Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why does the Colorado welfare do everything to protect the criminals?

My fiance has been paying massive amts of child support, the ex wife didnt want either of her exes to go on child registry, so she could get government welfare for her and her 2 children. We are going to fight for more custody, however all the government agencies WILL NOT give any info out to protect her confidentiality. We know she is receiving child day care and medicaid. She is not reporting the $1850 a month in child care. She produced a program fee that the Day care center would normally charge for a child but has been getting the care from them for FREE!!!!!!! I have looked all over the internet, it is next to impossible to report these fraudulant jerks. There are NO programs to find out what programs the child is even on. So no way to really report to all agencies what is going on. The ex is setting an example of how to commit fraud and lie to a man to support oneself to the child. Ritter has been finding ways to keep Denver running, like paying to park at the lightrails and doubleing car registrations to people in really tough economic times. And turns a blind eye to Mothers using the system that dont qualify for it. This really pisses me off because there really are women out there who do have dead beat fathers who dont give them any money who get turned down because they might make $10. a year over the minimal standards. This ex as not reported $22,296 a year in child support for the 2 children. My fiance lost his job a month ago and has had to go to mediation, and hire an attorney because ex still wants the 900 a month. This month he will loose his truck , he has no health insurance, no dental insurance. He will be on unemployment. And we have to deal with all of this on top of the economy.He is going to have to take a bicycle to get to his college classes for retraining since his job industry no longer exists.How nice for the ex to have the luxury to drive around in a new suburban. His rights as a father are nonexistent in the eyes of all of the welfare programs. And it looks like he will NEVER be able to really prove this in court. The system is all out of wack, and my taxes PAY FOR THIS!?
As far as the tax issue goes for not reporting income of child support, you can call the IRS fraud line w/ the children's names & SS#'s and report the added income that the mother receives. If you don't have their numbers, just give names, addresses or whatever you have & stress that 22K is an awful lot of income to not be reporting every year. It doesn't really help you out financially, but if nabbed, it might put the scare in her to wonder what next & maybe fly a little straighter. / Fiance can also apply to court for reduced child support based on medical hardship or reduction in employment not his fault. (They penalize for purposely staying under employed.)

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