I have Bipolar. I just got disability in April so I have to wait until April 2011 before I get medicare. I will have to pay $110.00 just for part B and A. Then part D for prescriptions, I am figuring out because that will be my prescription drug coverage and apparently you have to pay $40.00 to $100.00 for that depending who I go with. My husbands insurance will not cover me because of preexisting condition and I have to wait a year. He changed jobs after being unemployed for 2 years since he lost his job from GM. He did not get Cobra because we really could not afford it. In the meantime he got appendicitis and we had to file bankruptcy. I found two great deals through Humana and United Health Care. I want covered if I have a medical emergency. Because we can not file bankruptcy again and we are actually getting our credit score back up! I have enough for my psychiatrist and medication which is important. He has me on a sliding scale (I have paid him enough over 10 years) which I am grateful. I can afford my prescriptions because of Walgreens plan for uninsured individuals. It is great! I wish he would let me get insurance. He did give me the OK to get vision and dental. But I need medical insurance. Then I hear people talk and see commercials on TV that you need supplementary insurance for medicare because apparently medicare does not cover a lot but I would still feel at ease just have that alone. How can I convince him to allow me to get medical insurance? I am at a lost. We can afford it with the quotes I got! Thanks!
There's no decision or discussion here. His insurance will cover you for anything that is not preexisting, and any other coverage you get will have a similar exclusionary period for the preexisting condition. If you believe that Humana or UHC will cover your preexisting condition immediately, you either misunderstood or were lied to; probably the former.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Should I be a Dental Hygienist, Sonographer or school teacher?
I want a job that I will enjoy, and gives me the opportunity to work part time. Any one have any advice on these three jobs?? What do you like or dislike about them. How is the pay? The burnout rate???? What about benefits and insurance?? Thanks!!
I say a sonographer. Someone will always have one done! It's seems fun and somewhat easy. Teachers are great, but what is your tolerance level? As far as the hygienist, I say that would get pretty old fast... You would be sick of sitting there with the dentist surround by teeth every day... Good luck with whatever you choose! It must be nice to have very different career's to choose from... Mine are very limited, such as, maid, chef, slave, trash picker upper, or punching bag.... (stay at home mom of 3 girls)... LOL!
I say a sonographer. Someone will always have one done! It's seems fun and somewhat easy. Teachers are great, but what is your tolerance level? As far as the hygienist, I say that would get pretty old fast... You would be sick of sitting there with the dentist surround by teeth every day... Good luck with whatever you choose! It must be nice to have very different career's to choose from... Mine are very limited, such as, maid, chef, slave, trash picker upper, or punching bag.... (stay at home mom of 3 girls)... LOL!
how do i find a dentist?
hi. im trying to find a dentist who accepts pmi(dental insurance). is there any way for me to find out if certain dentists, accepts that insurance?
They should have a web site that provides you that info directly. Otherwise, you might want to try one with better customer service. I use http://www.BestDentalNow.com and simply compare plans by entering my zip code and check local providers and payment schedules ... it's easy and simple to use and pay only 20 dollars monthly and save about 50 to 80 percent on most procedures and I get free vision, prescription and chiro plans. Hope this helps!
They should have a web site that provides you that info directly. Otherwise, you might want to try one with better customer service. I use http://www.BestDentalNow.com and simply compare plans by entering my zip code and check local providers and payment schedules ... it's easy and simple to use and pay only 20 dollars monthly and save about 50 to 80 percent on most procedures and I get free vision, prescription and chiro plans. Hope this helps!
I have very bad swelling on the right side of my gum...?
The right side of my mouth the gum is very swollen and sore. I can not however go to a dentist for a few more weeks as I am waiting for my dental insurance to kick in. What can I possible due in the mean time? I know I broke my tooth and thats what started it all in the mean time. It is very painful though but due to financing of a dentist I have to wait for my insurance. Please help me!
take penicillin V 500mg capsules every 6 hours for 1 week. but its not a cure.it only reduces the abscess and pain. you can have any painkiller such as paracetamol,ibuprofen,mefnamic acid ,etc for your pain.
take penicillin V 500mg capsules every 6 hours for 1 week. but its not a cure.it only reduces the abscess and pain. you can have any painkiller such as paracetamol,ibuprofen,mefnamic acid ,etc for your pain.
Health Insurance UK?
Hi I am looking into taking out some health insurance to cover my optical & dental bills & any extras that are offered. I have a budget of approx £20 per month, any one know any good companies?
In my opinion Norwich union are by far the best. I work for a financial institution and our staff policy is underwritten by N Union. Hope this helps
In my opinion Norwich union are by far the best. I work for a financial institution and our staff policy is underwritten by N Union. Hope this helps
I'm looking 4 a cure 4 bad breath, I'm have a dentist apt next week.?
I floss and brush my teeth 3 times a day and mouth wash. I think I might need a gum cleaning. But I'm afraid of dentist plus I have no dental insurance, looking for a natural cure, any suggestions?
This isn't natural but I know a couple of people that have had lots of success with BreathRx. Also I would try using a tounge scraper, super cheap and not painfull.
This isn't natural but I know a couple of people that have had lots of success with BreathRx. Also I would try using a tounge scraper, super cheap and not painfull.
Help I can't go to thte dentist but I can't take my teeth hurting!?
I have no dental insurance right and will not have any until next month. I have two teeth that are killing me I can't sleep or even fully pay attention during the day it hurts that bad. I can't afford to go to thte dentist. I have been living off an old ( year ago) bottle of 800 mg Ibuprofin but those are not working anymore. Is there some secret remedy , trick I'm desperate. Any advice???
I would recommend you visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ from Extractions, fillings, xray, exam..etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. I been there before, I tried to hold off the pain for 2 months and its not worth it.
I would recommend you visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ from Extractions, fillings, xray, exam..etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. I been there before, I tried to hold off the pain for 2 months and its not worth it.
Does anyone know how much is a visit to the dentist usually cost?
I have this horrible toothache. I don't know what it is, could be a root canal or I have cavity. The thing is, I don't have any insurance and i don't really have money either but i need to get it check out bad cause it's a constant pain i am suffering from. If anyone know the cost for dental visit, please let me know. Thanks
Make an appt today. If you are short of cash do what I do. Get the treatment then as you pass the receptionist bolt for the door and yell "Please bill me" Then pay it off in installments. If dentists had any human decency they would allow people the opportunity to be out of pain by offering alternative solutions than to have to pay up front. It is morally wrong that you should be in this position and having to decide whether you can afford to see a dentist or not. Dont mess with your teeth. Make that appt today I have been in your position a few times
Make an appt today. If you are short of cash do what I do. Get the treatment then as you pass the receptionist bolt for the door and yell "Please bill me" Then pay it off in installments. If dentists had any human decency they would allow people the opportunity to be out of pain by offering alternative solutions than to have to pay up front. It is morally wrong that you should be in this position and having to decide whether you can afford to see a dentist or not. Dont mess with your teeth. Make that appt today I have been in your position a few times
Common for extraction and not a root canal ? regarding cracked tooth ?
no dental insurance so went to the wvu dental school and seemed like they knew what they was doing but the suggested a root canal but when the doctor looked at the x-ray he suggested the tooth be extracted. common ? said tooth was cracked
The xray will show how far the tooth is cracked...if it is cracked on the root it has to be extracted. You can't get a root canal. Thats why he said it after looking at the xray. An extraction is much cheaper than a root canal. At a dental school that doesn't matter, they just want practice. I would trust the dentist.
The xray will show how far the tooth is cracked...if it is cracked on the root it has to be extracted. You can't get a root canal. Thats why he said it after looking at the xray. An extraction is much cheaper than a root canal. At a dental school that doesn't matter, they just want practice. I would trust the dentist.
cost of go to the dentist?
hi, i recently moved to the us, so i dont have dental insurance. the problem is that i have braces, so i have to go to an orthodontist, my question is how much would cost me go to the dentist, each month if i dont have insurance?? im living now i IOWA.
1. First, get the records from the Orthodontist back home. 2. You can negotiate the cost since you are in the middle of a treatment. However, none of the Orthodontist would want to take the responsibility because of the legal liability. 3. You can get in touch with the local dental school to get a discounted price. 4. Some dental schools also offer free Ortho treatment if you go to public school and belong to a low income family and / or don't have any dental insurance. Good luck !!
1. First, get the records from the Orthodontist back home. 2. You can negotiate the cost since you are in the middle of a treatment. However, none of the Orthodontist would want to take the responsibility because of the legal liability. 3. You can get in touch with the local dental school to get a discounted price. 4. Some dental schools also offer free Ortho treatment if you go to public school and belong to a low income family and / or don't have any dental insurance. Good luck !!
Hello from America! Curious about NHS & have a couple of ?
is there a long wait for treatment and appointments? does the NHS pay for braces for crooked teeth? our dental insurance in America is very poor on dental care. thanks :)
dental treatment is free if you under 18 or claim some kind of benifit, , but its so hard for anyone to get a nhs dentist, some people go private, even kids, and have to pay loads with other health matters , yes doctors / hospital treatment is free , you have to pay for a prescription which is about 7 pounds. for operations there is a huge waiting list , sometimes 10 years for non serious stuff, so some people do go private and get seen quicker. we do have some insurence schemes in place but thats optional hope i helped x
dental treatment is free if you under 18 or claim some kind of benifit, , but its so hard for anyone to get a nhs dentist, some people go private, even kids, and have to pay loads with other health matters , yes doctors / hospital treatment is free , you have to pay for a prescription which is about 7 pounds. for operations there is a huge waiting list , sometimes 10 years for non serious stuff, so some people do go private and get seen quicker. we do have some insurence schemes in place but thats optional hope i helped x
Can I get the credit I have on file at my dentist office refunded in cash?
Does anyone know if I can get my money back? Last year I had dental surgery and had to pay over a $1000 upfront because the dental office stated it was in case my insurance didn't cover it. Well, my insurance company did. They told me it would be a credit on file for future visits and that it could be transferred between me and my husband. Well, it's been almost a year and we still haven't used it. Plus, we will be moving out of state in Febuary. So I don't see the point in keeping a credit on file that it close to $1100 at an office I will never visit again. Can I get my money back? Or will I have to threaten to sue?Thanks
Absolutely... Simply walk into the Dentist office, explain the situation as it currently exists, and ask for a full and immediate refund. They can not refuse you your money back. If for some odd reason (like, well that's not our policy) they do refuse you your money back, then simply tell them you will be filing a claim against them in the court of small claims. I am certain you must have some record of the original pre-payment of $1,000, add to that any paperwork you may have from your insurance company proving their payments to that office. If it comes to that you will also be able to recover any court costs (filing fees) as well as payment for the time off you needed to both file the claim and show up in court on the assigned court date. If you have all the necessary paperwork as proof, your Dentist does not stand a chance in hell. This type of thing really steams my bean.. I have long been a fighter or advocate for PRINCIPLE! Good Luck..
Absolutely... Simply walk into the Dentist office, explain the situation as it currently exists, and ask for a full and immediate refund. They can not refuse you your money back. If for some odd reason (like, well that's not our policy) they do refuse you your money back, then simply tell them you will be filing a claim against them in the court of small claims. I am certain you must have some record of the original pre-payment of $1,000, add to that any paperwork you may have from your insurance company proving their payments to that office. If it comes to that you will also be able to recover any court costs (filing fees) as well as payment for the time off you needed to both file the claim and show up in court on the assigned court date. If you have all the necessary paperwork as proof, your Dentist does not stand a chance in hell. This type of thing really steams my bean.. I have long been a fighter or advocate for PRINCIPLE! Good Luck..
volunteering at a dental office..?
What does a dentist ask for in order to let you volunteer in his/her office. Im going to school to be a hygienist...although i still have a year and a half to go, i want to have experience being in a dental office. But then again would the dentist make an issue of me not having insurance and stuff like that. Also how can you approach these officeses ... Its nerve wrecking hearing from friends that they've been told by the dentist their to busy to train people or they just don't need the help...
There might be a dental association in your community that many dentists belong to. Maybe they list dentists that like to mentor new people or offer internships? Ask you dentist for a referral
There might be a dental association in your community that many dentists belong to. Maybe they list dentists that like to mentor new people or offer internships? Ask you dentist for a referral
Dental question?
first, I already know it's best to ask a dentist. It's 11 pm so that will have to wait until morning....Anyways, I need quite a bit of dental work done. I have a calcium deficiency and because of that my teeth will break without warning. I also have a cavity that needs filled, thanks to a tooth chipping where it shouldn't have. Okay, as of now and for the next few months, I am without any type of insurance. Would it hurt to wait a few more months to go to the dentist is would it be better to set up a payment plan and have them done now?
In our area, there are doctors and dentists who help those for free. You may want to check to see if you have the same in your area. If not, see if you can work out a payment plan with a dentist. Sometimes if you make regular payments on time, they will give you a percentage break and you do not have to pay the whole amount, but you have to show an honest effort. In the meantime, start taking calcium supplements, drink more milk, and rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Also, get a little vitamin D by going outside in the sun for about 15 minutes a day. Stop drinking sodas and sugar-laden drinks, and drink through a straw.
In our area, there are doctors and dentists who help those for free. You may want to check to see if you have the same in your area. If not, see if you can work out a payment plan with a dentist. Sometimes if you make regular payments on time, they will give you a percentage break and you do not have to pay the whole amount, but you have to show an honest effort. In the meantime, start taking calcium supplements, drink more milk, and rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Also, get a little vitamin D by going outside in the sun for about 15 minutes a day. Stop drinking sodas and sugar-laden drinks, and drink through a straw.
Looking for Dental help?
I am 24 female I have no insurance and I am in dier need of some dental work I am in pain every day I have tried every home remidy there is and I am still in pain I can not afford to pay a dentist alot of money and and I can not get approved for any kind of credit cards or dental credit cards and althoght i have a cyst on my brain I am not eligible to get any kind of disablity benefits or help through dentist that work with the disabled so I am looking for a dentist that is willing to make payment arragements with me or a dentist that is willing to do some pro bono work or even some where that does work on a sliding scale I no this is a long shot but I am in pain everyday I can't sleep, I can bearly eat I just don't know what else to do please if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it weather it be with information or ect. Thank you and God Bless I live in oklahoma
Check out this website. They have helped me save alot of money on my dental work. I have had it for a couple of years now, And have been completely satisfied. Its very inexpensive, but will save you alot of money. Good Luck
Check out this website. They have helped me save alot of money on my dental work. I have had it for a couple of years now, And have been completely satisfied. Its very inexpensive, but will save you alot of money. Good Luck
Looking for Dental help in Oklahoma Tulsa or Muskogee area PLEASE?
I am 24 female I have no insurance and I am in dier need of some dental work I am in pain every day I have tried every home remidy there is and I am still in pain I can not afford to pay a dentist alot of money and and I can not get approved for any kind of credit cards or dental credit cards and althoght i have a cyst on my brain I am not eligible to get any kind of disablity benefits or help through dentist that work with the disabled so I am looking for a dentist that is willing to make payment arragements with me or a dentist that is willing to do some pro bono work or even some where that does work on a sliding scale I no this is a long shot but I am in pain everyday I can't sleep, I can bearly eat I just don't know what else to do please if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it weather it be with information or ect. Thank you and God Bless
Good Shepherd Health Clinic of Muskogee - 321 North Virginia, 687-0511 The clinic, a joint initiative of the St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Paul United Methodist Church, provides health services to the poor who lack medical coverage in the Muskogee area. Last year the clinic served over 500 patients, utilizing volunteer doctors, nurse practitioners, RNs, pharmacists, and vocational nurses. Providence Radiology & MRI Association and Muskogee Diagnostic Imaging provide clinic patients with imaging and x-ray services; local pharmacists partner with the clinic by offering prescription medicines at cost. The clinic also offers free dental services and legal consulting. Good Shepherd's goal is to improve clients' quality of life through an increase in health, self-esteem, and Christian support. Good Luck to you!
Good Shepherd Health Clinic of Muskogee - 321 North Virginia, 687-0511 The clinic, a joint initiative of the St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Paul United Methodist Church, provides health services to the poor who lack medical coverage in the Muskogee area. Last year the clinic served over 500 patients, utilizing volunteer doctors, nurse practitioners, RNs, pharmacists, and vocational nurses. Providence Radiology & MRI Association and Muskogee Diagnostic Imaging provide clinic patients with imaging and x-ray services; local pharmacists partner with the clinic by offering prescription medicines at cost. The clinic also offers free dental services and legal consulting. Good Shepherd's goal is to improve clients' quality of life through an increase in health, self-esteem, and Christian support. Good Luck to you!
I'm 19 w/out health insurance, How much do you think i'd have to pay for a tooth extraction?
Hello, My name is Kiara, im 19 in the state of Maryland & i have no health insurance. Im unemployed & basically my life is a wreck ='( I have a tooth (upper right back side, second to the last tooth to be exact) tht has a huge decaying hole in it, and it has been giving me pain lately. Also a new irritating sypmtom is when i brushed my teeth & rinsed w/ water, my gums had a burning sensation & im so devastated.. my question is how much do you guys think removing the tooth would cost w/out insurance & if you know of any low costing dental care in MD please help me! ='(
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I would like to suggest you get as much information as you could before taking action,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is a good place for that.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I would like to suggest you get as much information as you could before taking action,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is a good place for that.
Can I be refunded for a crown that doesn't fit properly?
I live in NJ. In March 2006 I had a dentist crown one of my teeth. I thought everything was fine, until I went to a new dentist last week. He took the usual several x-rays of my mouth and found a problem with that crown. Apparently,it isn't covering my molar properly and he said that it is imperative that it be replaced before it causes big problems (a future root canal in that tooth). Can I be refunded the money for that crown from the dentist that did it? Do I have ANY recourse?? I don't have dental insurance so I put the previous charges on my Visa card. What can I do - if anything?!?!
i would make an appt to go see the dentist who placed the crown, take the x-ray with you, simply show him to him/her and ask if there is anything wrong with it? If he has an actual x-ray that he took after placing the crown and it appears the crown was fitting fine and now it's not (he should show you this), then that is different. However, if he never took an x-ray after he placed it and the crown has an open margin, then he should replace it at no charge. If he says nothing is wrong with it, point to where you were told there was a problem and see what he says. Let him know that you are willing to let him re-do the crown, but he most prob won't give you your money back unless you make a really big fuss. Or if you don't trust him to work on you tell him that you are going to have the crown re-done elsewhere and you think it would be ethically responsible of him to cover the bill of the new crown. Just be diplomatic and understand the details of your treatment; the new dentist may be just trying to make a buck as well, be well informed.
i would make an appt to go see the dentist who placed the crown, take the x-ray with you, simply show him to him/her and ask if there is anything wrong with it? If he has an actual x-ray that he took after placing the crown and it appears the crown was fitting fine and now it's not (he should show you this), then that is different. However, if he never took an x-ray after he placed it and the crown has an open margin, then he should replace it at no charge. If he says nothing is wrong with it, point to where you were told there was a problem and see what he says. Let him know that you are willing to let him re-do the crown, but he most prob won't give you your money back unless you make a really big fuss. Or if you don't trust him to work on you tell him that you are going to have the crown re-done elsewhere and you think it would be ethically responsible of him to cover the bill of the new crown. Just be diplomatic and understand the details of your treatment; the new dentist may be just trying to make a buck as well, be well informed.
TMJ and Jaw Popping - At home treatment?
My jaw has been popping in and out of place for the last few days. It is rather painful, and often times my mouth will not shut fully (teeth to teeth) unless it goes through a painful pop. I would love to go to a dentist, but I don't have dental insurance and really can't afford to pay for treatment out of pocket. Does anyone have suggestions on ways to treat this myself? I'm avoiding gum and chewy hard foods already. Thank you so much, everyone!
If professional treatment is simply out of the question, you can nurse this along at home for some degree of relief. I am not a huge advocate of drug store appliances, but I recognize their place for individuals such as you who just can't afford proper treatment. If you twist your ankle, you might decide to take it easy for a few days and you might even use a set of crutches that you happen to have from a previous injury. You have to rest the joint and allow it time to heal. That's common sense. If you try this for a few days and nothing gets better, you give up the idea and go to the doctor. With that introduction, let me say that I have never seen you and I have not diagnosed your condition. I am not telling you that this is the proper solution for your problem. I am simply giving you an overview of what might work in many cases as a temporary home measure. If you attempt this and find that things get worse instead of better, discontinue it immediately and seek professional help. If you find that this helps a little, but it is necessary for you to continue this home treatment for an extended period of time, you should also consider that you have more than a simple soft tissue injury and seek professional help. Okay, my disclaimer and the background information are complete. Go to the drug store and look for the TMJ appliance or bite guard that has a pad on the left and right for you to bite on. In short term, emergency care, this design will be much more effective and less likely to cause damage than the kind that fits over all of your teeth. Buy this appliance and read the label directions and follow those directions. Here is a home therapy routine that is good to use in conjunction with wearing the above appliance, but it might give you some relief even without the appliance. 1. Run some fairly hot water into your bathroom sink. 2. Soak TWO washcloths in the water. 3. Squeeze most of the water out of the washcloths and apply them to your face in the area of your TMJ just in front of your ears. 4. Every minute or two, wet the washcloths again, squeeze them out and apply to your face as above. 5. After about 15-20 minutes of this routine, you need to stretch out your joints so they don't "freeze up" on you. 6. Look in the mirror and make funny faces. Yes, that's what I said. Move your chin to the left and then to the right, about as far as you can. Repeat this several times, for about 5-10 seconds. Open and close your mouth several times. Jut your chin forward and plop it back where it belongs repeatedly. 7. Start the face-making all over again and repeat this for several minutes until the skin over youth TMJ's is back to normal temperature. 8. After you have done this therapy, wear the TMJ appliance for at least half an hour, if not all night for sleep. Repeat that routine 3 times a day, evenly spaced through out the day. Your morning session could be done using warm water in the shower, for instance. If you have had popping for more than about 6 weeks, you are not going to make it go away. You might get the pain to go away, but you will not get the noise to go away. As with any other joint injury, you need to take it easy on your TMJ. You would do this by being careful about what you eat. Avoid tough, chewy foods or hard things, like hard candy or pretzels. Avoid opening your mouth to any excessive opening. Before you bite a sandwich, for instance, smash it down so that you will not have to open any more than about one inch to get it into your mouth. Consider cutting a sandwich or any other food into small bites. Continue all of this with care and caution for at least 3 or 4 weeks. If you do not have considerable relief by then, you may have actual damage to the structures of your TMJ and you will need professional help. If you feel like your teeth don't come together properly after completing a home therapy session, you need to have your bite evaluated by a competent dentist. Good luck and please, use good sense.
If professional treatment is simply out of the question, you can nurse this along at home for some degree of relief. I am not a huge advocate of drug store appliances, but I recognize their place for individuals such as you who just can't afford proper treatment. If you twist your ankle, you might decide to take it easy for a few days and you might even use a set of crutches that you happen to have from a previous injury. You have to rest the joint and allow it time to heal. That's common sense. If you try this for a few days and nothing gets better, you give up the idea and go to the doctor. With that introduction, let me say that I have never seen you and I have not diagnosed your condition. I am not telling you that this is the proper solution for your problem. I am simply giving you an overview of what might work in many cases as a temporary home measure. If you attempt this and find that things get worse instead of better, discontinue it immediately and seek professional help. If you find that this helps a little, but it is necessary for you to continue this home treatment for an extended period of time, you should also consider that you have more than a simple soft tissue injury and seek professional help. Okay, my disclaimer and the background information are complete. Go to the drug store and look for the TMJ appliance or bite guard that has a pad on the left and right for you to bite on. In short term, emergency care, this design will be much more effective and less likely to cause damage than the kind that fits over all of your teeth. Buy this appliance and read the label directions and follow those directions. Here is a home therapy routine that is good to use in conjunction with wearing the above appliance, but it might give you some relief even without the appliance. 1. Run some fairly hot water into your bathroom sink. 2. Soak TWO washcloths in the water. 3. Squeeze most of the water out of the washcloths and apply them to your face in the area of your TMJ just in front of your ears. 4. Every minute or two, wet the washcloths again, squeeze them out and apply to your face as above. 5. After about 15-20 minutes of this routine, you need to stretch out your joints so they don't "freeze up" on you. 6. Look in the mirror and make funny faces. Yes, that's what I said. Move your chin to the left and then to the right, about as far as you can. Repeat this several times, for about 5-10 seconds. Open and close your mouth several times. Jut your chin forward and plop it back where it belongs repeatedly. 7. Start the face-making all over again and repeat this for several minutes until the skin over youth TMJ's is back to normal temperature. 8. After you have done this therapy, wear the TMJ appliance for at least half an hour, if not all night for sleep. Repeat that routine 3 times a day, evenly spaced through out the day. Your morning session could be done using warm water in the shower, for instance. If you have had popping for more than about 6 weeks, you are not going to make it go away. You might get the pain to go away, but you will not get the noise to go away. As with any other joint injury, you need to take it easy on your TMJ. You would do this by being careful about what you eat. Avoid tough, chewy foods or hard things, like hard candy or pretzels. Avoid opening your mouth to any excessive opening. Before you bite a sandwich, for instance, smash it down so that you will not have to open any more than about one inch to get it into your mouth. Consider cutting a sandwich or any other food into small bites. Continue all of this with care and caution for at least 3 or 4 weeks. If you do not have considerable relief by then, you may have actual damage to the structures of your TMJ and you will need professional help. If you feel like your teeth don't come together properly after completing a home therapy session, you need to have your bite evaluated by a competent dentist. Good luck and please, use good sense.
I was laid off back in Ocotber 08 and opted to not do COBRA. Now it will be affordable so I will do it. My questions are: If its not retro-active then does the one year dental period have to start over to be able to take advantage of the higher costs of such things as crowns? Is COBRA basically the same insurance benefits as the company provided its employees? Thank you for your help!
Under the stimulus bill, a new Cobra election pweriod will be offered for those people who were involuntarily laid off and did NOT elect to take COBRA. You will have to pay back premiums. Here's a nice explanation provided by one of my carriers: Employers must offer an additional COBRA election period to any individual who became a qualified beneficiary due to involuntary termination on or after September 1, 2008, and who would be eligible for the reduced premiums if he or she were enrolled as of the effective date of the Act. The additional election period must be offered to individuals who previously declined COBRA coverage as well as to individuals who elected and then terminated COBRA coverage. It is important to note that individuals who previously declined COBRA coverage or elected and terminated it have another opportunity to elect it under the new premium arrangement.
Under the stimulus bill, a new Cobra election pweriod will be offered for those people who were involuntarily laid off and did NOT elect to take COBRA. You will have to pay back premiums. Here's a nice explanation provided by one of my carriers: Employers must offer an additional COBRA election period to any individual who became a qualified beneficiary due to involuntary termination on or after September 1, 2008, and who would be eligible for the reduced premiums if he or she were enrolled as of the effective date of the Act. The additional election period must be offered to individuals who previously declined COBRA coverage as well as to individuals who elected and then terminated COBRA coverage. It is important to note that individuals who previously declined COBRA coverage or elected and terminated it have another opportunity to elect it under the new premium arrangement.
Six year old had loose tooth, Daddy yanked it with string...?
It had been loose for approx. 3 weeks, driving her nuts. We yanked it out. Couple days later a little white tooth nub shows up behind where the baby tooth was. Do adult teeth come in that fast after a baby tooth is gone? Could it be a piece of her baby tooth that didn't get pulled loose? It doesn't appear to be wiggly. Just curious as our dental insurance doesn't kick in for another month...
More than likely it is the new tooth coming in that fast, in fact my son has had new teeth PUSH the old one's out. I took him to the dentist after one particularly gruesome baby tooth falling out epsiode and the dentist said that there was some root left in the gums, but not to worry, it would fall out in it's own time and the only times to really be concerned were if there was pain....
More than likely it is the new tooth coming in that fast, in fact my son has had new teeth PUSH the old one's out. I took him to the dentist after one particularly gruesome baby tooth falling out epsiode and the dentist said that there was some root left in the gums, but not to worry, it would fall out in it's own time and the only times to really be concerned were if there was pain....
emergency dental services in SJ, CA?!??
Any suggestions for emergency dental care in the San Jose, CA. area? I have no medical/health insurance, & just lost my job last week! I'm concerned that this may be an infection moving into the jaw bone...
I emailed you directly in case you check that first. Here is the information I sent you...I hope it helps! Go to http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/bigsavings Click on locate a provider to verify coverage in your area and then click on Join Now. You will get a member number right then that you can take to any of the authorized providers and get immediate savings at the dentist. It will cost you $11.95 a month.
I emailed you directly in case you check that first. Here is the information I sent you...I hope it helps! Go to http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/bigsavings Click on locate a provider to verify coverage in your area and then click on Join Now. You will get a member number right then that you can take to any of the authorized providers and get immediate savings at the dentist. It will cost you $11.95 a month.
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
If you are looking for private health insurance, you will never find insurance for that little of money. You are looking at several hundred dollars per month just for insurance that will cover medical. Even then, you will probably have a copay and deductible. If you are working for an employer and not needing private coverage, you will still be paying more than you are willing to spend.
If you are looking for private health insurance, you will never find insurance for that little of money. You are looking at several hundred dollars per month just for insurance that will cover medical. Even then, you will probably have a copay and deductible. If you are working for an employer and not needing private coverage, you will still be paying more than you are willing to spend.
Monday, May 30, 2011
What kind of dental support can I get?
I am on SSDI, get EBT food stamps, and get some other supports, such as Medicaid to supplement my military insurance (from my estranged husband). The military insurance, so far as I can tell, only covers routine dental work, and pays a percentage of other dental procedures. Last time I had dental work done, I had to have a full cleaning, which ended up costing me $300! There is no way I can afford anything like that again... What options do I have between Medicaid and Tricare (and other options)? I have severe dental problems (I was diagnosed with peridontal disease last year, a direct result of growing up with a mother who never brought me to a dentist, so by the time I was old enough to do it myself, I already had severe gingivitis which quickly became peridontis, even with cleanings and treatments which I couldn't really afford, but tried to get anyway. Basically, I'm going to need a fully cleaning, periodontal assessment, going to have to have many teeth pulled, and get tooth implants, dentures, and/or bridgework. From my own assessment, I have 4 severely decayed teeth, about 10 partially decayed teeth, and a few shwoing signs of leanig that way. My gums have receded a great deal over time, and they are sensitive and bleed when brushed and bleed severely when I floss. I do try to brush and floss every day, though I don't see how it could possibly help now. Please help me figure out a way to fix my mouth...I am, according to others, a very pretty girl, except for my teeth, which are so crooked and messed up...I should've had braces when I was a kid, too, they are so crooked, but my mother refused to believe that...she never cared.
I don't understand what you are asking for or want. You get tons of governmental insurance and welfare programs. I really don't know what more you want people to do because of your neglect?
I don't understand what you are asking for or want. You get tons of governmental insurance and welfare programs. I really don't know what more you want people to do because of your neglect?
excellus insurance ?
I just recieved my insurance card in the mail and it is excellus bc plan 304 and bs plan 804 the group code is f. I was wondering if my ins. covers everything like dental and eye care does anyone know . Thank you
You can save up to 60% to 80% with ASP's Health Care and Dental Saving Plan and you call also receive a free Motorola Cell Phone. The lowest price you can ever find for health insurance. Cell Phone: 1. No daily charge 2. NO contract 3. No Long Distance fee 4.No COntract 5.No Overages To here more about this amazing opportunity please call 1-866-870-0560 Make sure to use referral code to get half off own healthcare: 290581
You can save up to 60% to 80% with ASP's Health Care and Dental Saving Plan and you call also receive a free Motorola Cell Phone. The lowest price you can ever find for health insurance. Cell Phone: 1. No daily charge 2. NO contract 3. No Long Distance fee 4.No COntract 5.No Overages To here more about this amazing opportunity please call 1-866-870-0560 Make sure to use referral code to get half off own healthcare: 290581
I'm 14 years old and my wisdom teeth are already killing me, ?
I cannot eat anything cold, yet drink anything cold or it stings really bad, my tooth wakes me up every night... i have no dental insurance... i'm ready to die, it feels like my nerves are bothering me just around that 1 tooth, like there really sensitive. (the 1 in the back right) so please, help me get some sleep :(
do you have any abesol or orajel? take some tylenol, advil, aleve or motrin whichever you have in the house, you sure its your wisdom teeth and not a cavity?? do you have any floss try to floss around the tooth maybe something is caught between the tooth and gum....if your parents will let you, swish your mouth with some liquor the alcohol will help the gums swish it in your mouth and spit it out, dont swallow it.....also take a cup of warm water put 1/2 tsp of salt in it, mix it and rinse your mouth with it, spit out, and repeat til you finish up the whole glass of water, the salt will kill any infection near the gum the tooth might be causing....... so go take the pain relievers first and then do the rest hope you feel better
do you have any abesol or orajel? take some tylenol, advil, aleve or motrin whichever you have in the house, you sure its your wisdom teeth and not a cavity?? do you have any floss try to floss around the tooth maybe something is caught between the tooth and gum....if your parents will let you, swish your mouth with some liquor the alcohol will help the gums swish it in your mouth and spit it out, dont swallow it.....also take a cup of warm water put 1/2 tsp of salt in it, mix it and rinse your mouth with it, spit out, and repeat til you finish up the whole glass of water, the salt will kill any infection near the gum the tooth might be causing....... so go take the pain relievers first and then do the rest hope you feel better
How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance?
I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra?
"I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law." Nobody has mentioned that COBRA benefits last for only 18 months. As you say your young and have no health issues I would apply for a new individual health policy now the difference between what you will pay under COBRA and your own policy that is customized for your financial situation will be significant. I've done that many times for my clients
"I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law." Nobody has mentioned that COBRA benefits last for only 18 months. As you say your young and have no health issues I would apply for a new individual health policy now the difference between what you will pay under COBRA and your own policy that is customized for your financial situation will be significant. I've done that many times for my clients
getting insurance?
I am self employed. For a long time i did not have health insurance. Well i talked to someone today and he told me i could get some. It would be $247 a month. thats also includes dental and vision. my friend says thats too much, but to be honest i am not sure how much people usually pay. Is that a good price per month? thanks.
That is an excellent price. I'd be very leery of it. What does it cover? Private health insurance (depending on your risk factors, deductibles, etc.) would normally run at least $400 a month. Insurance does not cover everything. It might cover a PERCENTAGE of everything. What is your co-pay and deductibles? What are the annual and lifetime limits it pays? What procedures are included/excluded? Lots of variables in insurance. Again, this sounds too good to be true.
That is an excellent price. I'd be very leery of it. What does it cover? Private health insurance (depending on your risk factors, deductibles, etc.) would normally run at least $400 a month. Insurance does not cover everything. It might cover a PERCENTAGE of everything. What is your co-pay and deductibles? What are the annual and lifetime limits it pays? What procedures are included/excluded? Lots of variables in insurance. Again, this sounds too good to be true.
Dental Bonding for a Diastema?
hello, i have a gap between my front teeth and i'm wondering if it can be closed by dental bonding also i want to know how much it costs this bonding ? and if my college insurance can afford that for me? thank you
Bonding will definitely work to close the gap. As far as costs and insurance goes, I can't tell you a set price. Call your dental office (or if you don't have a dentist you see regularly, then phone a couple of offices and ask what the prices are and then you can pick and choose which one you want to go to). As I'm not from the states (I'm from Canada) I can't even estimate a price for you, but here, it's not too pricey (approx. $150-$200). And you'll also have to call your insurance company and ask, as every insurance company has different policies on what they cover and how much. Hope this helps!
Bonding will definitely work to close the gap. As far as costs and insurance goes, I can't tell you a set price. Call your dental office (or if you don't have a dentist you see regularly, then phone a couple of offices and ask what the prices are and then you can pick and choose which one you want to go to). As I'm not from the states (I'm from Canada) I can't even estimate a price for you, but here, it's not too pricey (approx. $150-$200). And you'll also have to call your insurance company and ask, as every insurance company has different policies on what they cover and how much. Hope this helps!
Will Kaiser Permanente take out my Wisdom Teeth?
I haven't called yet but I don't wanna feel stupid when I do :/ My dental won't cover me anymore cuz I'm not a full time student so my next option is my medical which covers me regardless of student status. I know kaiser doesn't have dental will they take out my wisdom teeth if I need them to? they aren't going to sit and wait til someone takes them out I've already called around to other dental insurance and so far its a no go
I would contact Kaiser and find out. If your wisdom teeth will create other health problems, then they might take them out. If it's for purely cosmetic reasons, ie it will mess up your smile, my guess they won't. As for all those people who poo poo Kaiser, let me state that you have to be forceful and assertive with Kaiser and take charge of your own health care. Be informed and educated. Kaiser is a "cattle" outfit; however, it does offer health coverage for a lot less.
I would contact Kaiser and find out. If your wisdom teeth will create other health problems, then they might take them out. If it's for purely cosmetic reasons, ie it will mess up your smile, my guess they won't. As for all those people who poo poo Kaiser, let me state that you have to be forceful and assertive with Kaiser and take charge of your own health care. Be informed and educated. Kaiser is a "cattle" outfit; however, it does offer health coverage for a lot less.
I am 25 and am thinking about getting braces, and am looking for a dental plan that will cover atleast 50%.?
My problem is really based on the fact that most insurance companies only cover expenses for braces up until the age of 21.
I have a great dental plan! It is not insurance but a dental discount plan. No limits on visits or services, no age limit, no waiting period, specialists included! This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Save anywhere from 50% to 80 on most utilized dental procedures such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, root canal, and even crowns! Members can also save 50% or more on Braces! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: http://www.wehavebenefits.com At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab at the top of the page that says Find a Provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I have a great dental plan! It is not insurance but a dental discount plan. No limits on visits or services, no age limit, no waiting period, specialists included! This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Save anywhere from 50% to 80 on most utilized dental procedures such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, root canal, and even crowns! Members can also save 50% or more on Braces! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: http://www.wehavebenefits.com At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab at the top of the page that says Find a Provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I want to offer employees an annual amount of $ for them to allocate to the benefit costs of their choice.?
Am I restricted in which benfits I can allow them to contribute to? For example: I allocate $6000 to each employee. They can choose to cover all or parts of their health, dental , Life, STD insurance premiums etc. What about putting it into the 401k? I need some direction and need to have a starting place for my research. Can you help?
This is a good question to discuss with a tax accountant. You are not restricted to anything, but some things may be tax-deductible, others may not be, and yet others would only be tax-deductible uo to a certain limit, which could be either an absolute number or a percentage of employee's earnings...
This is a good question to discuss with a tax accountant. You are not restricted to anything, but some things may be tax-deductible, others may not be, and yet others would only be tax-deductible uo to a certain limit, which could be either an absolute number or a percentage of employee's earnings...
Dentists...Chain (Aspen Dental) vs. Local?
My BF needs to get to a dentist ASAP We don't have insurance so I'm looking to do this as cheaply as possible. He has several visible cavities and is aware that some major work needs to be done. Will he save money by going through Aspen Dental as it's a chain type place with offices all over or to go to a reputable dentist in the area who only works at his own practice? Thanks in advance!
Thanks for considering Aspen Dental. Here's a little more information about our dental offices. Although Aspen Dental operates under a common name, our fully licensed and credentialed dentists operate independently and follow the same guidelines for their standard of care as independent dentists. By working together to provide support services to each office like billing, insurance processing and purchasing of dental supplies, they are able to reduce costs and offer dental services at a more affordable price. In most cases, Aspen Dental fees and services are lower than the average market fees. Your BF can get a better idea by going to the Aspen Dental office in your area. If your BF does not have insurance, his exam and xrays are free. I hope you have found this helpful. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions. Allie
Thanks for considering Aspen Dental. Here's a little more information about our dental offices. Although Aspen Dental operates under a common name, our fully licensed and credentialed dentists operate independently and follow the same guidelines for their standard of care as independent dentists. By working together to provide support services to each office like billing, insurance processing and purchasing of dental supplies, they are able to reduce costs and offer dental services at a more affordable price. In most cases, Aspen Dental fees and services are lower than the average market fees. Your BF can get a better idea by going to the Aspen Dental office in your area. If your BF does not have insurance, his exam and xrays are free. I hope you have found this helpful. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions. Allie
I need Dental Work?
I need to get a lot of dental work done. And I have a low income job and no insurance. I live in Villa Park Il. Any ideas of were I can go? I can pay just not a lot.
You should do what I did. Get a Cheap Dental Plan, not insurance. It offers HIGH SAVINGS ON DENTAL WORK. For Example, instead of paying $50 for teeth cleaning, with the plan, it will be $17. Its really cheap, $6.95/month. You can cancel anytime. THIS is NOT a scam. I researched them before I joined. CareINGTON is under the Better BusinessBureau. Type in this Referal code when you join:1DENTZ21824R Go to 1Dental.com I'm sooo happy I found out about them. I saved about $1000 on my two root canals I needed. Check them out.
You should do what I did. Get a Cheap Dental Plan, not insurance. It offers HIGH SAVINGS ON DENTAL WORK. For Example, instead of paying $50 for teeth cleaning, with the plan, it will be $17. Its really cheap, $6.95/month. You can cancel anytime. THIS is NOT a scam. I researched them before I joined. CareINGTON is under the Better BusinessBureau. Type in this Referal code when you join:1DENTZ21824R Go to 1Dental.com I'm sooo happy I found out about them. I saved about $1000 on my two root canals I needed. Check them out.
Need to find the best dental plan?
Needs to be great need to find good quality insurance
There is no such thing as the best dental plan. There is no such thing as good quality insurance. It all depends on what you want really. So tell us more.
There is no such thing as the best dental plan. There is no such thing as good quality insurance. It all depends on what you want really. So tell us more.
I'm searching for dental implants in Los Angeles?
I have several thousand dollars saved to get some implants.I'm looking for a dentist who will give a break to cash pay vs the insurance companies.If anyone has strong knowledge of a dentist in Los Angeles,CA,I'd appreciate it.Or even willing to travel if the procedure can be expedited.
Dental and Dental Implants surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Dental and Dental Implants surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Anyone Have/Had a Misaligned Jaw?
I have a misaligned lower jaw and I would like to get a surgery to correct this. As far as I know, I need to see a maxillofacial surgeon but I don't have health insurance or dental insurance of any sort. It's not just cosmetic, there are other difficulties I have because of this. What options are open for me? :s Do you guys/gals have any tips? What can I do? Approximately how much would this surgery cost? :s Thanks a ton!
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
dental school that does dental work for discount in norfolk va.?
i have a cyst in my mouth that is leaking in my mouth and has been for 3 weeks i am getting worried and i had heard a few people talking about a dental school that will do dental work for a deeply discounted price for letting them work on you i have been layed off and have no kind of insurance if you have any suggestions or know the school that i am talking about it would be greatly appreciated.thanks
Well we all do understand your situation and I will see what I can do for you, First of all you have this dental school in richmond http://www.dentistry.vcu.edu/about/direc… Also you have this free dental clinic http://maps.google.com/maps/place?client… Either one should be able to provide the services you require and get you back on your feet, good luck. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
Well we all do understand your situation and I will see what I can do for you, First of all you have this dental school in richmond http://www.dentistry.vcu.edu/about/direc… Also you have this free dental clinic http://maps.google.com/maps/place?client… Either one should be able to provide the services you require and get you back on your feet, good luck. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
what does UCF stand for?dental?
i got a dental treatment plan print out from my dentists office and the prices are written under UCF collum. i just lost my insurance and wanted to make sure that wasn't my insurance price. for example: a filling is 248 UCF price and 168 patient price
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
Is it okay to sign up for new insurance while continuing previous coverage through COBRA?
Ok, here's the situation. I've recently switched jobs and I have the option of keeping my old insurance through COBRA or signing up for insurance with my new company. For medical insurance, I'm definately going to switch to the new provider but for dental, I'd kind of like continue through COBRA until I reach my max pay-out and then switch to the new plan. (I have lots of dental work ahead of me, so I'll probably reach that limit in a few months.) The only problem is, I have to enroll to the new plan by the end of January or I'll have to wait an entire year before I can sign up again. So what I'd like to do is continue using my previous coverage, but sign up for new plan so that it's waiting for me when I cancel my old plan. I have not intention of submitting claims to both providers, nor do I intend to inform my dental office of the new insurance until the old plan is cancelled.
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
Dental xrays and switching dentist?
I visited a new dentist for a second opinion. I decided to switch to this dentist but the doctor requested I have the last dental office send over the xrays from two years ago (which was the last time I went). I find it strange that the new doctor would want old xrays. The doctor said it was so that I would only need to take 4 instead of 6 xrays or something like that. Is it to save my time from taking more xrays? Isn't two years kinda of old? Is the new doctor trying bill the insurance company for xrays not taken?
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
where to get dental x-rays in new york city (look at details section)?
Hello. I was wondering where I can get panoramic(cephalogram) and panoramic x-rays of my teeth in the new york metro area. i dont have insurance so i am willing to pay with cash. hopefully something under $100 would be nice. Most of the dentists i found online require you to do a cleaning or check-up... i just want damn X-rays. PS: If you dont know the answer dont just comment to get points.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
Do I really need teeth Desensitizer?
My dentist found two cavities that I need to have filled and has recommended a desensitizer treatment for each tooth which isn't covered by my dental insurance. The reality is I don't have any sensitivity to cold or hot, should I really get the treatment regardless? How long would that be good for? Thanks so much!
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
How much is invisalign cost/?
Hi, i just want to know how much does invisalign cost without having dental insurance with my teeth? thank you http://www.mypicx.com/07082010/teeth/
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Should I get my impacted wisdom teeth removed?
Lately the gums above my wisdom teeth have felt kind of strange. Not so much painful as they are itchy....like I want to chew on things back there. (Almost as if I'm teething) It doesn't hurt or anything...it's just an annoying feeling. I can feel them underneath my gums. Should I get them removed? I'm not sure if it would be worth the money and/or pain. Also, how much does it generally cost to do? (I don't have Dental Insurance) Thanks : )
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
i have dark brown/black lines between 3 of my front teeth?
that just started to appear. they do not hurt not even when brushing or flossing. i smoke ( i know i should quit) and drink lots of tea and dark pop. could those lines just be stains? i do not have dental insurance or money so i really cannot afford to go to the dentist. i do brush my teeth 3 times a day too. please help! thanks
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
I have the worst teeth in the world. If any Dentist want to use me as example and work on my teeth?
If you want to use me for gene pig. I will be happy to be. I don't have money and times are tough. My dental insurance sucks. But if you want to experiment on my teeth I will be glad. I need lot of work. contact me via email. browsethisone@yahoo.com
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Child support medical/dental?
I provide medical/dental through child support. The plans cover everything besides a low copay. If the mother gets Medicaid for the child can it be used as a secondary? I was under the impression that if you already have a primary insurance you can not be on it. If the mother does not tell medicaid about the primary insurance, who will responsible to pay back the bill?
You can have both regular insurance and Medicaid. It is common in cases like yours. The regular insurance will be primary and Medicaid will pick up the co-pays and procedures that the primary doesn't cover. However, Medicaid does need to know about the primary insurance or they will make you pay back the charges that the primary should have paid. If the mother lied to Medicaid I would think she would be responsible.
You can have both regular insurance and Medicaid. It is common in cases like yours. The regular insurance will be primary and Medicaid will pick up the co-pays and procedures that the primary doesn't cover. However, Medicaid does need to know about the primary insurance or they will make you pay back the charges that the primary should have paid. If the mother lied to Medicaid I would think she would be responsible.
Need Help. I have Toothache pain and nothing is helping?
I have a toothache pain in one of my teeth. I don't have nor I can I afford dental insurance. Can I go the ER to get help?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
My tooth hurts a lot and I can't open my mouth?
This morning my mouth began to hurt (mildly), but I could still open my mouth all the way. It hurts very much and is giving me a severe headache. I can't open my mouth very wide. The entire side of my face hurts. I know I should go to the dentist, but I don't have dental insurance. When I graduated from college last week I became ineligible and I'm still looking for a job. Does anyone know a home remedy that might help. Salt water does nothing.
Go to a community health center.
Go to a community health center.
Is my dentist ripping me off?
I have 2 molar fillings that need to be replaced, but the dentist quoted me $2,200 to have it done. I have dental insurance, but they don't cover that much. For more detail, on the quote, they are "teeth 18 & 19, crown-porc fused to high noble, $940 each ($1880) plus $263 for cleaning. Does that seem unreasonable? Seems really high to me! How much does it normally cost to replace a filling?
Actually for crowns those prices sound about right. And if what you need is a deep cleaning then that's not expensive at all.
Actually for crowns those prices sound about right. And if what you need is a deep cleaning then that's not expensive at all.
where can i get cheap dental assistance (free) would be nice?
i need 2 thousand $ for dental work u guys no of any ways i can raise this i dont want to wait for next yr when my insurance well cover it buzz me if u know >mesenger > psychicgus thnks
Try contacting a dental college. They offer free cleanings, etc. for students to practice, but I bet you could get more extensive work done at a low cost (probably not free, though, if you need a lot of work done.) Good luck!
Try contacting a dental college. They offer free cleanings, etc. for students to practice, but I bet you could get more extensive work done at a low cost (probably not free, though, if you need a lot of work done.) Good luck!
question about adult and baby teeth?
My adult canine tooth grew in behind my baby tooth when i was 12. I'm 21 now. And now that i have dental insurance i wanna get my teeth fixed. But I'm scared! I still have my baby tooth and the adult is still behind it. Will i have to get braces?
Nope. You might just have to have the baby tooth pulled out. Not as bad as it sounds really lol. I wish you luck.
Nope. You might just have to have the baby tooth pulled out. Not as bad as it sounds really lol. I wish you luck.
>>Easy 10 points!! Approximately how much would a tooth extraction cost?<
I live near Nashville TN, if that makes any difference, with no dental insurance. And it is an adult molar that needs removal. Obviously, just an estimated price range is all I'm asking for. Thanks!
A simple extraction (for a tooth that is fully erupted from the gum and has small roots) starts around $75 in some locations but generally runs about $100 -$150. A surgical extraction, such as when a tooth is broken off at the gum line, is around $150 -$300; for a soft tissue extraction of a partially impacted tooth (an incision has to be made into the gums) the cost is about $200 -$350; and for a partial bony extraction (the tooth has some bone covering it) expect to pay anywhere from $300 -$600 Extracting a wisdom tooth (also called a third molar) starts around $150 -$350 for a tooth that is fully erupted from the gum. Extracting a partially or completely impacted wisdom tooth ranges from $350 -$650.
A simple extraction (for a tooth that is fully erupted from the gum and has small roots) starts around $75 in some locations but generally runs about $100 -$150. A surgical extraction, such as when a tooth is broken off at the gum line, is around $150 -$300; for a soft tissue extraction of a partially impacted tooth (an incision has to be made into the gums) the cost is about $200 -$350; and for a partial bony extraction (the tooth has some bone covering it) expect to pay anywhere from $300 -$600 Extracting a wisdom tooth (also called a third molar) starts around $150 -$350 for a tooth that is fully erupted from the gum. Extracting a partially or completely impacted wisdom tooth ranges from $350 -$650.
Any Tax Professionals out there?
OK, I am itemizing this year since i just purchased a home. What i need to know is, what part of my closing costs, if any can i deduct (besides taxes and interest). Also, can i deduct my medical and dental insurance premiums? The IRS books just don't tell much, thanks in advance for any help!!
if you paid any points at the closing you can deduct them. Be aware that some banks don't report points paid on the year end statements form 1098 they mail to you. If not, then you have to refer back to closing statements to obtain the amount paid. Form 1098 usually summarizes additional taxes paid that are included in your monthly mortgage payments. The bank usually holds these payments in an account called an escrow untill the bill is due. As other people wrote there is a deductible for med & dental expense of the first 7.5% of your gross income. In most cases your med & dental need to be high to be above 7.5% level. For example, if your income was 50,000 you would need expenses over 3,750 to be deductible. If you pay your own insurance premiums thats included as med. exp.
if you paid any points at the closing you can deduct them. Be aware that some banks don't report points paid on the year end statements form 1098 they mail to you. If not, then you have to refer back to closing statements to obtain the amount paid. Form 1098 usually summarizes additional taxes paid that are included in your monthly mortgage payments. The bank usually holds these payments in an account called an escrow untill the bill is due. As other people wrote there is a deductible for med & dental expense of the first 7.5% of your gross income. In most cases your med & dental need to be high to be above 7.5% level. For example, if your income was 50,000 you would need expenses over 3,750 to be deductible. If you pay your own insurance premiums thats included as med. exp.
a question about insurance?
i am 19 and not married, have no kids and not in school. i work 35-38 hours a week but at my job u have to work 40 to get insurance & they will not let me work 40. i live in ohio and was wondering if there is any other ways to get insurance? at least healthcare and dental. i cant just get a new job.. its not that easy. im friends with everyone i work with & have no managers breathing down my back & i can wear anything i want to..
Trying buying your own. You are not entitled to anything.
Trying buying your own. You are not entitled to anything.
Does TriCare insurance cover eyecare?
I know dental is seperate, and I have already set that up but now it's time for my eyecheck and I have no idea if my eyes are covered or not. If not HOW do I get them covered? Any advice would be great.
TriCare Prime covers one general eye exam per year. This is the same kind of exam you get for $40 at Lens Crafters. It will also cover glasses (not contacts) to a very limited extent. If you need specialized eye care that you can't get with one of these exams, you can get a referral for an eye specialist. This is covered under your family practice health care, not vision, and you should contact your PCM. But for regular things, like exams for glasses and contacts, you can go to the eye clinic on a military base, if you live on or near one. It's usually located somewhere in the vicinity of the BX. Just call and make an appointment. Be prepared to wait at least two weeks for the appointment because they're usually very busy.
TriCare Prime covers one general eye exam per year. This is the same kind of exam you get for $40 at Lens Crafters. It will also cover glasses (not contacts) to a very limited extent. If you need specialized eye care that you can't get with one of these exams, you can get a referral for an eye specialist. This is covered under your family practice health care, not vision, and you should contact your PCM. But for regular things, like exams for glasses and contacts, you can go to the eye clinic on a military base, if you live on or near one. It's usually located somewhere in the vicinity of the BX. Just call and make an appointment. Be prepared to wait at least two weeks for the appointment because they're usually very busy.
Dental problems during pregnancy?
I was reading another question and someone answered something about "untreated dental problems can cause serious complications during pregnancy".. Can someone tell me some more specifics about this? I quit my job to be a SAHM and am pregnant again.. I had insurance through my company and now I am on my husbands insurance but won't be available for dental coverage for 6 more months.. My teeth aren't in total dismay, but I am having some issues.. and I worry about everything.. so now after reading that answer I am worried about this. Thanks.
Dental problems should be solved before pregnancy to prevent infections that would require treatment and drugs unadvised while carrying a child. As you are already pregnant, and your dental problems aren't very serious, a dentist would probably advise you to wait until you give birth to take care of your teeth. There is, however, one thing you should do right away: start with a calcium supplement. Calcium tablets are cheap and can help prevent many teeth complications. Babies consume a lot of calcium while they are forming their bodies, and if you don't put it back on your system you may end up with weak teeth.
Dental problems should be solved before pregnancy to prevent infections that would require treatment and drugs unadvised while carrying a child. As you are already pregnant, and your dental problems aren't very serious, a dentist would probably advise you to wait until you give birth to take care of your teeth. There is, however, one thing you should do right away: start with a calcium supplement. Calcium tablets are cheap and can help prevent many teeth complications. Babies consume a lot of calcium while they are forming their bodies, and if you don't put it back on your system you may end up with weak teeth.
What dental problems can be harmful during pregnancy?
I am 23 weeks pregnant, I live in Ca, and I have medi- cal insurance, along with another insurance through my work, my work insurance Anthem blue cross doesn't pay for much for dental and I am maxed out for dental with them right now. Medi-cal on the other hand will pay for extractions, and when I went to the dentists office Saturday I was told that medi-cal will also pay for procedures that can potentially be harmful to a pregnancy. I know that my dentists want to do a deep cleaning on me, and I know that if I don't get this procedure that the bacteria built up can cause preterm labor. I am also wondering if anyone knows what other procedures would be covered and considered possibly harmful to a pregnancy. I have quite a few dental issues, so I would like to get as much as I can covered by medi-cal, other wise with the anthem insurance I have to pay mostly all of all dental procedures, and I owe so much right now that there is no way that I could possibly get any more dental work done unless it is covered by medical, for the next year or so. Thanks for the answers in advance, and God bless you all.
Honey, this is a subject you should definitely raise with your obstetrician as well as your dentist. Don't trust the opinions of the people on Yahoo Answers. All of them are strangers, and some of them are REALLY strange. lol!! Seriously, you should particularly ask about the effect of anesthetics (like novocaine) on your baby. I don't know the answer for sure, but I would be very hesitant about something like that. (To be fair, it might be okay, since it is just local to your mouth and doesn't affect your whole body, but leave that question to the experts who are responsible for your health care.) I would also be very dubious about any sort of x-ray, unless the shielding is done super-carefully. On the other hand, I think any sort of "mechanical" work, like scraping for cleanings, should be okay. But again, get the advice of your obstetrician first. I know this is not the definite answer you may have been looking for, but I hope it is helpful. Good luck, and congratulations on your baby.
Honey, this is a subject you should definitely raise with your obstetrician as well as your dentist. Don't trust the opinions of the people on Yahoo Answers. All of them are strangers, and some of them are REALLY strange. lol!! Seriously, you should particularly ask about the effect of anesthetics (like novocaine) on your baby. I don't know the answer for sure, but I would be very hesitant about something like that. (To be fair, it might be okay, since it is just local to your mouth and doesn't affect your whole body, but leave that question to the experts who are responsible for your health care.) I would also be very dubious about any sort of x-ray, unless the shielding is done super-carefully. On the other hand, I think any sort of "mechanical" work, like scraping for cleanings, should be okay. But again, get the advice of your obstetrician first. I know this is not the definite answer you may have been looking for, but I hope it is helpful. Good luck, and congratulations on your baby.
Insurance Question?
My husband works for a company that does not offer benefits. We are covered through my employer. His income is enough for us to live on - I am simply working to give us benefit coverage. However, I am wanting to have a baby....and even be a stay at home mom. My question is: what does someone in our situation do? I mean, can we just BUY our own insurance? What are some good companies? I know I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Delta Dental now....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Yes, technically you can buy health insurance for your entire family but it would be very expensive. A policy would cost you well over a $1000 a month or more. I suggest you look for a part-time job that offers benefits. Many companies that need people to answer phones for customer service outside of the regular 8-5 business day will pay benefits to part-time employees. We have a large bank in my area that pays benefits to employees who work only 20 hours a week. Or, check with your current employer. Maybe they would arrange a work at home position for you. Good luck. I wish you well.
Yes, technically you can buy health insurance for your entire family but it would be very expensive. A policy would cost you well over a $1000 a month or more. I suggest you look for a part-time job that offers benefits. Many companies that need people to answer phones for customer service outside of the regular 8-5 business day will pay benefits to part-time employees. We have a large bank in my area that pays benefits to employees who work only 20 hours a week. Or, check with your current employer. Maybe they would arrange a work at home position for you. Good luck. I wish you well.
In two days i will be going to the dentsit and i need to know what to expect?
In two days i will be going to the dentist and i need to know what to expect. I'm only going for a regular dental check up and cleaning but, i have two teeth each with one hole in them. When i go to the dentist will they do an emergency extraction , or a root canal , or give me a cap? Even if they don't do this during the same day that i come in for a regular dental check up, will they do this eventually. Plus i may need braces. How do you think this will work out? And If you have EHP insurance are you covered for caps and dental cosmetic surgery?
The first day they will probably just evaluate you and take x-rays and see what all will need to be done. As far as holes in your teeth it will depend on how bad they are. They may be able to just fill them. It also depends on where they are located in your mouth as to whether they do the root canal or the extraction of them. The brace thing is mostly up to you since it is a cosmetic thing. As far as the insurance it probably will not pay all of it. Most of the time the cleaning and x-rays are a 100% covered as well as the exam. But the comestic side of it will probably be 50%. All insurances are different. Best advice I can give you is try and keep your teeth as long an possible because dentures is no joke.
The first day they will probably just evaluate you and take x-rays and see what all will need to be done. As far as holes in your teeth it will depend on how bad they are. They may be able to just fill them. It also depends on where they are located in your mouth as to whether they do the root canal or the extraction of them. The brace thing is mostly up to you since it is a cosmetic thing. As far as the insurance it probably will not pay all of it. Most of the time the cleaning and x-rays are a 100% covered as well as the exam. But the comestic side of it will probably be 50%. All insurances are different. Best advice I can give you is try and keep your teeth as long an possible because dentures is no joke.
In need of some Dental suggestions..?
I live outside Memphis TN and in need of some dental work. I have a cavity in my front tooth, and have for awhile. I have no insurance, so have been putting it off. I really need to get it taken care of, as I'll probably need a root canal now. I don't qualify for most of the payment plans such as Care Credit. Any suggestions on what I can do? I know it'll be pricey, and I don't make a ton of money.
Many areas have free dental clinics. Call the TN state dental association and see if they can tell you of any in the Memphis area. Good luck
Many areas have free dental clinics. Call the TN state dental association and see if they can tell you of any in the Memphis area. Good luck
Wisdom tooth extraction cost?
So, my Dad decided to go ahead and skip dental insurance this year, since it would be cheaper. He decided that about 2 weeks ago, and in the past 3 days, my wisdom teeth have been starting to bother me. I'll probably need to get them pulled before the year is out... and was wondering: How much will it cost without dental insurance? Thanks guys! :D
It is going to cost a lot. Tell your dad to get a Discount Plan Go to www.medicaldentaldiscounts.com You can save up to 80% on all Dental needs including braces You also get Vision,Prescription,Chiropractic benefits at no additional charge. The Family plan cost $19.95 a month for up to 20 people under one roof. There are no limits No waiting period So you can sign up today and use the plan tomorrow. Plus on the website you can locate a dentist in your area and if a certain dentist is not on the plan, then you can request a dentist to take the plan. So have you dad and yourself look at the plan, or on there they have a request for you to have someone call you and talk about it!
It is going to cost a lot. Tell your dad to get a Discount Plan Go to www.medicaldentaldiscounts.com You can save up to 80% on all Dental needs including braces You also get Vision,Prescription,Chiropractic benefits at no additional charge. The Family plan cost $19.95 a month for up to 20 people under one roof. There are no limits No waiting period So you can sign up today and use the plan tomorrow. Plus on the website you can locate a dentist in your area and if a certain dentist is not on the plan, then you can request a dentist to take the plan. So have you dad and yourself look at the plan, or on there they have a request for you to have someone call you and talk about it!
Naval dental care question?
I recall when I was in the navy, ( I was stationed at the MTF in Portsmouth.) my wife just went to her dental appointments at the hospital. Now Im out of the navy, she is in, but when i go to the dentist, we have to pay now. Does that seem right? I mean insurance of course covers part of the cost. But it's not exactly that good of insurance compared to just going in and not having to pay a dime. United Concordia. We're in oak harbor now and the navy hospital dentist center does not treat dependents. that just doesnt seem right
When you were in the Navy you were paying for the dental care of your spouse through United Concordia, it was automatically deducted from your pay. Just like it is now. The same thing back then as well for when you saw a civilian dentist. The dependent can be seen on base if the base itself allows it, but not all do and if not then the dependent goes to a civilian dentist. This gives 2 free cleanings a year, 1 free xray every 2 years and then up to 80% coverage on all work done. It is the same program that has been around for over 15 years. The base where you are at now does not have the staff to see dependents especially as it is not a major base compared to Portsmouth which is.
When you were in the Navy you were paying for the dental care of your spouse through United Concordia, it was automatically deducted from your pay. Just like it is now. The same thing back then as well for when you saw a civilian dentist. The dependent can be seen on base if the base itself allows it, but not all do and if not then the dependent goes to a civilian dentist. This gives 2 free cleanings a year, 1 free xray every 2 years and then up to 80% coverage on all work done. It is the same program that has been around for over 15 years. The base where you are at now does not have the staff to see dependents especially as it is not a major base compared to Portsmouth which is.
am i still covered under my parent health insurance?
I'll be 19 this month and I'm not going to college but I was wondering under the new obama health plan would I still be covered under my parent they did claim me as dependent on there taxes. I was wondering bc I went to my dentist and found out I wasn't under the dental plan anymore sense I had turned 18 even though I was still in school I wasn't elgiable for it anymore
That portion of the bill goes into effect when the policy renews after 9/23/10. If you don't know when the policy renews it is generally right after open enrollment. At that time you can get back on if you desire. Until then apparently you are not covered.
That portion of the bill goes into effect when the policy renews after 9/23/10. If you don't know when the policy renews it is generally right after open enrollment. At that time you can get back on if you desire. Until then apparently you are not covered.
What dental problems can be harmful during pregnancy?
I am 23 weeks pregnant, I live in Ca, and I have medi- cal insurance, along with another insurance through my work, my work insurance Anthem blue cross doesn't pay for much for dental and I am maxed out for dental with them right now. Medi-cal on the other hand will pay for extractions, and when I went to the dentists office Saturday I was told that medi-cal will also pay for procedures that can potentially be harmful to a pregnancy. I know that my dentists want to do a deep cleaning on me, and I know that if I don't get this procedure that the bacteria built up can cause preterm labor. I am also wondering if anyone knows what other procedures would be covered and considered possibly harmful to a pregnancy. I have quite a few dental issues, so I would like to get as much as I can covered by medi-cal, other wise with the anthem insurance I have to pay mostly all of all dental procedures, and I owe so much right now that there is no way that I could possibly get any more dental work done unless it is covered by medical, for the next year or so. Thanks for the answers in advance, and God bless you all.
any condition like cavity or abscess causing severe pain can lead to premature delivery.... ...abscess will also have the potential for the infection to spread throughout your body and pose a threat to both the mother's and baby's health..... ..periodontal / gum disease can lead to premature delivery and low birth weight of the baby...
any condition like cavity or abscess causing severe pain can lead to premature delivery.... ...abscess will also have the potential for the infection to spread throughout your body and pose a threat to both the mother's and baby's health..... ..periodontal / gum disease can lead to premature delivery and low birth weight of the baby...
My lower left canine tooth is crooked and twisted.?
I was wondering if there are any remidies to straighten it out. I dont need braces because the rest of my teeth are fine to me. But it is just that certain teeth that is brothering me. I dont have a huge dental insurance so the cheapest option would appeal to me. Please help me.
I agree with Dr. Albert and would add that you might prefer to trim a little here and bond a little there to get the tooth to look more like it is in the natural position. I imagine this could be done for $200 or less.
I agree with Dr. Albert and would add that you might prefer to trim a little here and bond a little there to get the tooth to look more like it is in the natural position. I imagine this could be done for $200 or less.
Is it right for my GF to tel me in front of her family and friends that my breath smells like do-do?
She thinks it funny. I admit that I have at lease 12 cavities in my mouth but I don't have any dental insurance.
no, it's not okay talk to her about it
no, it's not okay talk to her about it
Dental Scam: Was I Ripped Off for Crown?
Here's my situation: I had a crown put in the middle of May and an adjustment on the crown in June. Throughout this process, I received two statements from the Dentist saying that they expected my insurance to cover half the costs, and I would have to pay a total of $486 out of pocket - which I did. At my last adjustment, the receptionist told me they possibly calculated the costs wrong and that I still would need to pay an additional $50. I received the bill for this mid June stating I needed to pay $50 more - fine by me. Now at the beginning of THIS month, I received a second bill stating that I needed to pay an additional $480 because my insurance didn't cover the crown as expected. I call my insurance provider up to ask what the deal is. They tell me that on APRIL 14 (a whole month before my procedure began), they told the dental receptionist who called to confirm my benefits that the Insurance WOULD NOT COVER ANY of the procedure (they have this on their records staying they told her this specifically). Again, this was on April 15th. Yet the dentist and his financial assistant never said a word to me about this. Instead, as explained above, throughout the months of May and June they led me to believe that the insurance was approved, and I only had to pay half out of pocket. My questions: Was I ripped off by the dentist? Are they trying to scam me? And what should I do: Refuse to pay since it is their fault they got the bill wrong (and I NEVER would have agreed to the procedure if I had known it would have cost me so much out of pocket) or set up some sort of a payment plan? Do I have a case? Please help soon!
Unfortunately for you, you don't have a case. The dentist performed the treatment and you are responsible for payment. From a practice management point of view, someone screwed up. Insurance requests a pre-estimate for crowns, bridges and dentures, but even if a pre-estimate is returned with benefits, the fine print has all kinds of disclaimers about possible changes in benefits depending upon a variety of possibilities. Your dentist should be doing a better job of determining what benefits you are entitled to. No dentist wants an angry patient. Frankly, I doubt that any insurance company keeps records of conversations with dental offices. We often call repeatedly regarding coverage problems and get different answers each time. What the dentist SHOULD do is explain why the insurance company denied benefits. It is possible that crowns are not a covered service. There are many possible reasons that a claim will be rejected, and--not infrequently it's an error--either in billing or in claims processing. Your dentist should go to bat for you if you are eligible for benefits, but he/she is not liable for a failure to get an insurance benefit (unless a billing error has occurred). It's helpful to everyone to understand what is covered and what is not, but unless the dentist is a closed panel contract dentist for the insurance company questions of benefits are between you and your insurance company. Sorry, Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Unfortunately for you, you don't have a case. The dentist performed the treatment and you are responsible for payment. From a practice management point of view, someone screwed up. Insurance requests a pre-estimate for crowns, bridges and dentures, but even if a pre-estimate is returned with benefits, the fine print has all kinds of disclaimers about possible changes in benefits depending upon a variety of possibilities. Your dentist should be doing a better job of determining what benefits you are entitled to. No dentist wants an angry patient. Frankly, I doubt that any insurance company keeps records of conversations with dental offices. We often call repeatedly regarding coverage problems and get different answers each time. What the dentist SHOULD do is explain why the insurance company denied benefits. It is possible that crowns are not a covered service. There are many possible reasons that a claim will be rejected, and--not infrequently it's an error--either in billing or in claims processing. Your dentist should go to bat for you if you are eligible for benefits, but he/she is not liable for a failure to get an insurance benefit (unless a billing error has occurred). It's helpful to everyone to understand what is covered and what is not, but unless the dentist is a closed panel contract dentist for the insurance company questions of benefits are between you and your insurance company. Sorry, Steve Bornfeld, DDS
I will be receiving Medicare within six months to a year, as I have just got disability from social security..
Does Medicare cover any prescriptions? How about Dental? Should I drop my other health insurance plan?
Medicare does provide prescription drug coverage but the explanation of benefits would take pages. Use the link below for more detailed information. As far as dental is concerned Medicare will only pay for dental services that are an integral part either of a covered procedure (e.g., reconstruction of the jaw following accidental injury), or for extractions done in preparation for radiation treatment for neoplastic diseases involving the jaw. Medicare will also make payment for oral examinations, but not treatment, preceding kidney transplantation or heart valve replacement, under certain circumstances. Such examination would be covered under Part A if performed by a dentist on the hospital's staff or under Part B if performed by a physician. Therefore routine dental coverage is excluded
Medicare does provide prescription drug coverage but the explanation of benefits would take pages. Use the link below for more detailed information. As far as dental is concerned Medicare will only pay for dental services that are an integral part either of a covered procedure (e.g., reconstruction of the jaw following accidental injury), or for extractions done in preparation for radiation treatment for neoplastic diseases involving the jaw. Medicare will also make payment for oral examinations, but not treatment, preceding kidney transplantation or heart valve replacement, under certain circumstances. Such examination would be covered under Part A if performed by a dentist on the hospital's staff or under Part B if performed by a physician. Therefore routine dental coverage is excluded
Ontario Dental Association Suggested Fee Guide?
Where may I see 2009's ODA's Suggested Fee Guide? It seems that like the oral surgeon I'm seeing for my wisdom teeth extractions is charging ~$270/tooth but only ~$175 is eligible for insurance coverage.
This is the one for Dental Technologists in Ontario : http://www.scribd.com/doc/2175598/ADTO20… I found the old one for Ontario : http://www.abacussafety.com/mhd/MCFCS_De…
This is the one for Dental Technologists in Ontario : http://www.scribd.com/doc/2175598/ADTO20… I found the old one for Ontario : http://www.abacussafety.com/mhd/MCFCS_De…
Saturday, May 28, 2011
dental emergency room? major deal, so much pain!?
i'm in desperate need of a root canal but my husband's job hasn't given him health insurance yet and we are like dead broke! does anyone know if an ER exists for dental, that you can just be billed and pay in payments? most dentists i've asked make you pay for the whole deal before they do it! and i just don't have 1,200 bucks right now! i have a script for loritab for the pain for now but i don't even have the money for that yet.
there are ER's for dental problems.. dental schools usually open up at 7:30 am and take the first 4-7 people that are in line. it's taking a big chance.. if you good a great alternative would be to buy a dental plan from Ameriplan USA.. for 20 bucks.. quick look up a provider close to you and go in for an emergency appointment. It would cost you about 500 for a root canal with Ameriplan rather than 1350 without any coverage. you can drop the plan when your husband's insurance kicks in, no strings attached! It's for situations just like this! call me today.. 414-897-7471 and i'll tell you the providers in your area and set you up if you want.. or you can do it yourself.. www.everyonebenefits.com/40575488 and you want to look under "Dental Plus" and click on locate a provider in the top grey bar. If you need help call me up! Hope this helps you!
there are ER's for dental problems.. dental schools usually open up at 7:30 am and take the first 4-7 people that are in line. it's taking a big chance.. if you good a great alternative would be to buy a dental plan from Ameriplan USA.. for 20 bucks.. quick look up a provider close to you and go in for an emergency appointment. It would cost you about 500 for a root canal with Ameriplan rather than 1350 without any coverage. you can drop the plan when your husband's insurance kicks in, no strings attached! It's for situations just like this! call me today.. 414-897-7471 and i'll tell you the providers in your area and set you up if you want.. or you can do it yourself.. www.everyonebenefits.com/40575488 and you want to look under "Dental Plus" and click on locate a provider in the top grey bar. If you need help call me up! Hope this helps you!
Free Dental Work? (Michigan Area)?
Does anyone know where I could find information about free dental work? I'm also curious about payment plans and insurance coverage since I am currently between jobs... and I don't really know how long that will be. I am in need of some work and it's getting quite annoying and embarrassing. Thank you for any information you can provide. :)
See my website: www.mybenefitsplus.com/broseberry This is not an insurance but a dental discount program that is very affordable and can help save a lot.
See my website: www.mybenefitsplus.com/broseberry This is not an insurance but a dental discount program that is very affordable and can help save a lot.
Deep cleaning of teeth rejected by insurance but dentist told me prior they would not charge if it was.?
What do you think of this? The dental hygienist said I have pockets in between my gums but I haven't noticed any problems such as inflammation or red gums. My gums are in fact pink and never bleed when I brush them. The insurance recently rejected the claim from the dentist because they said "BENEFITS FOR PERIODONTAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANING ARE ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN THERE IS EVIDENCE OF LOSS OF ATTACHMENT DUE TO PERIODONTAL DISEASE. THE DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED DOES NOT DEMONSTRATE LOSS OF ATTACHMENT CONSISTENT WITH DESTRUCTION OF THE PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT AND LOSS OF THE ADJACENT BONE SUPPORT. SCALING CALCULUS AND BACTERIAL DEPOSITS" (sorry for the caps it was like that on the website) The dental office told me prior to submitting to the insurance that they would not charge me if the insurance didn't pay because I told them to do a predetermination and they didn't want to take the time. The office manager just said the hygienist would never recommend something that didn't need to be done. It makes me wander about the honesty of the dentist if it was rejected and no evidence was found with what they submitted. Not only that I read most places that a deep cleaning is usually painful and requires more than one visit and mine was done in thirty minutes with no pain at all. I also visited the oral surgeon to have my four wisdom teeth done and he mentioned nothing about infection or gum problems which I think he would of considering he put me asleep to surgically remove my bottom two teeth. He also didn't put me on an antibiotic. The one other problem is they want to put ares-tin in the "pockets" but what also got me is she said we are not going to take care of them all only the couple. She mentioned the pockets were at 4 and five but I dint see any bleeding or pain consistent with that. The last thing is they kept trying to get me to pay for the deep cleaning making excuses for my insurance company not covering it even though my insurance said they would cover it if it was needed. My wife had one done and they did cover it. I brush regularly and floss regularly also. Take care and let me know what you think about this. Thanks so much!
If the dental office isn't charging you, I'm not seeing an issue. I had a deep cleaning several years ago that did not take hours, nor was it at all painful. Different people experience things differently. If you're having difficulty believing what your dentist's office is telling you, it's time to seek out a new dentist.
If the dental office isn't charging you, I'm not seeing an issue. I had a deep cleaning several years ago that did not take hours, nor was it at all painful. Different people experience things differently. If you're having difficulty believing what your dentist's office is telling you, it's time to seek out a new dentist.
health insurance! HELP!!!?
i'm 22, non-smoker, i don't work (my future husband does) and never had insurance before. i need something that would cover everything + dental! i also have a baby in my plans...what is the best choice???? i don't understand anything about health insurances! HELP!
Can you get on his plan when you guys get married? I just recently lost health insurance through my dad and had to get my own. I can tell you it's going to be expensive and it's going to be hard to find one with maternity care. Every single one I looked at excluded maternity care. I am a 25 year old non-smoker with no serious health problems and I pay 275 a month not including dental and of course maternity care isn't included. I also have a 500 dollar deductible for Er, xrays and other things plus a 200 dollar deductible for prescriptions. This is the site I used to find my plan. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/All… It is completely free.
Can you get on his plan when you guys get married? I just recently lost health insurance through my dad and had to get my own. I can tell you it's going to be expensive and it's going to be hard to find one with maternity care. Every single one I looked at excluded maternity care. I am a 25 year old non-smoker with no serious health problems and I pay 275 a month not including dental and of course maternity care isn't included. I also have a 500 dollar deductible for Er, xrays and other things plus a 200 dollar deductible for prescriptions. This is the site I used to find my plan. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/All… It is completely free.
What is a hospital indemnity plan?
I am now enrolling for new insurance. Of course it has health dental vision and life. It also has a hospital indemnity plan. What is it and is it worth it? It costs $14.50 for the whole family bi-weekly.
The hospital indemnity is a rider to your health insurance. It will pay you a set amount if you are admitted to the hospital for a covered reason. They usually only pay if you are there because of an accident. This means if you are there having a baby or because of illness they won't pay. You'll have to read the information to see what is covered. Is it worth it? It can be, but these riders are very profitable for the insurance companies.
The hospital indemnity is a rider to your health insurance. It will pay you a set amount if you are admitted to the hospital for a covered reason. They usually only pay if you are there because of an accident. This means if you are there having a baby or because of illness they won't pay. You'll have to read the information to see what is covered. Is it worth it? It can be, but these riders are very profitable for the insurance companies.
Is Dental Expenses Covered by Child Support?
After going through a nasty divorce my ex-wife was able to obtain primary custody due to my work schedule but I have a question, I am currently ahead on my child support and also provide full medical coverage for my son as ordered by the decree but my ex-wife is now insisting that I pay her 5500 dollars for braces or she will file an enforcement order. But nowhere in my decree do I see orthodontic care or dental expenses covered by me in either providing full insurance or pay 50 percent for the cost. I just see provide full health insurance for medical needs. So does anyone know if I have a leg to stand on this time to refuse paying her for the braces which I don't think he even needs them????? Please help
No, you don't. She can attempt to have it added, but it would not be retroactive. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link to an educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. *********************************** Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Child Support Calculator http://www.alllaw.com/calculators/Childs… Child Support Laws - At What Age Does Child Support Stop? http://www.child-support-collections.com… Other sites to check Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
No, you don't. She can attempt to have it added, but it would not be retroactive. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link to an educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. *********************************** Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Child Support Calculator http://www.alllaw.com/calculators/Childs… Child Support Laws - At What Age Does Child Support Stop? http://www.child-support-collections.com… Other sites to check Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
Can my company force me to enroll in their free dental plan?
I declined all health care and dental coverage through my employer when we had open enrollment. I just found out that they enrolled me in the dental plan anyways. The plan is free but I still don't want it since I'm covered under my husbands dental plan that is so much better! I don't want my employers plan! I found out that my employer gets a discount if they enroll al their employees. I contacted the HR department and told them to cancel my coverage but they said they won't do it. I'm stuck now. Can they force me to keep the dental coverage? I don't want this crappy insurance to be my primary insurance (even if it is for free) if I can have a so much better dental plan, especially since I specifically declined the coverage Please help! Thank you
Yes, they can. As long as they pay 100%, they can make you enroll. And it doesn't really matter much, because you can have your dentist submit the bill to BOTH companies. *cain has no idea what he is saying - your husband's policy IS secondary to your own. Automatically.*
Yes, they can. As long as they pay 100%, they can make you enroll. And it doesn't really matter much, because you can have your dentist submit the bill to BOTH companies. *cain has no idea what he is saying - your husband's policy IS secondary to your own. Automatically.*
Should I use my sick days after submitting my 2 week notice at my job?
I submitted my two week notice on Thursday of last week. I have approximately 6 days of sick days on the books. I have unfinished business with my dental and doctor. I need to take care of it before my insurance ends. I was wondering how I should approach this. Should I just call in sick or should I just be straight up with my boss, telling her about wanting to get the most out of my benefits before they end? Thank you in advance for your answers!!
Be straight up and tell your boss that you need to take advantage of the dental/doctor while you have insurance. This may entail that you take time off out of a work day vs taking a sick day, unless you can get both done in 1 day, then tell her that you are taking a sick day to accomplish both. Here is the reason: Say you call in sick for each, going to the doctor one day and one day for the dentist. Now even though you have earned 6 sick days, many companies look at sick days when you are actually sick, not for taking appts with doctors/dentists, which you could take for possibly a few hours off. Even though you have given notice, they could decide if you take these days sick to end your employment on the day you call in sick period, not you final 2 weeks. Here is the kicker, that is when they end your employment, they end your insurance that same day. So say you are terminated today and go to the doctor tomorrow, you have no insurance and will have to pay out of pocket yourself. If you need your insurance to pay for these, you need to be employed to collect. good luck
Be straight up and tell your boss that you need to take advantage of the dental/doctor while you have insurance. This may entail that you take time off out of a work day vs taking a sick day, unless you can get both done in 1 day, then tell her that you are taking a sick day to accomplish both. Here is the reason: Say you call in sick for each, going to the doctor one day and one day for the dentist. Now even though you have earned 6 sick days, many companies look at sick days when you are actually sick, not for taking appts with doctors/dentists, which you could take for possibly a few hours off. Even though you have given notice, they could decide if you take these days sick to end your employment on the day you call in sick period, not you final 2 weeks. Here is the kicker, that is when they end your employment, they end your insurance that same day. So say you are terminated today and go to the doctor tomorrow, you have no insurance and will have to pay out of pocket yourself. If you need your insurance to pay for these, you need to be employed to collect. good luck
health insurance! HELP!!!?
i'm 22, non-smoker, i don't work (my future husband does) and never had insurance before. i need something that would cover everything + dental! i also have a baby in my plans...what is the best choice???? i don't understand anything about health insurances! HELP!
Seems like dental is seperate in a *lot* of plans. General: The insurance companies charge you a monthly "premium". If you get sick, they pay for it, within limits and "co-pays" (you pay a part of it). They make money, because they know, on average, how much you will get sick and how much it will cost. You are supposed to feel better because if something bad happens to you, you will not be so wiped out financially.
Seems like dental is seperate in a *lot* of plans. General: The insurance companies charge you a monthly "premium". If you get sick, they pay for it, within limits and "co-pays" (you pay a part of it). They make money, because they know, on average, how much you will get sick and how much it will cost. You are supposed to feel better because if something bad happens to you, you will not be so wiped out financially.
Treating gum disease and a wisdom tooth?
2 - 3 months ago, I went to a dentist that actually knew what they were doing. They told me that I may have gum disease because of my bleeding gums. They said they were going to treat it one appointment after my fillings, but I never went back. The reason is that my insurance can't cover the dental visit. Also, I have 2 wisdom teeth growing in and I'm afraid that it will only add to my gum problem. I feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.
Good home care is a start. Make sure you brush at least twice a day (preferably after each meal if possible). More importantly, make sure you floss at least once a day!!! Use an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine twice a day or rinse with hydrogen peroxide/water after brushing. Your gums will continue to bleed for some time, but should improve gradually. The hydrogen peroxide rinse should help with the bleeding. It will also help to consider changing your diet. Try to avoid sweets as much as possible. Improved oral hygiene and diet should give you some immediate improvements. The area around an Impacted wisdom tooth or those that are just now growing in can be hard to keep clean. Many stores carry special sort of small interdental brushes and scalars that help keep those sort of areas clean. I would buy some of those and make sure you keep the wisdom teeth area clean.
Good home care is a start. Make sure you brush at least twice a day (preferably after each meal if possible). More importantly, make sure you floss at least once a day!!! Use an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine twice a day or rinse with hydrogen peroxide/water after brushing. Your gums will continue to bleed for some time, but should improve gradually. The hydrogen peroxide rinse should help with the bleeding. It will also help to consider changing your diet. Try to avoid sweets as much as possible. Improved oral hygiene and diet should give you some immediate improvements. The area around an Impacted wisdom tooth or those that are just now growing in can be hard to keep clean. Many stores carry special sort of small interdental brushes and scalars that help keep those sort of areas clean. I would buy some of those and make sure you keep the wisdom teeth area clean.
Does Philly have a Teaching Hospital that offers reduced cost general care?
I know Temple offers reduced cost dental care as I have done that and saved tons on dental work that I otherwise could not afford since I have no insurance. I am having problems with acid reflux and possible gallbladder disease, but cannot afford the treatment options my doctor has. Does Temple have a teaching clinic like the dental department does that offers doctor care at reduced rates?
Although Temple University is a teaching hospital, it's quality of care is maintained at the same level as a normal hospital (there are always qualified doctors around.) Therefore, they are pretty close to a normal hospital in billing procedures and what types of insurance they accept. Their costs might be lower than a non-teaching hospital, but depending upon the procedure you need, it might not make a difference. (A $20,000 surgery might be cheap compared to other hospitals, but still out of reach for someone with no insurance.) Check out their patient manual for the section on billing. It is possible to get an estimate beforehand of how much things cost. It is also possible to get financial assistance (see charity section) if you cannot afford medical care.
Although Temple University is a teaching hospital, it's quality of care is maintained at the same level as a normal hospital (there are always qualified doctors around.) Therefore, they are pretty close to a normal hospital in billing procedures and what types of insurance they accept. Their costs might be lower than a non-teaching hospital, but depending upon the procedure you need, it might not make a difference. (A $20,000 surgery might be cheap compared to other hospitals, but still out of reach for someone with no insurance.) Check out their patient manual for the section on billing. It is possible to get an estimate beforehand of how much things cost. It is also possible to get financial assistance (see charity section) if you cannot afford medical care.
COBRA Insurance question?
My wife currently carries our family insurance with her company. We were wanting to have another baby on her insurance and she is wanting to quit working in Jan. If that is the case we would continue with COBRA until the baby is born. Right now we pay around $200/month for family medical, dental, eye, etc. Does anyone know how much this would be on COBRA or how we could find out. We can't go and ask the company because that would like suspicious.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
Is deep cleaning worth the hefty price tag?
My dentist measured the distance btw gum and teeth and said that some are 3 and 4mm. The dental office is sending the results to my insurance company for authorization before doing a deep cleaning. Do you think deep cleaning is worth the hefty price (it'll be $400 deductible)? Can just flossing and regular brushing remove build up plaque? I'm 25 years old and haven't been to a dentist in years.
My deep cleaning was definitely worth the high cost. I had to have both top and bottom done. My 4's, 5's, and 6's were down to 1's, 2's, and 3's at my next 3 month visit. If you have plaque buildup serious enough for deep cleaning, it needs to be flaked off of your teeth. It's far gone enough that simple floss won't remove it. You could probably remove the stuff above the gum line with a store bought pick/scraper, but anything below the gum line is gonna bleed and hurt w/o the anesthetic they use at the dentist's office. After you get the deep cleaning, you can keep from needing another one with flossing/brushing.
My deep cleaning was definitely worth the high cost. I had to have both top and bottom done. My 4's, 5's, and 6's were down to 1's, 2's, and 3's at my next 3 month visit. If you have plaque buildup serious enough for deep cleaning, it needs to be flaked off of your teeth. It's far gone enough that simple floss won't remove it. You could probably remove the stuff above the gum line with a store bought pick/scraper, but anything below the gum line is gonna bleed and hurt w/o the anesthetic they use at the dentist's office. After you get the deep cleaning, you can keep from needing another one with flossing/brushing.
dental exam in the military?
upon joining the navy they make you go thru a medical and dental exam, how can you fail the dental? would they reject you if you have bad teeth? i have a few cavities but no health insurance, and im trying to prepare for the navy as best i can
They won't reject you. No one "fails" the dental exam. It's just to examine your mouth and determine what work you need. If you need work they will do it. You have to be dentally healthy before you can be deployed overseas, aboard ship, etc.
They won't reject you. No one "fails" the dental exam. It's just to examine your mouth and determine what work you need. If you need work they will do it. You have to be dentally healthy before you can be deployed overseas, aboard ship, etc.
$13500 for Dental Work?
I was hoping someone would know where I can find information on help paying for the $13,500 worth of dental work I need to get done. I do not have insurance, I don't make a lot of money and am already going to a dental school. If I wasnt the price would be almost double. I am so screwed...
see if the dental school accepts AmeriPlan USA.. You could get extra discounts upfront. I would probably do the work in stages, because a dental school always makes you pay the balance in full. If they do accept ameriplan it's only $19.95 a month and you get 50-80% off all dental work, which would save you a TON of money.. if not.. do the largest problem first.. or the one that is the most painful.
see if the dental school accepts AmeriPlan USA.. You could get extra discounts upfront. I would probably do the work in stages, because a dental school always makes you pay the balance in full. If they do accept ameriplan it's only $19.95 a month and you get 50-80% off all dental work, which would save you a TON of money.. if not.. do the largest problem first.. or the one that is the most painful.
I cant afford braces, but how do I get straight teeth?
There is no way that my family can afford braces, between 6 kids at home and all the debt we're paying off and the economy, that's not going to happy. Now, my teeth are perfectly straight, I just have a huge gap in the front of my mouth. I looked at Teeth Effects and the pictures on there are totally fake. And our insurance doesn't cover dental. Tough situation.. Suggestions?
Check your universities. Some Universities offer really low prices for braces. The dental students will do them for you at a lower price because they will use you as practice. Sounds like your teeth are a minor fix. In this situation, you don't really need a professional. A dental student is probably just as good. Do your research and it might be an option for you.
Check your universities. Some Universities offer really low prices for braces. The dental students will do them for you at a lower price because they will use you as practice. Sounds like your teeth are a minor fix. In this situation, you don't really need a professional. A dental student is probably just as good. Do your research and it might be an option for you.
employers should add cosmetic surgeries as part of your health benefits?
Emotional stress due to being ugly is part of your mental health that covers your insurance, but they should add cosmetic or plastic surgery because it does help you become a better person therefore a healthier mental well-being. Orthodontia is considered cosmetic and it is already part of most of dental plan. It's just a cosmetic that is a long term process because braces takes a long time, so why not cosmetic surgeries like face, eye, botox, lips and nose part of it ? Why is TEETH fine but not other parts of your face?
Straightening teeth is more than just cosmetic; it makes the teeth easier to care for which can prevent other health problems later in life. I would also disagree with your premise that cosmetic surgery makes you a better person.
Straightening teeth is more than just cosmetic; it makes the teeth easier to care for which can prevent other health problems later in life. I would also disagree with your premise that cosmetic surgery makes you a better person.
How to get dirt cheap Car & Medical Insurance ??
Looking for a CAR with in $ 500, Car Insurance & Medical Insurance for 1 Male of 31 years, 1 Female of 26 years & a Child of 2 years. Should cover Medical. Vision & Dental not reqired. Looking for real dirt cheap insurance for Car, Family
I dont think so u are in India. If you are, then please note that Medical Insurance is fairly same price with all insurers except AIG. CAR insurance is state regulated.
I dont think so u are in India. If you are, then please note that Medical Insurance is fairly same price with all insurers except AIG. CAR insurance is state regulated.
Can you send dental x-rays to other dentists?
I was suppose to get braces, but it turns out, my teeth are too messed up for my normal dentist to handle so he's referring to an orthodontist, but he's telling me they'll probably want their own x-rays. I took x-rays and even the clay models of my teeth with this guy and he's telling me they want their own. My insurance only covers one x-ray a year for me. Anyway don't i own those x-rays anyway and can't i send them to whoever
u own those xrays and i think most dentists want u to take ur xrays with you wen u change dentists so u betta get dem xrays to ya nu dentizt/ortho
u own those xrays and i think most dentists want u to take ur xrays with you wen u change dentists so u betta get dem xrays to ya nu dentizt/ortho
Dental Assistant Pay?
I am a Dental Assistant with my Radiographers License in Ohio. I have been working for the same place for close to 3 1/2 years. Before that I worked at another office doing front desk things including insurance, filling, scheduling, ect. I make 12.50 where I am at now, I know I should be making more, I was just wondering what others were making and you think Im being screwed.lol:) Thanks in advance!!!
If you feel 'screwed', you should look for another job...make sure you have the other job before you quit the one you have. You didn't say if you were in a big city or a rural area as that determines salary variability. Good luck
If you feel 'screwed', you should look for another job...make sure you have the other job before you quit the one you have. You didn't say if you were in a big city or a rural area as that determines salary variability. Good luck
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