I am 15 weeks pregnant and have the worst toothache in my life. I also am getting a migraine on top of it. My whole head feels like its going to pop off my shoulders and I don't know what to do. I went to the ER last night because it was so bad. They said there was nothing they could do except give me an antibiotic and I have an exposed nerve in my bad bottom tooth. So they basically told me to see a dentist ( duh right?) I don't want to take anything that would have risks to my baby. I also can't find a dentist in my area do to the fact I have no dental insurance and in Florida they will not take anyone who does not have insurance or cannot pay in full at the time of the visit. I cannot afford to do this. I have no money and am doing the best I can while barely getting by. Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do?...please??
Well 1st off, make sure you are taking your antibiotic. 2nd of all, you need to get to a dentist (duh again, I know). You need to either put it on a credit card, borrow the $ from somebody, cry like a baby on the phone so they will see you, etc. Do you have any dental schools or clinics near by? It is very important you get this taken care of ASAP. Having an infected tooth can cause a lot more damage to your pregnancy/baby than actually getting a procedure done. So do whatever you have to do to get in! If all else fails, let your doctor know. They may have some suggestions of dentists that will work w/ you.
This is so nice share. My sister is also expecting a baby and this is why I was suggesting her to see the dentist too to avoid any dental issues in this stage of life. Now after reading all of these details, I am definitely going to take her to the expert dentist Redondo Beach for the checkups and much needed treatment.