Monday, August 15, 2011

Can an inpacted wisdom tooth cause a lot of pain?

I have 4 impacted wisdom teeth, and they've been that way for years. Once in awhile, one of them will hurt and start to swell, and I need antibiotics because it has become abscess (this happens maybe once every 6-18 months.) Anyway, one of my impacted wisdom teeth has been hurting for about 2 days. It's not infected/abscess because it's not swollen, but it hurts BAD and it has been getting worse each day for a few days. I have medical insurance but do not have dental insurance. Do you think the pain is just the tooth trying to push through, or could it be something else? Thanks! :D
OH yeah ! If they try to start coming up thru the jaw bone and the socket isnt big enough ( which is what impacted means) . It hurts like crazy. I had to go in the middle of the night once, and get my one bottom tooth removed. The top ones are easy. They are usually just the crown and no roots. I think its the pain from the tooth and not something else. You might see if they will give you some Darvon or something to ease the pain, and maybe it will ease off. ( Actually, I have dental insurance and what I pay per month. I think I could just as well pay my bill ) Here's what going on…

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