Monday, August 15, 2011

Is this a good tooth care regime?

This is what I do in the morning, and before bed: 1) 30 second rinse with plaque loosening solution (Plax) 2) soak dental tape in Listerine, floss. 3) soak toothbrush (with soft) bristles in listerine, add strip of toothpaste., brush for about 2 minutes. spit, wait about 30 minutes, rinse with some water. I have no dental insurance, I cannot afford to get even a cavity. Any realistic improvements I can add to this regime? I also floss after eating.
My dentist always recommends that his patients use an Oral B toothbrush apparently because it is far more effective at removing plaque, cleaning between individual teeth and massaging the gum lines. He also swears that Listerine is the best mouth wash to use from the perspective of dental hygiene notwithstanding its taste. He always recommends drinking several glasses of water each day. This too must make a difference with respect to the quantity or quality of the production of bacteria in ones mouth. He eats fruit at lunchtime, which is usually an apple, but sometimes a pear or an orange, and nothing else. He recommends it as part of a healthy diet that is dental friendly when chased with H2O. If he ever heard how much you floss, he might fall in love with you. He's always all over us to floss after every meal, and am a distinct disappointment to him in this regard. I know he would be impressed with your dental care regimen, but I know he would want you to spring for an Oral B oscillating toothbrush and to drink more water daily. Take care.

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