Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gotta big hole in my molar and now I have jaw pain. How long can I wait before the dentist?

**My avatar is a current pic of the cavity** I've had a hole in the outer wall of my bottom right molar for about 7 months now. It has grown over time, and now I can probably fit a BB fully into it. It never brought me pain before, but recently I have had pain in my jaw/ear area for about a week and a half. It is not noticeable unless I bite down, and has not gotten any worse since it started, but I am worried. I just got a teaching job and will have dental insurance at the end of september, but for now I have very little money and have not even seen a dentist in about 5 years. Can I wait until I get insurance, ask a pharmacist for antibiotics, or do anything else in the time being, as it seems this could be an expensive fix, and I am living paycheck to paycheck with no savings until mid september? I can care less about the pain- my only concern is my health.
Your getting whats called a dead tooth where the roots are rotting and your tooth will eventually fall out. The roots are anchored into your jaw hence the jaw pain. Right now theres not much you can do till you see a dentist. Pain medicine might help a little bit, When the rot reaches your jaw bone it will hurt a lot.

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