists and the student will be supervised. Something you can find out about rates on the internet, they are usually very reasonable. Scheduling might take a long time though.
Go to a dental teaching school, or dental hygienist school. They will both have on site licensed dentists and the student will be supervised. Something you can find out about rates on the internet, they are usually very reasonable. Scheduling might take a long time though.
Are there any affordable dental care ?
I do have insurance but it doesn't cover cosmetic,I can't seem to find a dental office that's not only affordable but does it all. From x-rays - replacement of the tooth all in one day I need a front side tooth replace cause it chipped a little I live in Boston Ma,
If you call your closest dental school (university or college) they usually have reduced or free care performed by dental students....a dentist is overseeing them. Its like when you go to a beauty school for a student to cut your hair.....
If you call your closest dental school (university or college) they usually have reduced or free care performed by dental students....a dentist is overseeing them. Its like when you go to a beauty school for a student to cut your hair.....
Would you switch dentists for this reason?
If you didn't like your dentist because he badgers you to save thousands to get 6 crowns (One per year) for cosmetic purposes and won't listen to you if you tell him you don't want them and dental insurance doesn't cover cosmetic crowns, would you stay with him or start going to a different dentist that's in network with your insurance plan but takes you an extra half hour to get to? Can you have your dental records mailed to your address to give to a new dentist at a later time?
Yes, I would switch dentists. I don't think that medical care should have to be difficult in any way. It's tough enough for most of us to get the energy and courage up to deal with medical problems in the first place. Health care workers who add to that burden aren't worth the time. You should be able to get your records transferred, but ask the receptionist. If you're feeling shy, just call and ask them if records can be transferred without giving your name.
Yes, I would switch dentists. I don't think that medical care should have to be difficult in any way. It's tough enough for most of us to get the energy and courage up to deal with medical problems in the first place. Health care workers who add to that burden aren't worth the time. You should be able to get your records transferred, but ask the receptionist. If you're feeling shy, just call and ask them if records can be transferred without giving your name.
do u know about insurance coverage well if u do read this question?
question to consider when shoping for insurance coverage? a.what is the out-of-pocket amount b.what is the co-pay cost at point of service c.what is the actual coverage for various services,including dental and vision d.all of the above
a. How much you have to pay. b. How much you pay the doctor for an office visit. c. Varies WILDLY. d. all of the above.
a. How much you have to pay. b. How much you pay the doctor for an office visit. c. Varies WILDLY. d. all of the above.
Over 65. Does anybody have any kind of insurance that covers teeth?
Everything I have looked at, including Medicare coverage does not cover teeth or dental work. What the heck? Are healthy teeth not part of upkeep for a health plan any more? Or do they all think that by our age we should have had them all pulled and have dentures.
My 80 year old mother has Secure Horizons and pays $22.00 a month for dental coverage. Call Secure Horizons and ask them. It's separate from medical coverage.
My 80 year old mother has Secure Horizons and pays $22.00 a month for dental coverage. Call Secure Horizons and ask them. It's separate from medical coverage.
help with dental work?
I am a single mother, I recently lost my job, and insurance. I went to the dentist today with a horrible toothache to find that I need a root canal. The total for the whole procedure is over $2000, so what I am looking for is either a dental school in California's central valley, or a free clinic. If anyone has any suggestions for what I should do Any and all suggestions are appreciated! Thank you
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
my son was badly injured playing ice hockey and does not have medical insurance how can he get assistance?
for his medical and dental bills
Depending on the doctor or dentist they may take payments if you explain that there is no health insurance.
Depending on the doctor or dentist they may take payments if you explain that there is no health insurance.
Does this dental charge about deep scaling seem valid?
Insurance pays 100% for DEEP scaling and root planing. But the dentist says he will charge for accompaning "irrigation". Does this sound like a normal charge? It's going to be $240.00 for the entire mouth. Thank you.
Where can I get an inexpensive NTI Dental Device?
I had a NTI device created for my teeth to stop nighttime dog ate it and insurance won't cover the cost of a new one. Does anyone have recommendations for where I can get a new one or a similar device?
NTI-tss cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. That appliance must be fabricated by a dentist. Unfortunately they are not cheap and as you well know pets love them. Good Luck
NTI-tss cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. That appliance must be fabricated by a dentist. Unfortunately they are not cheap and as you well know pets love them. Good Luck
Which insurance plan should I choose?
my job offers three different plans: 1. an HMO that has a $20 copay at the doctors office 2. Lumenos basic-no copay at the doctor, and the company gives me $1000 toward doctors office visits, preventative care such as mammograms and pap smears do not come off that $1000, when that $1000 is used I have a deductible of $1000, then the plan pays 80% 3. Lumenos enhanced-same as above only the deductible is $500, then the plan pays 80% If I don't use the whole $1000, it rolls over to the next year when they add another $1000. With my life insurance, dental plan, and vision, the total out of each paycheck would be $20 with the HMO, $17 with the Lumenous basic, and $25 with the Lumenous enhanced. I went with Lumenous basic, but I have 30 days to change my mind, if anyone has Lumenous, how do you like it?
The HMO is best if it covers 100 percent of your medical care should you become sick or injured. If the HMO pays less than 80 percent then plan number 2 is your best option.
The HMO is best if it covers 100 percent of your medical care should you become sick or injured. If the HMO pays less than 80 percent then plan number 2 is your best option.
Anyone used dental discount cards/plans, are they a rip off? seems to have some decent plans... but I think they are the discount cards. Around $150 a year for family plans that seem to cover about the same percentages as my dental helth insurance. Example.. Insurance: 50$ a month. 80% copay after 6mo waiting period on most everything minor & 50%copay on major w/ an 18mo waiting period. Card: Pretty decent savings a filling is only 50$ (regular 120) & no waiting.. WWYD?
They are a dental discount card. Here is how it works. You as the patient will usually get a GREAT deal on having your teeth cleaned. The exam and X rays are how the office makes back the money they lost of the cleaning. The patient does get the advantage of knowing exactly how much each procedure will cost them. The dental offices sign up beause they get free advertisment, they get patients who most likely have bad teeth otherwise they wouldn't sign up for the program. Suggestion. If you have good/great teeth skip the plan all together and set aside money in a Health Savings account for down the road. Find out which offices are on the discount plan, and ask them if they would honor the rates posted from the discounter, 9/10 they will say sure even theough you don't belong because you asked for the discount.
They are a dental discount card. Here is how it works. You as the patient will usually get a GREAT deal on having your teeth cleaned. The exam and X rays are how the office makes back the money they lost of the cleaning. The patient does get the advantage of knowing exactly how much each procedure will cost them. The dental offices sign up beause they get free advertisment, they get patients who most likely have bad teeth otherwise they wouldn't sign up for the program. Suggestion. If you have good/great teeth skip the plan all together and set aside money in a Health Savings account for down the road. Find out which offices are on the discount plan, and ask them if they would honor the rates posted from the discounter, 9/10 they will say sure even theough you don't belong because you asked for the discount.
Does anyone know how much would it cost to get a dental implant?
I do not have insurance coverage as the implant will be replacing a baby tooth
I don't know your age but usually it's not recommended that you replace a baby tooth with an inplant as that you should get an adult tooth to replace it unless told otherwise by your dentist. If it is indeed an adult tooth it does depend where you go. I believe you have to see and Oral Surgeon to put in implant. The General Dentist does the crown. Unless things have changed. Your looking anywhere between $1000 to $3000 depending on where you go.
I don't know your age but usually it's not recommended that you replace a baby tooth with an inplant as that you should get an adult tooth to replace it unless told otherwise by your dentist. If it is indeed an adult tooth it does depend where you go. I believe you have to see and Oral Surgeon to put in implant. The General Dentist does the crown. Unless things have changed. Your looking anywhere between $1000 to $3000 depending on where you go.
Financial help with dental work for my daughter....?
Does anyone know of any place/organization/person/etc. that provides financial assistance for dental work? My daughter needs some dental work done and our insurance will not cover the costs for the procedures. She lacks the protective coating on her baby teeth the we have when we start getting our teeth. Therefore, her teeth are decaying rapidly. It is only her top teeth. So she needs all of them to be capped. To do this she will need to be put out - completely put under because she is only 6 years old... that is where the expense comes in. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Taking out a loan is out of the question due to bad credit.
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Try to see if you do. Medicaid would become the secondary insurance. Your dentist would need to submit a treatment plan for authorization to your first insurance, then Medicaid. Then do the same with all the billings.
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Try to see if you do. Medicaid would become the secondary insurance. Your dentist would need to submit a treatment plan for authorization to your first insurance, then Medicaid. Then do the same with all the billings.
What is The Overall PROCESS and Experience of Invisalign? Financially as well?
I am an 18 year old college student on a tight budget yet have been wanting to close my minor gaps for many years. I went to a dentist who offered to do OrthoClear for $4000 but OrthroClear was recently bought out during a lawsuit with invisalign, no longer and option. I travelled to many other dentists and the lowest offer I got was $8000 for invisalign; too high for my small budget. Luckly i contacted the dentist that offered my $4000 for the orthoclear and can perform invisalign for my minor corrections for $4,500. I will still call other offices to see if they can beat that price though this dentist is a good one so i'll most likely stick with him. Can someone fill me in on the overall process I will have to undergo from the moment I step into the dentists office? Payment plans? (I dont have dental insurance) and such? Will it truly be $4500 or much more if there needs to be other exams and charges? I just dont wanna end up paying more. Thanks! Also the invisalign treatment.
Check this out: After you have your impressions taken, they are scanned into a computer. A virtual model of your teeth is created in the computer. Very small movements are done on this virtual model. From this computer image, a real model of your teeth is made. Some more very small movements are made on the virtual model, and so on. This keeps up until a whole series of thin plastic appliances is created to guide your teeth to the desired end position. The plastic is thin, but pretty strong. When it first goes in, it feels tight, because it is pressing on the places on your teeth where they have to move. After a few days, the tighness goes away and you know your teeth have moved. You change appliances every two weeks until your case is done. In my rural Mid-Atlantic general practice, I charge $3,000 for most Invisalign cases, which is less than traditional braces in most cases. I have heard that some charge more for Invisalign than they do for braces, though. The thing is, I am not a specialist and I choose to do only "easy" cases that will not require extra devices to be used in conjunction with Invisalign. This can add to the fee significantly.
Check this out: After you have your impressions taken, they are scanned into a computer. A virtual model of your teeth is created in the computer. Very small movements are done on this virtual model. From this computer image, a real model of your teeth is made. Some more very small movements are made on the virtual model, and so on. This keeps up until a whole series of thin plastic appliances is created to guide your teeth to the desired end position. The plastic is thin, but pretty strong. When it first goes in, it feels tight, because it is pressing on the places on your teeth where they have to move. After a few days, the tighness goes away and you know your teeth have moved. You change appliances every two weeks until your case is done. In my rural Mid-Atlantic general practice, I charge $3,000 for most Invisalign cases, which is less than traditional braces in most cases. I have heard that some charge more for Invisalign than they do for braces, though. The thing is, I am not a specialist and I choose to do only "easy" cases that will not require extra devices to be used in conjunction with Invisalign. This can add to the fee significantly.
If God created an intelligent design, then why did he make our mouths too small for our teeth?
So that when we get older it hurts like a ******, and we are forced to go see a dentist to have those teeth removed (And why would he allow a governor to take away all the dental insurance in CA) So again, why would God make everyone's mouths too small for their own teeth (and for those of you who still don't get it, they're called "Wisdom Teeth" and the tooth fairy doesn't pick them up when they fall out)
Actually the problems we are all having with our teeth is the result of ongoing evolution. Our sculls are changing shape. Our jaws are narrowing and our brain rotating to be more on top of our eyes instead of behind them like in most other animals. It's actually down to one bone in our brain called the butterfly bone. It is the base scull bone that has been slowly rotating upright that has caused our head to change shape. :) There is no such thing as a giant invisible magic being. True love is unconditional, love with strings is narcissism. Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
Actually the problems we are all having with our teeth is the result of ongoing evolution. Our sculls are changing shape. Our jaws are narrowing and our brain rotating to be more on top of our eyes instead of behind them like in most other animals. It's actually down to one bone in our brain called the butterfly bone. It is the base scull bone that has been slowly rotating upright that has caused our head to change shape. :) There is no such thing as a giant invisible magic being. True love is unconditional, love with strings is narcissism. Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
Where can I find the best medical and dental plans?
Low-cost insurance as well.
You will not generally find good dental insurance for individuals. The thing is, insurance companies are in BUSINESS and they want to make a PROFIT. They know exactly how much any given group is going to spend for their dental needs, so they construct a fee schedule for that group and decide how much premium that they will need to charge to pay out those fees for that group and still make money. Dental insurance can be a big loser for the insurance companies, because EVERYONE has dental problems. Not everyone has a heart attack. Besides, any individual who is looking for dental insurance is most likely planning on USING it to the maximum. There is no way for the insurance companies to recoup their expenses from this type of policy.
You will not generally find good dental insurance for individuals. The thing is, insurance companies are in BUSINESS and they want to make a PROFIT. They know exactly how much any given group is going to spend for their dental needs, so they construct a fee schedule for that group and decide how much premium that they will need to charge to pay out those fees for that group and still make money. Dental insurance can be a big loser for the insurance companies, because EVERYONE has dental problems. Not everyone has a heart attack. Besides, any individual who is looking for dental insurance is most likely planning on USING it to the maximum. There is no way for the insurance companies to recoup their expenses from this type of policy.
I have had intermittent toothache for the last four weeks this only started after I had a filling replaced?
The filling was found to need replacing on my 6 month check so I know there is nothing wrong with any of my teeth. I don't want to go back to my dentist if there is nothing wrong as it is £30 a time and my dental insurance was maxed out by the filling.
It is normal to have some discomfort after a filling due to the trauma to the tooth. The filling may be high and in need of an adjustment. There should not be a charge for a follow up visit to have the filling/bite adjusted because it is still part of the original procedure. However, I am in the states and am not sure about how it works in the UK. But call the dentist and tell them that you are having trouble and ask how much it would be to have the bite adjusted. Also, the new filling may have been deeper than the original one and that may be the cause of your pain. If that is the case, then I suggest you give it 2 to 6 weeks for the pain to go away. Hope this helps you
It is normal to have some discomfort after a filling due to the trauma to the tooth. The filling may be high and in need of an adjustment. There should not be a charge for a follow up visit to have the filling/bite adjusted because it is still part of the original procedure. However, I am in the states and am not sure about how it works in the UK. But call the dentist and tell them that you are having trouble and ask how much it would be to have the bite adjusted. Also, the new filling may have been deeper than the original one and that may be the cause of your pain. If that is the case, then I suggest you give it 2 to 6 weeks for the pain to go away. Hope this helps you
Why do people think that they shouldn't have to pay for their own dental work?
"i don't have insurance"...quit whining. if you're sick you go to the doctor whether you have insurance or not. so why do people avoid dental treatment knowing that it's gonna cause agonizing pain just because they don't have insurance. here's another one. why do you think that you deserve new teeth without paying for it? you let you teeth go bad (cause you didn't have insurance, right) and now you want some charitable organization to pay for your extreme makeover. it's by far the most common question on here. your tooth problems are always your own fault so it's time to take on the personal and financial resposiblity to do something about it. put the soda and candy bar down and pick up some floss so you don't have future problems.
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
Looking for an inexpensive Dentist in Dallas for Molar Extraction.?
My husband is needs his two upper molars removed and we have been quoted 344.00 per tooth and 500 for the anesthesia. Our insurance won't cover very much, does anyone know of a Dentist in the Dallas are that takes Dental Select Insurance, and works at a lower price. We aren't worried about a pretty waiting room at this point, just getting these painful teeth OUT. Thank you in advance for your answers.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Aetna Insurance isnt paying their agreed share of my bills!?
I work for red lion hotel, I signed up in November of 2009 for health, dental and medical insurance though Aetna. They take exactly $8.90 out for Dental, $17.02 out for Medical and $2.00 for vision from every one of my paychecks. So I Pay $55.84 per month for my insurance. I have seen a gyno and an eye dr. I called Aetna to make sure I was covered before I went to my appointments they said "yes"! I got a bill in the mail for my gyno app and I have to pay the entire Bill of about $200.00 I also have to pay the whole bill for my eye dr of $130.00. I called Aetna to find out why they will not pay the bills, they said well the gyno will not be covered because Aetna doesn't cover preventative care! I had an annual exam! They won't pay it! They said they'd only cover it if I was SICK!!! WTF! The Eye Dr. Appointment will not be covered because its not IN THEIR NETWORK! WTF I asked these jerks if they'd cover these appointments before I had them and they all said yes now they all tell me they will not pay after I had them! Of coarse I'm going to cancel my insurance but can I request to have all the money they have taken out from my paychecks back? since they didn't cover any of my bills and i never use the insurance? they have received $233.36 from my paychecks to pay for the insurance! I feel since they will not pay my medical bills like they had said they would I should get all that money back since I never got to use any of it! I also never used any of there services! My other problem is the hotel I work at doesn't really have an HR anymore they do but they don't so it's not easy to talk to my employer about this. The girl who was the previous HR didn't even give me my Insurance Cards, I had to ask the Accounting department to help me, they are just cards you rip out of the back of the packet. This company doesn't send you cards like Blue Cross Blue Sheild or othe companies do... Also I never got an ID # I was told to use my SOS, well that doesn't work either. I hate Aetna!
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
Does anyone know a place near Tampa where i can get my tooth removed at a fair price?
Does anyone know where i can get my tooth fixed or removed near Tampa,or Saintpetersburg Florida at a low cost?I dont know if it is true but i heard that dental colleges and universities does it at low cost if this is true please tell me places i can get help,it is very expensive to see a regular dentist expecially if your insurance doesnt cover dental.I am hurting please help.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Liberals please answer the following questions?
1. Do you believe that the government should pay for health insurance for every american? 2. Do you believe that the government should pay for dental insurance? 3. Do you believe that the government should pay for everyone's college? 4. If a person wants to work, and does not have a vehicle do you believe that the government should pay for transportation to work? 5. If a person wants to work, and does not have child care do you believe that the government should pay for child care? 6. If a person wants to work and does not have money to pay for an apartment do you believe the government should pay for a place for them to live? 7. If you answered yes to these, who will pay for this?
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
I don't know about if you could receive free insurance benefits. An alternative to medical/dental insurance would be a discount health plan. I have located a website that compares health benefit plans, as I do not have personal experience with any plan other than Ameriplan. I have listed the compare website as a source, as well as a site for Ameriplan. Also in my search, I located a website that has some guidelines for comparing discount health plans, which I will also list as a source. I hope that this helps you.
I don't know about if you could receive free insurance benefits. An alternative to medical/dental insurance would be a discount health plan. I have located a website that compares health benefit plans, as I do not have personal experience with any plan other than Ameriplan. I have listed the compare website as a source, as well as a site for Ameriplan. Also in my search, I located a website that has some guidelines for comparing discount health plans, which I will also list as a source. I hope that this helps you.
how much is an office visit to the cherry hill dental office?
i need to see a dentist about a problem and at the moment i don't have insurance but i will starting next month so I'm worried about the cost of the visit and the work the dentist will have to do on me (cherry hill dentist office in Jefferson City, MO)
From the knowledge of mine,I have good experience here .Not only was I able to choose from many different discount dental plans in my area, but easily found one that offers incredible savings.
From the knowledge of mine,I have good experience here .Not only was I able to choose from many different discount dental plans in my area, but easily found one that offers incredible savings.
how much does a partial tooth cost?
i was just wondering because im about to get one and i have no insurance and i have to pay cash. So whats the range of prices it could cost. And does anyone know of some affordable dental insurance? Thanks alot:P
it varies from where you live, how many teeth are involved, and if the dentist needs to do extractions. where i work we have done partial that replace three teeth and charged $1100. ask your dentist ahead of time they should know what they will charge.
it varies from where you live, how many teeth are involved, and if the dentist needs to do extractions. where i work we have done partial that replace three teeth and charged $1100. ask your dentist ahead of time they should know what they will charge.
Average cost of a wisdom tooth extraction? And a cheap dental plan? help?
I have to have a wisdom tooth out, soon, but my insurance wants an outrageous amount of money and I can't find comparitive prices online. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? I don't know anyways what i need is a cheap Dental plan and to know about how much it costs for a wisdom tooth extraction please thank you. Best answer to the cheapest/most cost effective insurance recommendation
I would encourage you to visit this website. I signed up with them online over 3 years ago. They have helped me save thousands of dollars from extractions, root canals, cleanings. I know for a fact that all services are included especially orthodontics and cosmetic surgery for the entire family in the benefits. They had my membership active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. I am very thankful that I found them. Check to see if they are in your area. Good Luck. Hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit this website. I signed up with them online over 3 years ago. They have helped me save thousands of dollars from extractions, root canals, cleanings. I know for a fact that all services are included especially orthodontics and cosmetic surgery for the entire family in the benefits. They had my membership active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. I am very thankful that I found them. Check to see if they are in your area. Good Luck. Hope this helps
what is the benefit of having two (2) health insurance??
i want to know what the benefits are of having 2 health insurance? i have nmever gotten insurance covergae frommy work since my husband has a really good health insurance from his work. if i have 2 insurance do i still have to pay copays? with dental coverage for instance, if the primary insurance (the one from my husband) pays 80 percent of the cost, will my second insurance cover the remaining amount? what good will having 2 health insurance do for me. is it even woth getting two?? thanks so much for any input/ information..
Generally, there is no beneficial result from having 2 different insurance coverages for health. This is why: most health insurance companies will not pay what is covered by another insurance company. Most of the time, they will share paying 50-50, but you end up still paying your copay and deductible. The exception is if you have Medicare coverage. By having additional insurance (called medigap insurance) the latter insurance will take care of the 20% that medicare does not cover.
Generally, there is no beneficial result from having 2 different insurance coverages for health. This is why: most health insurance companies will not pay what is covered by another insurance company. Most of the time, they will share paying 50-50, but you end up still paying your copay and deductible. The exception is if you have Medicare coverage. By having additional insurance (called medigap insurance) the latter insurance will take care of the 20% that medicare does not cover.
Roughly how much would dental bonding cost?
I want to bond my 6 upper front teeth because they are mishapen and discolored soo: 1) how much would it cost? 2) I don't have insurance and wanna pay outta pocket... can I do that?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
Canada and Health Options for Immigrants?
I have been in Canada for a few years now on a student work permit. I am from the US. I am now working in Canada, but I don't have any benefits through my job. Does anyone know of what kind of health options are available to me? I cannot seem to find anything on the Canadian immigration site regarding health or dental insurance. Does anyone have information good companies that provide health insurance to immigrants? Thanks
--------------------… this is a list of companies that may be able to help.
--------------------… this is a list of companies that may be able to help.
I woke up the other morning with a chipped tooth?
It is the one right to my biggest two teeth in the front. When I look at it I can hardly see it but the feeling is driving me crazy. I left a job with dental insurance six months ago and I don't know what to do. I do not have insurance where I am working now. Will this feeling go away? What can I do/
The feeling most likely will not go away, and any abnormality usually makes your tongue want to mess with it. I would suggest calling your last dentist (because they already have your records so it will save you from having to do any of that) to see if they can smooth it and even it for you, It wouldn't be very expensive or time consuming.
The feeling most likely will not go away, and any abnormality usually makes your tongue want to mess with it. I would suggest calling your last dentist (because they already have your records so it will save you from having to do any of that) to see if they can smooth it and even it for you, It wouldn't be very expensive or time consuming.
i'm confused about the military family health insurance?
how soon after enlistment do we receive the health insurance? Do we get to decide weather we want tricare prime, extra, or standard? does the health care cover dental and eye care?
you are covered as soon as your husband enlists. He has to go through a paperwork drill, but that is back dated to his date of entry as you are already married. You do get to choose between the different forms of coverage. I haven't kept up on what all is covered but the website is well-maintained and provides all the information you need. Good luck and welcome to the military!
you are covered as soon as your husband enlists. He has to go through a paperwork drill, but that is back dated to his date of entry as you are already married. You do get to choose between the different forms of coverage. I haven't kept up on what all is covered but the website is well-maintained and provides all the information you need. Good luck and welcome to the military!
Good dentist in San Antonio 78230 zip code?
Does anyone know of a good dentist in the San Antonio area. Near the 78230 zip code would be good but no required. Just getting dental insurance and my old dentist does not accept my new dental plan. Aetna Texas Advantage Plan. Any help from anyone in the area would be appreciated. I don't want to go visit Dr. Issac Yankem DDS (for all you wrestling fans out there). Thanks again!
Oakwell Village Dental (210) 832-9993 3301 Oakwell Ct, #102, San Antonio, TX 78218 very good dentist office and I believe they take your Aetna dental plan.
Oakwell Village Dental (210) 832-9993 3301 Oakwell Ct, #102, San Antonio, TX 78218 very good dentist office and I believe they take your Aetna dental plan.
does Bankers Life and Casualty Company offer Benefits for sales representatives?
when i say benefits, i mean like do they give the representatives medical insurance, dental insurance, and optical
Yeah, it's called commissions.
Yeah, it's called commissions.
Should my kids dad chip in for dental work?
In our divorce decree the children are to be covered by fathers insurance. The dental office when I first set up my kids appts. said the bills would have to be sent to him because the insurance is in his name. Well, he is not paying the bills. I pay all the up front fees they ask for because he never takes them to get work done. He says they don't need it because its too expensive but they have severly buck teeth and need braces. He spends lots of money on medical bills etc. for his girlfriend and her kids though. My kids really want the braces but it looks like I will have to find a way to pay up front cost and bills after insurance. The dentist will not continue to see them otherwise. We have a so-called 50-50 arrangement according to the decree but he just isn't doing his part. I don't know if I should just scrape on by or if I should really try to modify custody and residency so I can get help for my kids. Isn't his disregard for their physical well being child neglect and abuse?
Absolutely! You didn't make your children yourself! He should step up to the plate and stop neglecting his children, especially if he can manage to pay for his girlfriend and her kids. I would definitely take him to court for this. He is not doing what he agreed by law that he would do. Good luck, I'm hoping things will turn out okay for you and your children!
Absolutely! You didn't make your children yourself! He should step up to the plate and stop neglecting his children, especially if he can manage to pay for his girlfriend and her kids. I would definitely take him to court for this. He is not doing what he agreed by law that he would do. Good luck, I'm hoping things will turn out okay for you and your children!
how much did it cost to take off and replace a broken teeth?
i live in phoenix Az, and just four ahours ago i broke my teeth while i was swimming, one of the upper front teeth and my problem is i dont have a dental insurance....(sucks) any tip where i can find a cheap dental, may be i will take the option of filling if thats cheap too... so help
ummm....they are usually very expensive, so best thing would be to save up some money first.
ummm....they are usually very expensive, so best thing would be to save up some money first.
Can you get dental work done with out paying for it?
Like Porcelain Veneers, with out major repercussions. I DON'T HAVE INSURANCE EITHER.
You really cant. There are a few things that your city or state will provide is you qaulify... Fillings, extractions and sometimes cleanings. What you want is cosmetic and you probally will not get that for free. Can you buy a brand new car without paying for it? Check with you city.
You really cant. There are a few things that your city or state will provide is you qaulify... Fillings, extractions and sometimes cleanings. What you want is cosmetic and you probally will not get that for free. Can you buy a brand new car without paying for it? Check with you city.
Home remedy for a toothache or abscess?
I have been told I need a root canal, but do not have dental insurance or the funds to go to the dentist. My gums around that tooth are swollen and very painful. How can I treat this at home without having to see the dentist?
Dental care is the one area (other than acute trauma care) that ALL naturopaths agree is NOT a do-it-yourself project. What about going to the emergency room? If it's as bad as you say, they may pull the tooth for you or at least give you some antibiotics to get you by a few days while you find a way to have the tooth fixed.
Dental care is the one area (other than acute trauma care) that ALL naturopaths agree is NOT a do-it-yourself project. What about going to the emergency room? If it's as bad as you say, they may pull the tooth for you or at least give you some antibiotics to get you by a few days while you find a way to have the tooth fixed.
I need dental work Have no ins. am 53 on limited income in the Austin TX or surrounding areas?
I am looking for free dental care I have no insurance and only have $400 a month income. Can anyone HELP I am in pain and can't find any help in Austin TX. Believe it or not I'm not poor enough to get State help. I don't live in a shelter, I live with friends, so ARCh can't help. Any Help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi sweetie...the link below is, I believe, exactly what you're looking for. They have free services, including dental, depending on income, and reduced fees for those who have income but can't pay full price. I believe you'd probably fall under the free category if you apply. Either way, reduced is a great way to go too, especially since yours would be quite a bit smaller payment for services. I wish you well, and God's blessings! Just scroll down, look at the City of Austin Dental clinic area, and call the number tomorrow (or today, it's still pretty early there!)
Hi sweetie...the link below is, I believe, exactly what you're looking for. They have free services, including dental, depending on income, and reduced fees for those who have income but can't pay full price. I believe you'd probably fall under the free category if you apply. Either way, reduced is a great way to go too, especially since yours would be quite a bit smaller payment for services. I wish you well, and God's blessings! Just scroll down, look at the City of Austin Dental clinic area, and call the number tomorrow (or today, it's still pretty early there!)
What is the best clear dental retainer for under say $100?
I lost mine, and I don't have insurance or anything, so I was wondering if anyone knows where to get an affordable clear tooth retainer (for after braces). Thanks!!
I don't believe you can get one that cheap thru a Dentist. Try Rite Aide, they have all kinds of things that you wouldn't think they would have
I don't believe you can get one that cheap thru a Dentist. Try Rite Aide, they have all kinds of things that you wouldn't think they would have
anyone know of grants for dental care in Colorado?
Here's my problem I have severe genetic decay and my teeth are seriously crumbling. I am so embarrassed that I don't even smile anymore. I am a single mom with only my income and can't afford insurance and don't really have the money to fix this. I would love to smile again and I am just wondering if anyone knows of any grants or something to help me. Thanks!!
Could you get on medicaid? The only thing I can think of is either going to the dental school out in Aurora or possibly going to denver health on speer to see if there is anything they could do to help you.
Could you get on medicaid? The only thing I can think of is either going to the dental school out in Aurora or possibly going to denver health on speer to see if there is anything they could do to help you.
Implant cost at NYU dental school?
I need an implant in my mouth the second tooth to the last upper left side, and I was wondering if anyone has had one at NYU dental school, how it went and the cost? I don't have insurance , and If anyone knows of any other low cost dental implant centers in new york city.Also do you know the cost of crowns and fillings at NYU cental school Thank You.
The best answer for most of your questions is to phone NYU dentistry school. In regards to pricing, and you not having insurance
The best answer for most of your questions is to phone NYU dentistry school. In regards to pricing, and you not having insurance
Does insurance cover teeth extraction for braces.?
I have Aetna dental and medical insurance. i recently had to get 4 of my bicuspids extracted for braces purpose. I called Aetna ahead to see if the cost will be cover by insurance, they told me yes, it will cover 90%, also on my dental plan it says it will cover 90%. but when I went into the dental office, people from the dental office told me since it's for braces, insurance will not cover. but they didn't even bother to get down my information and call my insurance, so how would they know if it's not covered? I ended up paying with my credit card, cause i really need to get it done. i want to find out if the cost is covered by insurance or not, what should i do next? and if it's covered how do i get reimburse? thank you
Ask your dental office to submit it to your insurance for you. If that is not a common practice for them ask for a quick claim form with the proper codes, teeth numbers and fees along with the proper dentists identification then get a dental form from your employers HR dept. and submit it yourself.
Ask your dental office to submit it to your insurance for you. If that is not a common practice for them ask for a quick claim form with the proper codes, teeth numbers and fees along with the proper dentists identification then get a dental form from your employers HR dept. and submit it yourself.
my brother was jumped by 4 men, his teeth got kicked in but he has no insurance to get treatment.....?
my brother is 22 he was riding a bike down the street and one guy sucker punched him out of the dark, knocked him off the bike, 3 more guys ran up and they started hitting and kicking him while he was down, he got knocked out and woke up later laying in the street next to his bike. they had kicked him in the face and his front teeth are broken and some teeth are pretty much moved around. basically he has no insurance for dental to get his mouth fixed, because its all raw nerves he cant eat or talk barely, is there any program that would help people pay for medical or dental?
Your brother is a crime victim, so you could check with the Legal Aid society to see if there are programs in your area, or look for other victim-assistance programs by typing "victim assistance (your location)" into a search engine. If you have a dental school or dental college nearby, the students treat people, under direct teacher supervision, at a much lower cost than private dentistry. There are often dental clinics open to the public at these schools. In my experience, dental insurance doesn't cover a significant percentage of dental costs anyway (I ran up a $350 tab at my last visit, and got about $25 back from insurance). Major medical might, if he has that, since it was due to injury and not routine or elective care. In any case, a dentist would usually be willing to set up a payment plan over time. If you know a good dentist, call and ask what can be done.
Your brother is a crime victim, so you could check with the Legal Aid society to see if there are programs in your area, or look for other victim-assistance programs by typing "victim assistance (your location)" into a search engine. If you have a dental school or dental college nearby, the students treat people, under direct teacher supervision, at a much lower cost than private dentistry. There are often dental clinics open to the public at these schools. In my experience, dental insurance doesn't cover a significant percentage of dental costs anyway (I ran up a $350 tab at my last visit, and got about $25 back from insurance). Major medical might, if he has that, since it was due to injury and not routine or elective care. In any case, a dentist would usually be willing to set up a payment plan over time. If you know a good dentist, call and ask what can be done.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Are medical procedures such as heart attack, cancer, or something major very unaffordable even with insurance?
I have great medical insurance and dental, through Aetna. The only downfall is that they ONLY cover 50% of psychiatric/psychology. Which is a shame, since I truly believe that this country can really use a better mental health care system. I've unfortunately been to the ER countless of times, due to being sick and asthma, but I'm working at better maintaining my health. The total expenses weren't too high, they were anywhere from $400 to $4000 ish, for one visit, the $4 grand one including full xrays, CT scan, ekg, etc, and with insurance they all came down to about $50 to $200 ish, after going through insurance, so it's not unreasonable, and they DO have payment plans. However, what if something major happened. Surgery, heart attack, cancer. Wouldn't that catapult the total costs into the $100,000 range? And even if I have insusrance then, how much would they cover? This really scares me. Should I be saving alot just in case? How do we prepare for this?
You are right to be concerned because insurance companies have all manner of exclusions and "caps" on procedures so you will find many times if seriously ill (as with cancer or heart disease) that there is plenty that the insurance will not do a thing about. How do you prepare for this? If you can get a catastrophic medical care plan, that might be useful to you. Many people have two or more insurance policies--and for good reason. IF you are eligible for an HSA, that's a smart move. Find some info here:… Depending on what your income as well as debts, etc. are, you MIGHT be able to qualify for some reduction in expenses for treatment with "charity" care but hospitals are loathe to offer this information and apparently don't have to post their guidelines for them either. You WILL find that in many cases, if you speak with the financial department and offer to pay in a very short space of time (such as a week) that you CAN get a discount on something you owe. The tricky part is when you're really sick, you can't find the energy or brain power to do this usually. Also if you have insurance you really do NOT know what they will cover until it's a done deal--and they likely will try NOT to pay even if they are supposed to. Still, as soon as you get an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from your insurance, look through and see why anything was denied. You may be able to appeal that decision. Also patient financial services SHOULD be willing to look at any substantial bill AND your policy and try to do something to help you. They'll say it's not their job, etc. and in some cases, probably could get in trouble, but let's get real: the average person can NOT afford what the hospital charges the uninsured (or insured who have something NOT covered) so something is going to have to give. You SHOULD be very concerned no matter what anyone says because more than half of all bankruptcies in the US are owing to medical bills AND many of those people ARE insured. The system does not work well for a variety of reasons. You may also be able to get assistance through a charitable organization or such if you get buried in debt. You will also want any denied portions of a bill examined carefully as hospital billing errors are common. People are simply going to have to get over the notion that being insured means they are TRULY protected financially. It's not the case (see bankruptcies). There's a ton of misinformation out there on insurance, health care, and more. Insurance policies tend to waffle on important issues and because of their "caps" trick, many times you are told something is covered, BUT YOUR financial liability will be in the tens of thousands or more. You need to do everything you can to get to a BOTTOM LINE accounting for anything expensive. In an emergency, this is NOT possible to do, however, which is why the above suggestions are offered. To be blunt, there are NO guarantees that you won't be bankrupted no matter how careful you are or if you have policies. One of the other smart things to do is to do everything you can to get yourself as healthy as possible. Your diet, amount of sleep, exercise, not smoking, not drinking (the resveratrol can be had in grape juice), not drugging, not participating in dangerous activities (from driving fast to texting while driving as well as obvious things like bungee jumping), and having a reasonable weight all help. Get a physical and listen to the doc's advice. Get YOUR lab work numbers in good shape--whatever that means for YOUR situation. Even people who feel well should have a physical with just that idea in mind. Also get a health care power of attorney--find someone you can trust in case you're unable to speak for yourself--so you get the treatment you'd ask for IF you were capable of doing it. (You can be unconscious for many reasons.) Kudos to you for recognizing you're vulnerable. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah, and the current president of the US have nothing to worry about for medical bills. That's the complete list of people who should not be concerned in the US. Outside the US, many don't realize their national health has all manner of restrictions on what they can get--and when.
You are right to be concerned because insurance companies have all manner of exclusions and "caps" on procedures so you will find many times if seriously ill (as with cancer or heart disease) that there is plenty that the insurance will not do a thing about. How do you prepare for this? If you can get a catastrophic medical care plan, that might be useful to you. Many people have two or more insurance policies--and for good reason. IF you are eligible for an HSA, that's a smart move. Find some info here:… Depending on what your income as well as debts, etc. are, you MIGHT be able to qualify for some reduction in expenses for treatment with "charity" care but hospitals are loathe to offer this information and apparently don't have to post their guidelines for them either. You WILL find that in many cases, if you speak with the financial department and offer to pay in a very short space of time (such as a week) that you CAN get a discount on something you owe. The tricky part is when you're really sick, you can't find the energy or brain power to do this usually. Also if you have insurance you really do NOT know what they will cover until it's a done deal--and they likely will try NOT to pay even if they are supposed to. Still, as soon as you get an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from your insurance, look through and see why anything was denied. You may be able to appeal that decision. Also patient financial services SHOULD be willing to look at any substantial bill AND your policy and try to do something to help you. They'll say it's not their job, etc. and in some cases, probably could get in trouble, but let's get real: the average person can NOT afford what the hospital charges the uninsured (or insured who have something NOT covered) so something is going to have to give. You SHOULD be very concerned no matter what anyone says because more than half of all bankruptcies in the US are owing to medical bills AND many of those people ARE insured. The system does not work well for a variety of reasons. You may also be able to get assistance through a charitable organization or such if you get buried in debt. You will also want any denied portions of a bill examined carefully as hospital billing errors are common. People are simply going to have to get over the notion that being insured means they are TRULY protected financially. It's not the case (see bankruptcies). There's a ton of misinformation out there on insurance, health care, and more. Insurance policies tend to waffle on important issues and because of their "caps" trick, many times you are told something is covered, BUT YOUR financial liability will be in the tens of thousands or more. You need to do everything you can to get to a BOTTOM LINE accounting for anything expensive. In an emergency, this is NOT possible to do, however, which is why the above suggestions are offered. To be blunt, there are NO guarantees that you won't be bankrupted no matter how careful you are or if you have policies. One of the other smart things to do is to do everything you can to get yourself as healthy as possible. Your diet, amount of sleep, exercise, not smoking, not drinking (the resveratrol can be had in grape juice), not drugging, not participating in dangerous activities (from driving fast to texting while driving as well as obvious things like bungee jumping), and having a reasonable weight all help. Get a physical and listen to the doc's advice. Get YOUR lab work numbers in good shape--whatever that means for YOUR situation. Even people who feel well should have a physical with just that idea in mind. Also get a health care power of attorney--find someone you can trust in case you're unable to speak for yourself--so you get the treatment you'd ask for IF you were capable of doing it. (You can be unconscious for many reasons.) Kudos to you for recognizing you're vulnerable. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah, and the current president of the US have nothing to worry about for medical bills. That's the complete list of people who should not be concerned in the US. Outside the US, many don't realize their national health has all manner of restrictions on what they can get--and when.
Dentist in Austin TX that will work with us?
My husband needs some major dental work done. We've been in school for the past 2 years and don't have insurance. We're not looking for a hand out just some suggestions. We are looking for a dentist that will work with us and let us make payments or something like that. Or a dental plan (like insurance). Any suggestions?
I would encourage you to visit this site I signed up on-line over 5 years ago now for all me dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ over the years. From root canals, cleanings, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Including cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and dentures. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Then, see if you could possibly work a payment plan with the dentist and/or carecredit is the most common for dental work.
I would encourage you to visit this site I signed up on-line over 5 years ago now for all me dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ over the years. From root canals, cleanings, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Including cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and dentures. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Then, see if you could possibly work a payment plan with the dentist and/or carecredit is the most common for dental work.
How do you fix the economy?
I had an idea, 200 a month for anybody 18 or older to have health insurance, car insurance, vision, dental, and life insurance. That will save everybody in the U.S. probably 50-100 a month, could insure everybody and create more money through out all income levels. What do you think?
Drop income tax and impose a straight sales tax on everything you buy...everything. The more you spend, the more you will pay. Even people making a living doing illegal things (selling drugs, prostitution) have to buy stuff
Drop income tax and impose a straight sales tax on everything you buy...everything. The more you spend, the more you will pay. Even people making a living doing illegal things (selling drugs, prostitution) have to buy stuff
Dental implant now? or Bridge temporary?
I currently have a winged bridge fused to metal it's the tooth left to my two front teeth. I've had the bridge since I was about 6 years now since the tooth never came in. I'm looking into a dental implant- the insurance I got through my work currently has started covering implants this year. As well as I have insurance still through my parents. Unfortunately for this year I have used up the insurance with my parents (1500) on two veneers for my two front teeth. So I'm currently left with the 1500 on 2nd insurance. So my question is....Since starting next year I will have the 1500 through my parents to cover the crown for the implant and my 2nd insurance to cover the actual insurance...should I just wait until next year to do that? Currently since I still have the 1500 through my 2nd insurance should I temporarily get a new all porcelain winged bridge until next year? Or will doing this cause more harm to my adjacent teeth? Thanks!
Be careful with the two insurance plans. A lot of insurance companies do coordination of benefits which means the second will balk at paying more that the max regardless of which plan paid the first $1500.00. The insurance companies coordinate their databases to verify that somebody isn't submitting above the limit. They instituted this when they discovered a lot of working spouses were covering each other with their work plans and getting around the yearly limits. If you can get the implant done later this year (it has to sit in place for 4-6 months) before the crown can be applied. After the first of next year get the crown.
Be careful with the two insurance plans. A lot of insurance companies do coordination of benefits which means the second will balk at paying more that the max regardless of which plan paid the first $1500.00. The insurance companies coordinate their databases to verify that somebody isn't submitting above the limit. They instituted this when they discovered a lot of working spouses were covering each other with their work plans and getting around the yearly limits. If you can get the implant done later this year (it has to sit in place for 4-6 months) before the crown can be applied. After the first of next year get the crown.
Dental Plan in USA: Which is the best and affordable?
I found out my global health insurance only covers emergency dental procedures here in the USA. Now i'm looking for a dental plan to make trip to dentist affordable. I will probably need a filling or two. What is a good dental plan to buy? (I've been looking at
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps
Is there any1 who is a dentist here? Or a dental assitant?
I have recently visited a doctor in where we devised a plan to pull my remaining 5 teeth so I can get immediate dentures. I was shocked however to find out it would be 580$ even with insurance. He had said he was going to do a bone plaining or grafting procedure (not sure of the term here) so that my denture will fit more comfortably. My question is do I have to do this? can I just have my teeth pulled and the immediate dentures placed without the bone smoothing procedure to bring down my cost? I cannot afford all of that at this point, can I ask my dentist to forgo the bone smoothing for now? Will a dentist do that? PLEASE ANSWER! I need teeth! I believe the name of the procedure is Alveoplasty: Smoothing the Jawbone, do I have to have this? can I not get that procedure?
You should ideally have the alveoplasty. With out getting into technical terms, it's hard to explain why. Just kind of think of it as trying to put in a road. The contractors first have to smooth the ground and area to get the pavement flat. It's kind of the same way with your mouth. The alveolar ridge is full of bumps and crevices. In order not to create more serious problems like gum erision, etc. they need to first smooth out the area where the denture will be seated. Hope that makes sense! Perhaps you can talk to your dentist about financing, or applying for credit through Carecredit.
You should ideally have the alveoplasty. With out getting into technical terms, it's hard to explain why. Just kind of think of it as trying to put in a road. The contractors first have to smooth the ground and area to get the pavement flat. It's kind of the same way with your mouth. The alveolar ridge is full of bumps and crevices. In order not to create more serious problems like gum erision, etc. they need to first smooth out the area where the denture will be seated. Hope that makes sense! Perhaps you can talk to your dentist about financing, or applying for credit through Carecredit.
how much to get your teeth pulled at aspen dental?
I have some extra teeth that's in the back of my mouth, and also some teeth that really need to be pulled. I have insurance cigna but I don't want to spend at lot out of pocket. Help!!!
With your dental insurance after your deductible it should be minimal. Aspen is very inexpensive and offers a lot of cut rate dentistry. good Luck
With your dental insurance after your deductible it should be minimal. Aspen is very inexpensive and offers a lot of cut rate dentistry. good Luck
Are there Orthodontists that do probono work?
I am 20.My dental health was never taken care of properly when i was young. I have some dental insurance but nothing that covers orthodontists or cosmetic procedures.I cannot afford good dental insurance. I have a "mutilated bite" one dentists told me. I have over crowded teeth and like a criss cross bite. My gums hurt me, I also have TMJ. Not only is my mouth painful, I am very self conscious about it. My teeth chip easily. I was wondering if there are any orthodontists or anyone that does cosmetic dentistry that do pro bono work or work for reduced price.I'd even pay installments, Is there anyone that can help me. or point me in the right direction. My teeth are only getting worse and i fear i will never have the lump some of money to get them taken care of.
Dental schools sometimes have programs like this where service is provided by supervised students and offered to the public at reduced cost.
Dental schools sometimes have programs like this where service is provided by supervised students and offered to the public at reduced cost.
Just lost my health insurance what do I do now?
So I'm a 21 yr old in college, I just got kicked off my parents plan because we can no longer prove that I am a Dependant. My main concerns are dental and birth control. I have two cracked caps on my molars because I grind my teeth, which I've put off because of school and work. And I need to get monthly birth control. Any advice on what steps I can take next? I'm in Santa Cruz county.
Join the rest of us uninsured people. NOW you thoroughly understand why we need a national health care program. (Go Obama!) See if you qualify for COBRA. For dental, call your local (usually county) health department. They can usually either provide or recommend low-cost dental services. For birth control, I strongly suggest using the word "NO!".<<< If that isn't an option, check out your nearest branch of Planned Parenthood - they will help you with examinations, meds, etc. Unlike what those against Planned Parenthood will tell you, Planned Parenthood does a LOT regarding female health issues, and they do it on a sliding scale that depends on your income. Good luck (to us all).
Join the rest of us uninsured people. NOW you thoroughly understand why we need a national health care program. (Go Obama!) See if you qualify for COBRA. For dental, call your local (usually county) health department. They can usually either provide or recommend low-cost dental services. For birth control, I strongly suggest using the word "NO!".<<< If that isn't an option, check out your nearest branch of Planned Parenthood - they will help you with examinations, meds, etc. Unlike what those against Planned Parenthood will tell you, Planned Parenthood does a LOT regarding female health issues, and they do it on a sliding scale that depends on your income. Good luck (to us all).
Why Are My Teeth In So Much Pain?
My teeth are killing me. The pain is unbarable sharp and I dont know why. I don't have any cavities so thats out of the picture. The pain just comes and goes and when it comes its so painful that I basically scream my head off and it last for like ten minutes. Does anyone know and I dont have dental insurance so please don't say go see one.
If it IS gum disease you need to see a dentist, there is no way around it. However, some other possibilities... How do you know you don't have cavities? You cannot see most cavities and if you haven't seen a dentist because you have no dental insurance than you couldn't know. Or, you may have stress cracks in the crown of your tooth, pretty much invisible and if deep enough very very painful. You need to see a dentist, sorry :/ If you absolutely cannot, here is my last possible cause: grinding your teeth at night? Most people don't know they do it, and it can cause cavity-like phantom pains. If you sleep with someone ask them if they ever hear you, another way to identify it is if your jaw muscles are well toned or sore in the morning. To rule it out, buy a athletic mouth guard/ or a nightguard (which are more expensive). Boil it and form it you your mouth and wear it while you sleep for a week. If your pain COMPLETELY disappears then you have your culprit. I would like to say though, I recommend you go see a dentist incase this is more serious.
If it IS gum disease you need to see a dentist, there is no way around it. However, some other possibilities... How do you know you don't have cavities? You cannot see most cavities and if you haven't seen a dentist because you have no dental insurance than you couldn't know. Or, you may have stress cracks in the crown of your tooth, pretty much invisible and if deep enough very very painful. You need to see a dentist, sorry :/ If you absolutely cannot, here is my last possible cause: grinding your teeth at night? Most people don't know they do it, and it can cause cavity-like phantom pains. If you sleep with someone ask them if they ever hear you, another way to identify it is if your jaw muscles are well toned or sore in the morning. To rule it out, buy a athletic mouth guard/ or a nightguard (which are more expensive). Boil it and form it you your mouth and wear it while you sleep for a week. If your pain COMPLETELY disappears then you have your culprit. I would like to say though, I recommend you go see a dentist incase this is more serious.
How long do amalgam (metal) Fillings Last? My one is 32 years old.?
Any dentists out there? Here is the problem; I had my other 3 metal fillings replaced because they were so old, but when they went to replace this one, It was too sensitive and they could not do the work. I now have pain when I chew in that tooth most of the time. I also have no dental insurance even with a good job.
I'm a bit confused. Why were you not numb when they tried to fix your tooth? If you were numb and they still couldn't touch it, did they x ray it to see if it had an infection at the root tip? It sounds like it needs a root canal and then a crown. Amalgam fillings have a very long life if taken care of. They do expand and contract with temperature change over the years and eventually they begin to leak under the filling. A large amalgam filling acts like a wedge in the tooth and with chewing, this wedge can cause fractures around it. This is what it sounds like is happening to you since you can not chew on it. The very least you need to do is have the filling taken out to remove any decay, if there is no infection to the tooth. They may put a temporary filling there, but these don't last very long. A composite (white) filling can be placed to help hold the tooth if it is having signs of fractures, but a crown is what it really needs. Check into Care Credit or see if they will let you pay the bill in 2 or 3 payments.
I'm a bit confused. Why were you not numb when they tried to fix your tooth? If you were numb and they still couldn't touch it, did they x ray it to see if it had an infection at the root tip? It sounds like it needs a root canal and then a crown. Amalgam fillings have a very long life if taken care of. They do expand and contract with temperature change over the years and eventually they begin to leak under the filling. A large amalgam filling acts like a wedge in the tooth and with chewing, this wedge can cause fractures around it. This is what it sounds like is happening to you since you can not chew on it. The very least you need to do is have the filling taken out to remove any decay, if there is no infection to the tooth. They may put a temporary filling there, but these don't last very long. A composite (white) filling can be placed to help hold the tooth if it is having signs of fractures, but a crown is what it really needs. Check into Care Credit or see if they will let you pay the bill in 2 or 3 payments.
Where can i get free or low cost Orthognathic surgery?
I have a prognathism problem. I would like to get it fixed but it'll cost me $25,000 here in CA. I don't think there's any dental insurance that will cover it. Where should I go?? Help!!!
Hello, your options are very limited. My best suggestion is that you contact the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental College...While the Clinic may not itself provide the surgical procedure you need as a regular service, it's possible that the dental professor that teaches Oral/Facial reconstruction procedures might want to use you as a teaching tool and do your surgery while allowing dental college students to watch the procedure and observe your recovery over the following weeks. It's certainly worth checking in to. You may find yourself the recipient of free dental services.
Hello, your options are very limited. My best suggestion is that you contact the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental College...While the Clinic may not itself provide the surgical procedure you need as a regular service, it's possible that the dental professor that teaches Oral/Facial reconstruction procedures might want to use you as a teaching tool and do your surgery while allowing dental college students to watch the procedure and observe your recovery over the following weeks. It's certainly worth checking in to. You may find yourself the recipient of free dental services.
I have to have a tooth surgically removed?
Can this go under my dental insurance? if not, how much does it cost to be removed, everything included. thanks in advance.
I got A tooth pulled with out insurace for 60$ plus they gave me 2 percocet.
I got A tooth pulled with out insurace for 60$ plus they gave me 2 percocet.
How many of you would/have applied for this?
PARENT - Job Description POSITION : Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop JOB DESCRIPTION : Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. RESPONSIBILITIES : The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs £5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility. POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT & PROMOTION : None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE : None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis. WAGES AND COMPENSATION : Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more. BENEFITS : While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.
LMAO! First got the job 8yrs ago and have since been lucky enough to add two additional responsibilities into the mix! Hard work it's true, but there's absolutely nothing like that first smile in the morning, the hug that starts at the other side of the room and is at full tilt when it hits you, or the sound of your 2yr old saying 'wuv you mummy'. Also teaches you to appreciate quiet, lol!
LMAO! First got the job 8yrs ago and have since been lucky enough to add two additional responsibilities into the mix! Hard work it's true, but there's absolutely nothing like that first smile in the morning, the hug that starts at the other side of the room and is at full tilt when it hits you, or the sound of your 2yr old saying 'wuv you mummy'. Also teaches you to appreciate quiet, lol!
I need to get my wisdom teeth out and was hoping some one can help tell me a good place to go to?
Some place near litchfield park although I font mind driving a bit farther. Some place that accepts Humana Dental Insurance
Call a few dentists in the Yellow pages. They are online too. Very few will take a new patient sorry. Expect a medical or a good health assessment before anything can be done.
Call a few dentists in the Yellow pages. They are online too. Very few will take a new patient sorry. Expect a medical or a good health assessment before anything can be done.
Need a dentist for 27 yr. old autistic son who can't brush properly and teeth are in bad shape. How do I find
He uses an electric toothbrush but doesn't get all the plaque off. Since his dentist retired I get the impression the new one doesn't want anything to do with him. He wants to wait 3 months and let the teeth get more rotten.(no fillings have been put in for over a year) They said my son will end up with dentures but I don't think we should do nothing for 3 months. He isn't yet on medicade and when my husband retires in 8 months we lose the dental insurance we now have. What dentist is best with special needs kids people and where? I'm looking for an orthodontist or possibly an oral surgeon if the teeth have to come out. Should I try case western reserve or the cleveland clinic or is there something closer to home. I live in Rome ohio. Do I need a second opinion?
`See a homeopath for a tooth formula `strawberries are good at removing plaque ` make him 2 cups of green tea per day, take with cayenne pepper capsules , (or does he like chili) `cranberry juice with aloe vera juice & blueberries will help ` olive leaf extract will help to protect his immune system `when you get a good dentist ask him for non mercury fillings `avoid any chemical product and animals (too many parasites)
`See a homeopath for a tooth formula `strawberries are good at removing plaque ` make him 2 cups of green tea per day, take with cayenne pepper capsules , (or does he like chili) `cranberry juice with aloe vera juice & blueberries will help ` olive leaf extract will help to protect his immune system `when you get a good dentist ask him for non mercury fillings `avoid any chemical product and animals (too many parasites)
If you get laid off from your job, how long more are your health benefits supposed to last?
I just got laid off from my job at UPS and the rule with the company is you have to work 60 hours the previous month to qualify for health/dental insurance. I did a great job there and there is a chance they could hire me back in a week or two, but in the meantime, are my medical benefits still valid for another month since I worked 60 hours last month? Or do they cease immediately because I've been "laid off?"
It depends on how you have been paying for them. If you have been paying a month in advance then yes they would continue because they have to give you what you paid for. But if you pay for them for the month you are in then no because you have already stopped working there you can't go in and pay for them. Just call your HR they will know how long you have.
It depends on how you have been paying for them. If you have been paying a month in advance then yes they would continue because they have to give you what you paid for. But if you pay for them for the month you are in then no because you have already stopped working there you can't go in and pay for them. Just call your HR they will know how long you have.
How much will my income tax check be?
I made $12,000 gross pay I am single parent household with two kids 2 and 3 years old plus I pay group and dental insurance for all of us for about $60.00 week ...thank you
Go to can put in all this info and have it calculate for you. It's impossible for anyone to figure for you without your W2 statements.
Go to can put in all this info and have it calculate for you. It's impossible for anyone to figure for you without your W2 statements.
How much does it cost to get dental surgery to replace your entire mouth of teeth and get new teeth put in??
I do not have insurance, but need a payment plan...
depends on what your replacing them with...Dentures would be the cheaper end and implants would be on the high end.. If you are close to Mexico , they have excellent dentists and many people fly or drive to Tijuana to see the dentists here. they are about 1/3 to 1/4 the price in the states...
depends on what your replacing them with...Dentures would be the cheaper end and implants would be on the high end.. If you are close to Mexico , they have excellent dentists and many people fly or drive to Tijuana to see the dentists here. they are about 1/3 to 1/4 the price in the states...
Can I still get a tooth crowned?
I had an accident with my teeth 3 years ago. Fractured 14 teeth, 2 root canals, 4 pulled, now one of my teeth I had a root canal done on had a temporary filling. Due to my insurance running out and no job with insurance I was unable to afford the crown. Now I finally have dental insurance and want to get a crown on this tooth- Can I? My old dentist wanted to pull it, I can't afford to be missing anymore teeth. I want to keep MY teeth.
You should be able to get a crown at any time as long as the tooth is still "good" if it is loose, has an infection, or is starting to decay (get a cavity), it either needs to come out or get fixed first.
You should be able to get a crown at any time as long as the tooth is still "good" if it is loose, has an infection, or is starting to decay (get a cavity), it either needs to come out or get fixed first.
health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
The best place to start is by doing what you're doing now – asking for personal recommendations. I'd also check out Consumer Reports (link below), America's Health Plans (link below), US News & World Reports Best Health Plans, and whatever other informational resources you can find. I'd also talk with locally licensed health insurance agents. I've also included a couple of articles about choosing a health plan that might be useful. They are government-authored, but they're actually pretty good (all links below). After you've done some research, you should visit It's a Web site that helps you shop for health insurance. They have free instant price quotes and policy information on health plans near you, but their specialty is getting you in touch with state-licensed agents. There's no cost or obligation to buy insurance. You just fill out a short form and wait for the agents to contact you (within 48 hours). Have your questions ready and let them work until one of them delivers the plan that's right for you. You might want to have a set amount you want to spend each month on insurance and tell the agents to work within those parameters. You can find MostChoice here:… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
The best place to start is by doing what you're doing now – asking for personal recommendations. I'd also check out Consumer Reports (link below), America's Health Plans (link below), US News & World Reports Best Health Plans, and whatever other informational resources you can find. I'd also talk with locally licensed health insurance agents. I've also included a couple of articles about choosing a health plan that might be useful. They are government-authored, but they're actually pretty good (all links below). After you've done some research, you should visit It's a Web site that helps you shop for health insurance. They have free instant price quotes and policy information on health plans near you, but their specialty is getting you in touch with state-licensed agents. There's no cost or obligation to buy insurance. You just fill out a short form and wait for the agents to contact you (within 48 hours). Have your questions ready and let them work until one of them delivers the plan that's right for you. You might want to have a set amount you want to spend each month on insurance and tell the agents to work within those parameters. You can find MostChoice here:… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
in canada, where can i get the best health insurance?
currently unemployed, so have no health coverage, and have some dental work to take care of.. cleaning and several cavities! so nothing too serious, maybe an insurance that also covers the occasional massage would be nice.. ahah would love some information about company names and their offers if possible.... looking for something short term, monthly possibly? or at most an annual rate? whats the average these days anyways? would it just be cheaper to pay for it all myself? thanks! and all the best!
Depends on your age, smoking status, gender, and what kind of coverage you need. You should expect to pay at least $50-$100 min a month for it. Of course, its worth pointing out that you can claim a non-refundable tax credit on your income taxes for the premiums paid.
Depends on your age, smoking status, gender, and what kind of coverage you need. You should expect to pay at least $50-$100 min a month for it. Of course, its worth pointing out that you can claim a non-refundable tax credit on your income taxes for the premiums paid.
what happens if in the beginning of the year, i get dental help that depletes the yearly max and I lose my job?
can the insurance company refuse to pay because i was not employed the whole time and hence did not pay premiums for the whole year. Am I liable to pay the amount if the Insurance company refuses to pay?
If you were covered when you had the work done, they pay for it (according to the plan),
If you were covered when you had the work done, they pay for it (according to the plan),
does anyone have experience with NYU dental care?
I have no insurance but i need cosmetic dentist desperately. I am thinking of using nyu because i hear its affordable but i am afraid of having a student practicing on me. If you have any experience using them please let me know honestly how it went.
Well I have never attended NYU, but as a dental student I can assure you that students who are performing procedures are closely supervised by a licensed dentist to make sure that they are doing everything correctly so a mistake does not tend to happen since a lot of hours studying, watching, and performing on fake patients prepares students for the real thing, rest assured that the quality of work is the same if not better than a regular dentist. Also I hear NYU has a great dental program. Hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
Well I have never attended NYU, but as a dental student I can assure you that students who are performing procedures are closely supervised by a licensed dentist to make sure that they are doing everything correctly so a mistake does not tend to happen since a lot of hours studying, watching, and performing on fake patients prepares students for the real thing, rest assured that the quality of work is the same if not better than a regular dentist. Also I hear NYU has a great dental program. Hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My 5 year old seems to have "loose" gums. Is this normal?
Her teeth are not loose, her gums are not puffy, bleeding, or exhibiting any signs of gingivitis. They appear normal and healthy visually. They just seem to move around very easily when they are touched. She sometimes complains they hurt. We do not have dental insurance so I cant easily take her to the dentist, but I will if its a real problem. Any input?
If the teeth are firmly seated, and the gums appear visually healthy, any normal person would assume they're healthy. The fact that they're soft is not a good sign, but it's far too difficult to know what it might signal without a chance to examine her. The problem is, she says they hurt. "Gums" are not a common thing for a 5-year old to complain about, so you should be concerned. Pain is the most significant symptom in this case, so I'd suggest you try, at the very least, to get a basic dental examination done. They may or may not suggest any kind of treatment, but that way you will know if it is serious. If it's minor, you won't pay anything more than the exam fee. If it's something that needs attention, you'll be glad you got it checked. She needs to get many a few more years out of those teeth, and a lot more out of her gums and jaw. PS - you might be avoiding taking her to the dentist because your somewhat worried about what it could cost if something's wrong. You should get over this. It's like someone who doesn't want to take their car to a mechanic - they might find something broken that needs fixing, which will cost money. So, they leave the probem, and in the end they need to spend 20 times as much to replace the whole engine.
If the teeth are firmly seated, and the gums appear visually healthy, any normal person would assume they're healthy. The fact that they're soft is not a good sign, but it's far too difficult to know what it might signal without a chance to examine her. The problem is, she says they hurt. "Gums" are not a common thing for a 5-year old to complain about, so you should be concerned. Pain is the most significant symptom in this case, so I'd suggest you try, at the very least, to get a basic dental examination done. They may or may not suggest any kind of treatment, but that way you will know if it is serious. If it's minor, you won't pay anything more than the exam fee. If it's something that needs attention, you'll be glad you got it checked. She needs to get many a few more years out of those teeth, and a lot more out of her gums and jaw. PS - you might be avoiding taking her to the dentist because your somewhat worried about what it could cost if something's wrong. You should get over this. It's like someone who doesn't want to take their car to a mechanic - they might find something broken that needs fixing, which will cost money. So, they leave the probem, and in the end they need to spend 20 times as much to replace the whole engine.
What company do you have your health insurance through?
We currently have BCBS medical insurance with dental and the price keeps going up and up. I am seriously thinking about switching companies. Can anyone recommend a company that I can switch to? Years ago we had a insurance where we got a prescription card and access to a 1-800 # where we could call an talk to a nurse anytime. All we ever paid was our co-pays at the doctor's office and the insurance was great. We have had BCBS for years now and after we pay our co-pays we get little bills here and there. We have no prescription card and we are paying A LOT for insurance each month. Any suggestions?
Mine's with Cigna EVERYONE'S insurance is going up. Utilization, according to Consumer Reports, in 2005, was about $500 per month, for every man, woman, and child in the USA. Nowadays, the average family plan costs about $1200 a month, which is less than utilization. Feel free to shop around. BCBS is one of the better companies. But cheaper ONLY means, cutting coverages, or increasing deductibles.
Mine's with Cigna EVERYONE'S insurance is going up. Utilization, according to Consumer Reports, in 2005, was about $500 per month, for every man, woman, and child in the USA. Nowadays, the average family plan costs about $1200 a month, which is less than utilization. Feel free to shop around. BCBS is one of the better companies. But cheaper ONLY means, cutting coverages, or increasing deductibles.
Are dental crowns covered under FSA accounts?
I am fairly sure they are but I want to hear from someone that has used it for one. Please do not answer unless you know for sure. I used up my benefit threw my work insurance. they alow only 1 crown every 5 years and I need to get a few more so I am thinking of signing up for an FSA account card for 2010 so i can get the work done and save my teeth.
My crown was covered by my FSA - but I had insurance cover the their portion first and filed my balance against the FSA. The only was to be 100% sure is to ask your FSA plan administrator.
My crown was covered by my FSA - but I had insurance cover the their portion first and filed my balance against the FSA. The only was to be 100% sure is to ask your FSA plan administrator.
If you want government assisted healthcare why not the following:?
Government assisted life insurance Government assisted dental insurance Governmant assisted car insurance Government assisted suicide
If we get it will be government assisted death.... They will pick and chose who lives or die`s
If we get it will be government assisted death.... They will pick and chose who lives or die`s
Prexisting Condition -> Health Insurance?
Hey i am 18 going to turn 19 in july, few years ago i found out i have Low T so i started treatment for it and started paying labs which are over 800$+ several times. I think my doc is going to make me do Labs annually --> I can pay for the labs but it be great if i can save money as well! I am guessing id have to wait 12 months to get health insurance My questions Any way around 12 months is it 12 months on all states, what about Mississippi? Do health insurance cover dental/vision as well? Would i have to wait 12 months for that as well? I also have Psorasis skin disease would after getting health insurance, jack my price up? How much would i have to pay typical monthly for all these?
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?
Hello, if you live in California, Blue Cross has a plan called "Tonik". It covers medical, emergency visits, doctor visits, dental and vision. Rates are lower than most health plans because they only advertise this plan on the internet. You may want to check it out. Good luck.
Hello, if you live in California, Blue Cross has a plan called "Tonik". It covers medical, emergency visits, doctor visits, dental and vision. Rates are lower than most health plans because they only advertise this plan on the internet. You may want to check it out. Good luck.
Is it legal for a security guard to NOT have health insurance?
I work as a security guard for a power plant company and I don't get anything at all resembling insurance (health, dental or otherwise). I was with a company about 2 years ago (at the same facility) that had insurance (health, dental and otherwise), but their contract was not renewed and this new company came in and stripped us of all insurance privileges (despite having in their handbook that insurance is available for employees "that qualify"). I sit in a building that is right under a smokestack spewing God knows what into the air and the building has a large amount of asbestos in it from the days when "asbestos is ok". I was just wondering if there is any sort of "Security Guard Code" that states that I should be entitled insurance.
No, sorry, insurance from the employer is a benefit, and they aren't required to provide it.
No, sorry, insurance from the employer is a benefit, and they aren't required to provide it.
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