I'm looking for some dental help. I have a few teeth that need some work done. Nothing major. There are a few places here that will help but they offer minor procedures like tooth extraction or filling a cavity. I want to keep my teeth. I've been eating on one side of my mouth for 5 years now and have a toothache presently on the other side. It seems every time I got pregnant my teeth got worse. So no more children for me but now my teeth need serious condition. I had health insurance but it wasnt covering and I dont make much money with crunchy credit. Are there grant programs out there that help with that? Im to the point where Im at my wits end. Any information would be helpful. Not really into a loan (crunchy credit & just too many bills as a single parent.). thanks
Check into any dental schools in your area they provide inexpensive high quality dental work - however, it does take quite a lot of time as every step of the work has to be checked by instructors.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Forgot to waive health insurance... help?
I am a college student in my first year. I get about 100 spam emails a day, so I don't read my student emails unless they are from a professor. Anyways I got a health insurance card today from Aetna (along with a bill for $473) because I did not waive my health insurance by the "deadline" Even though I am fully covered medical and dental under my parents. I called Aetna on the phone and told them I am covered and they basically said to bad. I went to the school and they said the same thing. Is there anyway they can make me pay the bill?
Hi, I have found this site to be use full. Check it out……..
Hi, I have found this site to be use full. Check it out……..
No Health Insurance But Might Have Strep?
Any idea on how to cure a sore, swollen throat with more than just warm tea? Basically about 45 minutes ago, my throat started feeling scratchy, and now it hurts to breath. Having had strep before many times with health insurance, I know that it hurts bad and costs a bunch to cure. Now that I have no health insurance, and have $0.00 in my bank account thanks to a $500.00 Car Repair, and a $1000.00 Dental Surgery in 3 weeks, I need some way to get my throat better and my immune system up. Should I take a vitamin D with 1000 IU? If I do have strep, than I'm basically screwed because I cannot afford any kind of health insurance or doctor visit. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
No suggestions on how you can obtain money for treatment but strep needs to be treated. Treating Strep Throat In most cases, doctors prescribe about 10 days of antibiotic medication to treat strep throat. Within about 24 hours after taking the antibiotics, temperature will probably be back to normal, and you will no longer be contagious. By the second or third day after taking antibiotics, the other symptoms should start to go away, too. Even though you may not feel sick at that point, it's very important that you finish the antibiotic prescription. If you stop taking antibiotics too soon, bacteria can remain in the throat and the symptoms can return. If you are not treated for strep throat, you are most infectious when the symptoms are the most severe but could remain contagious for up to 21 days. Lack of treatment - or not finishing the prescribed course of antibiotics - also could put you at risk for other health problems, such as rheumatic fever (which can cause permanent damage to the heart), scarlet fever, blood infections, or kidney disease.
No suggestions on how you can obtain money for treatment but strep needs to be treated. Treating Strep Throat In most cases, doctors prescribe about 10 days of antibiotic medication to treat strep throat. Within about 24 hours after taking the antibiotics, temperature will probably be back to normal, and you will no longer be contagious. By the second or third day after taking antibiotics, the other symptoms should start to go away, too. Even though you may not feel sick at that point, it's very important that you finish the antibiotic prescription. If you stop taking antibiotics too soon, bacteria can remain in the throat and the symptoms can return. If you are not treated for strep throat, you are most infectious when the symptoms are the most severe but could remain contagious for up to 21 days. Lack of treatment - or not finishing the prescribed course of antibiotics - also could put you at risk for other health problems, such as rheumatic fever (which can cause permanent damage to the heart), scarlet fever, blood infections, or kidney disease.
Forgot to waive health insurance... help!?
I am a college student in my first year. I get about 100 spam emails a day, so I don't read my student emails unless they are from a professor. Anyways I got a health insurance card today from Aetna (along with a bill for $473) because I did not waive my health insurance by the "deadline" Even though I am fully covered medical and dental under my parents. I called Aetna on the phone and told them I am covered and they basically said to bad. I went to the school and they said the same thing. Is there anyway they can make me pay the bill?
That's not done via email. That's one of the little "gotchas" that the schools charge you for. It would have been in your registration paperwork.
That's not done via email. That's one of the little "gotchas" that the schools charge you for. It would have been in your registration paperwork.
Are people going to have teeth anymore?
The poorest people are more likely to obtain health insurance than some other individuals in the USA. Dental is where it gets expensive. Most people I knew don't have dental, if health insurance. Another reason to become successful...
I don't remember toothpaste and a brush being all that expensive? Take care of your teeth and you will be better off. If you let them rot of course it is better to have dental coverage.
I don't remember toothpaste and a brush being all that expensive? Take care of your teeth and you will be better off. If you let them rot of course it is better to have dental coverage.
Dentist or Dental Experts?
I finally got dental coverage for my son. He is 6 yrs old. I took him to the dentist, x-rays where done, doc told me there needs to be 11 teeth extracted due to severe cavities. Now there is an issue, according to Doc, insurance will cover procedure but not the general Anestassia. Claiming due to the amount of teeth being remove this is a must! Making me super stressed b/c I don't know where to get this money. As it is my wages have been cut!! General Anesthesia is about 425.00 (x2; two sittings) a total of 850.00! Money I don't have. So, I'm wondering if this is a must (general anesthesia) or can local sedation is enough to go trough the procedure..... PLEASE HELPPP!!!!
Based strictly on your description and the age of the child, I would follow the recommendations. He already has major problems and they need not be compounded by a very traumatic dental experience without proper anesthesia. I would want the best possible care and would not try to cut corners with sedation, which is very dangerous on a young child. Though it may hurt financially, do the right thing....it is your child! Good Luck
Based strictly on your description and the age of the child, I would follow the recommendations. He already has major problems and they need not be compounded by a very traumatic dental experience without proper anesthesia. I would want the best possible care and would not try to cut corners with sedation, which is very dangerous on a young child. Though it may hurt financially, do the right thing....it is your child! Good Luck
Why do people think the insurance companies are lying when they say the Baucus health care bill will raise?
the cost of health insurance for Americans? The Baucus bill requires all future health insurance policies to include: Cover all preexisting conditions. No life time cap on claims. All doctors office visits. Dental coverage on all policies. All prescriptions included. All mental health issues. How can Liberals gloss over the fact that that's going to make health insurance more expensive? Just saying the insurance companies make too much money already is not going to change reality.
The insurance companies are running scared and are seeing their choke hold on people loosing.*
The insurance companies are running scared and are seeing their choke hold on people loosing.*
should i buy disability insurance if hard to afford? short or long term?
I am about to sign up for my work benefits and my pay is not good enough. I have to buy health insurance for me and my spouse as well and this eats lots of my income. also chose dental and vision. I am asked to choose or waive DIABILITY BENEFITS. there are two, long and short term. if i take both . it is about $14 every 2 weeks. It looks like good idea to purchase it but after buying health, dental for me and my spouse, I feel like i should no longer buy more stuffs cos we need income. if we should buy it, which one is better for us? short or long term? we are both in early 30. no major bills except for car payment for one year and healthy currently with no kids but don't have good savings. if u think we don't need disability insurances. please tell us reasons why we should just save the money?
My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is a good one.
My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is a good one.
Single dental implant vs. implanted bridge...?
I've had a lot of work on my mouth, and to fully set up the scenario I need to describe two work areas in my mouth. Area 1: An upper incisor. Has had surgery to remove gum overgrowth twice, has been chipped and patched (patched twice), has had a root canal, two temporary crowns, and one permanent crown. One root canal was post-crown. In a car accident it was mildly chipped, but this is not an issue as it is barely noticeable and the chip does not extend to what's left of the tooth. I've been told it may, MAY possibly eventually need a third and final root canal. Area 2: Lower teeth directly under the incisor in question. The aforementioned car accident knocked out the tooth directly under the crown. At the time, I was not informed that a dental implant was a possibility and was given a bridge. I do not like the feeling of the bridge and have been told it may eventually need fillings where the root is slightly exposed at the front. The tooth that has had the crown I want to eventually pull and have an implant put in because it's had such extensive work that I really am frustrated with it and would like to get it over with. The bridged teeth I would like to pull as well; I don't want to go through the hassle of having two crowns, so I would like the entire device pulled and have a bridge implanted. I know that, as far as restorative procedures go, implants are the best option, and I know what the procedure, costs, and fail / success rates are. Knowing that insurance will likely cover very little or no cost of the procedure, I can afford to do one at a time (and, cosmetically, I would only want to do one at a time). I will be able to afford to get the second procedure, but in perhaps two or three years. My question is this: which do you recommend I replace first: the tooth that has had exhaustive work done but is more or less stable, or the teeth that have not had very much work done, but that my dentist called attention to in order to "watch and observe the progress of?"
Ooh, that totally sucks for you and actually makes me kinda mad that they'd cut down two (presumably) healthy teeth to do a bridge like that! grr. I just re-did a case on a guy who, 15 years ago, lost upper central incisors playing footbal; was told if he did implants he couldn't play anymore which is B.S., but whatever. So they cut down the other two incisors AND both upper canines (eye teeth) to hold this bridge on. SOME margin of the four abutments is bound to fail and he had two leaking, so i have to replace the whole thing. $6000. I mean, the money is nice, i'm not gonna lie, but in principle it psses me off.... ok, on to your case. first of all, if you haven't already, get away from the guy/gal who did the bridge w/o discussing the implant. now you want to make really sure that you hate this bridge because you can do three thigns to replace it: 1 - cut the middle ("bridged") tooth out (this is called the "pontic" which you cna search for if you need a picture...). leave the abutments (the crowned teeth on either side of the missing tooth) alone and place a single implant w/a single crown in the space. you'd still have to worry a bit about decay/recession on the natural teeth and my impression is you're not inclined this way, but you WOULD be able to floss normally (ie, no threaders w/ fishline etc!) 2 - remove the bridge w/ both supporting teeth. place two implants and bridge them together w/ another bridge. this is the same as what you have now, but with implants instead of teeth holding it in. advantage - no root fillings to worry about; disadvantage - will still FEEL like a bridge, in the sense that you can maybe detect air (or catch food) under the pontic tooth. 3 - remove the bridge, both supporting teeth, place THREE implants and each one gets a crown. This treatment will look and feel MOST like your natural teeth. you can floss normally, you won't have a pontic, etc. disadvantage....one more implant probably tacks $2000 or so onto the total of your dental fee. My suggestion, to be honest, is to not worry about either procedure until you're done w/ medical school and you have some kind of stable income! I mean, you're saying, "I can't afford both at once..." I have fairly well-off patients who would have a tough time affording one at a time over five years! But maybe you have other income, financial resources etc. if you want to send me another email w/ your email, feel free and we can exchange info "normally."..... hope I'm helping!
Ooh, that totally sucks for you and actually makes me kinda mad that they'd cut down two (presumably) healthy teeth to do a bridge like that! grr. I just re-did a case on a guy who, 15 years ago, lost upper central incisors playing footbal; was told if he did implants he couldn't play anymore which is B.S., but whatever. So they cut down the other two incisors AND both upper canines (eye teeth) to hold this bridge on. SOME margin of the four abutments is bound to fail and he had two leaking, so i have to replace the whole thing. $6000. I mean, the money is nice, i'm not gonna lie, but in principle it psses me off.... ok, on to your case. first of all, if you haven't already, get away from the guy/gal who did the bridge w/o discussing the implant. now you want to make really sure that you hate this bridge because you can do three thigns to replace it: 1 - cut the middle ("bridged") tooth out (this is called the "pontic" which you cna search for if you need a picture...). leave the abutments (the crowned teeth on either side of the missing tooth) alone and place a single implant w/a single crown in the space. you'd still have to worry a bit about decay/recession on the natural teeth and my impression is you're not inclined this way, but you WOULD be able to floss normally (ie, no threaders w/ fishline etc!) 2 - remove the bridge w/ both supporting teeth. place two implants and bridge them together w/ another bridge. this is the same as what you have now, but with implants instead of teeth holding it in. advantage - no root fillings to worry about; disadvantage - will still FEEL like a bridge, in the sense that you can maybe detect air (or catch food) under the pontic tooth. 3 - remove the bridge, both supporting teeth, place THREE implants and each one gets a crown. This treatment will look and feel MOST like your natural teeth. you can floss normally, you won't have a pontic, etc. disadvantage....one more implant probably tacks $2000 or so onto the total of your dental fee. My suggestion, to be honest, is to not worry about either procedure until you're done w/ medical school and you have some kind of stable income! I mean, you're saying, "I can't afford both at once..." I have fairly well-off patients who would have a tough time affording one at a time over five years! But maybe you have other income, financial resources etc. if you want to send me another email w/ your email, feel free and we can exchange info "normally."..... hope I'm helping!
what is the average distance a bill is mailed?
bills = phone bills, mortgage bills, auto bills, dental bills, insurance, etc
mine are transmitted on-line I pay all my bills online - most do nowadays that distance is pretty meaningless - no stamps - no paper - - great way to get things done.
mine are transmitted on-line I pay all my bills online - most do nowadays that distance is pretty meaningless - no stamps - no paper - - great way to get things done.
My dental implants-help!?
I got my two front teeth replaced with porcelain dental implants unfortunatly my idiot of a dentist put them in the same colour of my own teeth-yellow!! And since my insurance had run out he can't do anything as I'm moving away...what I need to know is can I get them taken out and replaced with whiter ones?as u know they are screwed in and the bone moulds around them.any information would be brillant!please help its depressing!! Also would it be expensive?would they have to start all over again or is it fairly simple?
I'm a dentist. You call your dentist an "idiot" because he matched the prosthetic teeth to the color of the surrounding teeth? You should be thanking him for it, not criticizing him for it. First off, it is not a difficult process to replace the teeth. Just to educate you a bit, here's how a dental implant works: The titanium implant itself functions as the root. It is encased in bone, and is not easily replaced. There is a metal piece called an abutment that is fastened to the top of the implant using a tiny screw. This abutment sits above the gumline and will support what we call the "prosthesis", which is basically a dental crown (or cap, whichever you prefer). The abutment is a replaceable item. The crown is placed ontop of the abutment, and it can be attached to the abutment in one of two ways: It is cemented onto the abutment, or it is fastened to the abutment with a screw. The crown, like the abutment, is a replaceable item. Whichever way the crown is attached to the abutment, it can be removed and replaced. The abutment most likely won't have to be replaced. Now, there are other things for you to keep in mind--things that your doctor may very well have considered that you were unaware of: 1. Your two front (implant/prosthetic) teeth are supposed to match the color of the teeth around them. At least, that is the final result we seek. Either the implant teeth are made to match the surrounding teeth, or the implant teeth are made whiter than the surrounding teeth and the surrounding teeth are modified to match the color of the implant teeth. Sometimes it's simply not feasible, economically or medically, to modify the surrounding teeth to make them match whiter implant teeth. Perhaps you have thousands of dollars worth of dental work (none of which can be bleached whiter) on the surrounding teeth that would have to be replaced. Or perhaps you're a multi-millionaire and can afford to have the necessary replacement of dental work, but your teeth are not healthy enough for the procedure(s). Or, perhaps you don't have any dental work, but your natural teeth are not healthy enough for bleaching. If any of these were the case, then your "idiot of a dentist" did exactly what I and any other dentist would have done--make the implants to match the surrounding teeth. The ONLY place where the doctor might have been at fault is if he did not discuss the situation with you first. Generally, before I treat patients--especially where cosmetics is involved--I always give them all of the treatment options, and explain why some are good and others aren't, and discuss with them the costs. It sounds like, perhaps, you weren't informed of the situation. Or, quite possibly, you were informed, and you didn't understand. Either way, your best bet is to discuss the situation with the doctor. I will tell you this: while I take thorough measures to make sure my patients are making informed choices, and know exactly what they're getting in their mouths, once every blue moon I'll have a patient who is still unhappy with the result. As a doctor (and yes, as a businessman), I want my patient to be happy and I will gladly take any steps beyond my medical and legal obligations to make them happy. I will do that, as long as the patient does not mistreat me. Talk to your doctor, and you'll probably find that he has the same attitude. This situation of yours may have a good outcome yet.
I'm a dentist. You call your dentist an "idiot" because he matched the prosthetic teeth to the color of the surrounding teeth? You should be thanking him for it, not criticizing him for it. First off, it is not a difficult process to replace the teeth. Just to educate you a bit, here's how a dental implant works: The titanium implant itself functions as the root. It is encased in bone, and is not easily replaced. There is a metal piece called an abutment that is fastened to the top of the implant using a tiny screw. This abutment sits above the gumline and will support what we call the "prosthesis", which is basically a dental crown (or cap, whichever you prefer). The abutment is a replaceable item. The crown is placed ontop of the abutment, and it can be attached to the abutment in one of two ways: It is cemented onto the abutment, or it is fastened to the abutment with a screw. The crown, like the abutment, is a replaceable item. Whichever way the crown is attached to the abutment, it can be removed and replaced. The abutment most likely won't have to be replaced. Now, there are other things for you to keep in mind--things that your doctor may very well have considered that you were unaware of: 1. Your two front (implant/prosthetic) teeth are supposed to match the color of the teeth around them. At least, that is the final result we seek. Either the implant teeth are made to match the surrounding teeth, or the implant teeth are made whiter than the surrounding teeth and the surrounding teeth are modified to match the color of the implant teeth. Sometimes it's simply not feasible, economically or medically, to modify the surrounding teeth to make them match whiter implant teeth. Perhaps you have thousands of dollars worth of dental work (none of which can be bleached whiter) on the surrounding teeth that would have to be replaced. Or perhaps you're a multi-millionaire and can afford to have the necessary replacement of dental work, but your teeth are not healthy enough for the procedure(s). Or, perhaps you don't have any dental work, but your natural teeth are not healthy enough for bleaching. If any of these were the case, then your "idiot of a dentist" did exactly what I and any other dentist would have done--make the implants to match the surrounding teeth. The ONLY place where the doctor might have been at fault is if he did not discuss the situation with you first. Generally, before I treat patients--especially where cosmetics is involved--I always give them all of the treatment options, and explain why some are good and others aren't, and discuss with them the costs. It sounds like, perhaps, you weren't informed of the situation. Or, quite possibly, you were informed, and you didn't understand. Either way, your best bet is to discuss the situation with the doctor. I will tell you this: while I take thorough measures to make sure my patients are making informed choices, and know exactly what they're getting in their mouths, once every blue moon I'll have a patient who is still unhappy with the result. As a doctor (and yes, as a businessman), I want my patient to be happy and I will gladly take any steps beyond my medical and legal obligations to make them happy. I will do that, as long as the patient does not mistreat me. Talk to your doctor, and you'll probably find that he has the same attitude. This situation of yours may have a good outcome yet.
Can this company discriminate against smokers?
St. Luke's Cataract & Laser Institute, Tarpon Springs Prior medical office experience preferred but will train. We hire non-smokers only and we are an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. Available benefits include: Medical/Dental/Life Insurance, Paid Holidays, Paid Time Off, 401(k) Plan To learn more about our practice please visit our website at: www.stlukeseye.com
Unless state law says otherwise (and most don't), any US company can discriminate against smokers.
Unless state law says otherwise (and most don't), any US company can discriminate against smokers.
Is there a good supplemental dental care that works well with United Concordia?
As always, thanks in advance. While going to the dentist for a checkup, I discovered that United Concordia doesn't cover very much in terms of dental care. I'm looking for a supplemental policy to go with it. Unfortunately, we apparently have to keep United Concordia's insurance and continue to pay way too much for their lousy coverage. I'd drop it like a hot potato if I wasn't required to keep it. Is there anyone out there who bought supplemental insurance? Is it working well for you? My son is soon going to be in braces, and I'll need some work done for my TMD. I'm sure this would just cost a fortune. Thanks Again Everyone! You're the Greatest!
None will supplement that as that plan is a waste of money
None will supplement that as that plan is a waste of money
Jaw Surgery at a Dental school ( San Diego area) ?
Ok so I had braces for 2 years and was told that I'd need jaw surgery to FIX my overbite. Well... I have no insurance anymore so, I was thinking of taking out a loan BUT i have no credit history or no one to co sign. I heard about dental schools. Anyone in San Diego know of any dental schools that will do jaw surgery for FREE or low cost. I know this a long shot. Serious replies only please. Thanks.
two things you could look at - one homoeopathic treatment - even try some of the homoeopathic online sites or maybe some kind of physio or exercise to look at working the jaw. It is possible there's non surgical methods out there and they might be incredibly cheap by comparison. Go to libraries and read and google and see what you can \find out. After all, the braces may have even contributed to the way you hold your jaw. Good luck.
two things you could look at - one homoeopathic treatment - even try some of the homoeopathic online sites or maybe some kind of physio or exercise to look at working the jaw. It is possible there's non surgical methods out there and they might be incredibly cheap by comparison. Go to libraries and read and google and see what you can \find out. After all, the braces may have even contributed to the way you hold your jaw. Good luck.
what insurance plan should i get?
i am looking to get health insurance. i was offered plan A which is $5000 deductible with 30% out of pocket or plan B $2500 deductible with 40% out of pocket. i am 20yrs old, in sacramento california. i am health don't smoke or drugs, but do ride a motorcycle. plan A payment a month is 90$ with dental and vision, and Plan B is $110 a month with vision and dental. in the past i have only been to Dr's for broken bones, but things pop up and want to be covered if something were to arise. thank you
the answer is: choose the plan you can best afford. If you don't have $5000 saved up for a rainy day, take the one with the smaller deductible and higher premium. After all, the difference of $20 a month is a pizza dinner. You are better off with Plan B. Good luck!
the answer is: choose the plan you can best afford. If you don't have $5000 saved up for a rainy day, take the one with the smaller deductible and higher premium. After all, the difference of $20 a month is a pizza dinner. You are better off with Plan B. Good luck!
Does Indiana Medicaid cover dental for children?
My daughter has Medicaid insurance and we live in Indiana. I have heard of a few child dentisry's that accept Medicaid and interested in taking her for her first exam. I am assuming if the dentists promote that they accept Medicaid then her plan (which is just the ordinary plan they give kids?) would be part of this. Unless there is a special dental plan I need to get her on or something. I of course cannot get a hold of anyone at the Medicaid office, and have been unsucessful in finding anything online about this. If anyone knows if her dental exam would be covered or any other info you can give me, that would help a lot! Thanks
You could also start by giving the dentist of your choice that accepts Medicaid a call. Have your children's Medicaid numbers and cards available. The dentist office will be able to verify benefits and let you know faster than dealing with the Medicaid office. Good luck
You could also start by giving the dentist of your choice that accepts Medicaid a call. Have your children's Medicaid numbers and cards available. The dentist office will be able to verify benefits and let you know faster than dealing with the Medicaid office. Good luck
Is there an Emercency Health Care Insurance Plan?
I am 25 and do not have health insurance, nor can I afford it. I would however, like to get a insurance for just emergency care. Recently I found a company that offered a $700 deductible for $60 a month for emergency health and dental care but the site was down for repair at the time and I have since lost it. I remember searching under "emergency health insurance" and "major medical insurance". Is there a proper name for what I am looking for and does it exist? I could care less about doctor visits right now, I am healthy and if need be can pay out of pocket for a doctors visit. I am just worried about the big stuff that could sink me in debt for a long time. It appears that the temporary insurance seems to be one solution, but I would have to keep getting temporary insurance from different providers. I have shopped around and all the sites seem like scams, all they want is your e-mail address so they can send you spam, and I am the only person among family and friends that does not have a job that provides health care so I cannot ask them. Thank you
What you are looking for is insurance that has a high deductible but if you were to have an accident, have a heart attack, be diagnosed with a chronic disease such as diabetes, RA, Lupus, etc. Believe me, it can happen. My son woke one morning at the age of 14 yrs old with type 1 diabetes and I woke one morning 5 years ago with RA, both expensive, incurable and chronic diseases. It would have been very difficult to get any insurance once these were diagnosed. Good luck!
What you are looking for is insurance that has a high deductible but if you were to have an accident, have a heart attack, be diagnosed with a chronic disease such as diabetes, RA, Lupus, etc. Believe me, it can happen. My son woke one morning at the age of 14 yrs old with type 1 diabetes and I woke one morning 5 years ago with RA, both expensive, incurable and chronic diseases. It would have been very difficult to get any insurance once these were diagnosed. Good luck!
Free Dental work???
About a year ago one of my molars became a problem. I went to the dentist who told me that I needed a root canal. He started the procedure and stopped half way through telling me to come back a week later. Well that weekend my tooth cracked in half. I went to another dentist who told me that the previous doctor did not do a proper root canal. So I am left with half of a tooth. I was told that the only option would be to have my tooth pulled, but an implant would cost $2000, and it's not covered by my insurance. So I have lived with this have tooth for a year, but I think it may be making me sick. Does anyone know where I could get free or discounted dental work???
I would check with your county to see if there are any services available. Yes, implants are very costly and usually not covered by insurance because there are other options usually available, such as a bridge or partial denture. Check with your insurance to see if those are covered.
I would check with your county to see if there are any services available. Yes, implants are very costly and usually not covered by insurance because there are other options usually available, such as a bridge or partial denture. Check with your insurance to see if those are covered.
Is Dental Bridging necessary?
Hello, i recently had one of my premolars removed for (300 dollars)..The dentist told me that i should consider a dental bridging, because without it my teeth could shift and cause them to be crooked and hard to eat food. Now as i mention i already paid 300 for extraction of the tooth. He told me the bridging would cost 2000 dollars! I am low on cash and was wondering if any of you have experience with bridge and/or are currently without a tooth. how does it affect you? and is it worth paying 2000 for a bridge? thanks by the way i have no insurance.
Yes, it is necessary. Your dentist is right about the consequences of not getting your missing teeth replaced. The fee seems reasonable. You will understand why when you read the following article : http://www.associatedcontent.com/article…
Yes, it is necessary. Your dentist is right about the consequences of not getting your missing teeth replaced. The fee seems reasonable. You will understand why when you read the following article : http://www.associatedcontent.com/article…
Dependents on taxes?
I have heard that you can only claim your kids on taxes if they are in your custody 6 months out of the year, I am going to be providing medical and dental insurance on my kid as well as paying child support and her mother collects state assistance and lives quite a distance from me does anyone know if its possible to claim my kid on my taxes for providing the insurance?
Tax Information for Non-Custodial Parents The non-custodial parent is the parent who is not the custodial parent. Here the custodial parent is the parent with whom the child shared the same principal place of abode for the greater portion of the year. Do you pay child support? If YES, you should be aware of Federal tax issues that could affect you ability to claim your child as a dependent, or take certain tax credits. Claiming Your Child as a Dependent Special rules apply when determining who may claim a child as a dependent. For example, if you are the non-custodial parent and provide more than half of your child's total support, you still may NOT be able to claim the child as a dependent. Generally, the custodial parent is allowed to claim the exemption for a child who is a dependent even if the non-custodial parent provides child support. A special rule may apply when the parents of a child are divorced or legally separated or when the parents live apart at all times during the last 6 months of the calendar year. If this rule applies, the non-custodial parent may claim an exemption for the child if the custodial parent signs a Form 8332, Release of Claim to Exemption for Child of Divorced or Separated Parents, or a substantially similar statement, or if a divorce decree, a decree of separate maintenance, or a written separation agreement provides that the non-custodial parent is entitled to the dependency deduction for the child.
Tax Information for Non-Custodial Parents The non-custodial parent is the parent who is not the custodial parent. Here the custodial parent is the parent with whom the child shared the same principal place of abode for the greater portion of the year. Do you pay child support? If YES, you should be aware of Federal tax issues that could affect you ability to claim your child as a dependent, or take certain tax credits. Claiming Your Child as a Dependent Special rules apply when determining who may claim a child as a dependent. For example, if you are the non-custodial parent and provide more than half of your child's total support, you still may NOT be able to claim the child as a dependent. Generally, the custodial parent is allowed to claim the exemption for a child who is a dependent even if the non-custodial parent provides child support. A special rule may apply when the parents of a child are divorced or legally separated or when the parents live apart at all times during the last 6 months of the calendar year. If this rule applies, the non-custodial parent may claim an exemption for the child if the custodial parent signs a Form 8332, Release of Claim to Exemption for Child of Divorced or Separated Parents, or a substantially similar statement, or if a divorce decree, a decree of separate maintenance, or a written separation agreement provides that the non-custodial parent is entitled to the dependency deduction for the child.
My teeth are killing me, help?
One of my back teeth has been hurting, and now i have 3 of them hurting. My problem is i dont have dental insurance, and i haven't be able to find an affordable plan for me, and i am only 20 so i have no credit, What should i do? the pain is almost unbearable! any suggestions on dental plans or pain management
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
How much is the cost of a health insurance policy for a family of 5 in USA?
lets assume Joe (38years old) and Sally (38years old) public both work and make a total of $70,000 a year between them. They have 3 children, Todd, 15, Gwen 13, and Gina 10. They have to buy their own health insurance since their employers do not provide it. They want a plan that does the following: max $25 dollar deductible for any visit to a doctor....and then 80% of all cost after that up to an individual maximum cost per person per year of $2000 at which point the insurance will pick up 100% up to $300,000 per person per year. Dental and vision coverage is a flat 80% of all procedures after $25 deductible. If this family goes out in the market place to buy this insurance, how much will it cost them per month.
FREE if you want the Government to pay for it (and let someone else foot the bill), but in California -SERIOUSLY - it's about $25,000 a year and up. I think SELF INSURED CO-OPS are the way to go.
FREE if you want the Government to pay for it (and let someone else foot the bill), but in California -SERIOUSLY - it's about $25,000 a year and up. I think SELF INSURED CO-OPS are the way to go.
After 1 year at your job what type of benefits do you have at work?
examples, health, vision, dental, life insurance 401 K paid vacation, sick days
Health insurance, paid vacation, and 401K. That's all though?
Health insurance, paid vacation, and 401K. That's all though?
What is the best and most affordable pet insurance plan?
I have two cats who are about one year old. I want to get a plan that covers dental cleaning expenses and thats it for now anyway. I figure I can wait another couple years to get them a full health insurance plan considering they are indoor cats and not even one yet....Is there such a dental plan...I was told dental cleanings run about $150 a pop per cat per year. So If I can spend less than that a year on both of them for a health or dental plan that covers cleanings that would be great. Please help. Also, If you know of any basic health plans that cover vets visits that would be helpfully (VPI, Petfirst are too pricey for me any others?)
Holy cow, you get your cat's teeth cleaned every year? I'm on the "when they look like they need it" plan which runs about every 5 years. Anyway, cheapest insurance is your own. If you know you're going to spend $300 on dental cleanings a year, put $30 in your savings account every month.
Holy cow, you get your cat's teeth cleaned every year? I'm on the "when they look like they need it" plan which runs about every 5 years. Anyway, cheapest insurance is your own. If you know you're going to spend $300 on dental cleanings a year, put $30 in your savings account every month.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Any good dentists horror stories?
The dentist I went to as a kid was a drunk and smoker, so he stinked and was kind of wobbly. He accidentally drilled my tongue once. Worse, when he was going to drill a front tooth, he gave me a novacaine shot and hit a vein instead of muscle, so my nose and one eye were totally numb, but my tooth wasn't when he started drilling. I called him the Hawaiian Mengele. As an adult, I don't have dental insurance, so I used to go to the dental school to get work done. One of my teeth needed to be pulled, and these little girl students were trying to pry it up but couldn't. the instructor came by, looked in my mouth, and said, "We're gonna have to break the tooth." He grabbed something that looked like a pair of pliers and said, "This is going to hurt--A LOT." And it did. I could feel the tooth break into pieces and yelled, "F#CK! That hurt!" loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. Got any stories like that?
Had the three wisdom teeth that came in, impacted in the bone, pulled. It actually wasn't pulled at all, but chiseled and pried out. The first one took like 15 minutes. The last one took an hour and 15 minutes. When I left the dentist, I was amazed by the relative lack of pain. When I got home and my wife went to get the pain meds she had to go to a few different pharmacies. By the time she got home the novocain had long since worn off. I felt like pounding my head on the concrete it was so painful, and I mean that literally. I remember a moment distinctly, having my head over the toilet with my mouth open with bloody drool stringing out from my mouth. I felt like I wanted to be shot.
Had the three wisdom teeth that came in, impacted in the bone, pulled. It actually wasn't pulled at all, but chiseled and pried out. The first one took like 15 minutes. The last one took an hour and 15 minutes. When I left the dentist, I was amazed by the relative lack of pain. When I got home and my wife went to get the pain meds she had to go to a few different pharmacies. By the time she got home the novocain had long since worn off. I felt like pounding my head on the concrete it was so painful, and I mean that literally. I remember a moment distinctly, having my head over the toilet with my mouth open with bloody drool stringing out from my mouth. I felt like I wanted to be shot.
Bad Dental Crowns - multiple replacements, what to do!!?
I had 2 dental crowns done in 2006 by a highly recommended dentist that many of my friends and family were using. A year later I moved out of the area and had to visit another highly recommended dentist. She showed me the X-RAYS of the 2 crowns and I could clearly see openings with cavities underneath the crowns. I got very upset and frustrated, but had those crowns re-done because I didn't want to loose my teeth. I called my first dentist and after some negotiation he refunded my out of pocket expenses, so the new crowns were no cost to me. A year later I moved again and went to another highly reommended dentist that several people at my just have been using for over 20 years...and it turns out the SAME "new" crowns that were just re-done a year ago have openings with cavities! Insurance doesn't cover replacement sooner than in 5 years, so everything will have to come out of my pocket ($2600), not to mention the pain assosiated with crown removal and lack of trust - do I have to do it AGAIN in a year? I guess the question is, can I get my money refunded by the second dentist? I spoke with her and she is willing to fix it, however I live in a different state and multiple trips across the country to the dentist will cost me almost as much as getting them crowns re-done locally...Should I ask for a full refund? Lawyer? This situation is very frustrating... Thanks for your answers
I would recommend getting a second opinion first. It's your cheapest option and different dentists take different approaches to each case and restorations. No Dentistnwants it to be their fault if a case fails, they may appreciate the second opinion also. Good luck.
I would recommend getting a second opinion first. It's your cheapest option and different dentists take different approaches to each case and restorations. No Dentistnwants it to be their fault if a case fails, they may appreciate the second opinion also. Good luck.
Are there any decent student health insurance programs out there?
Because if there are, I can't find any. The one offered through my school is a joke, but my Google-fu has so far revealed that they all are. My parents don't have insurance, and in fact I've *never* had health insurance so I don't even know where to begin looking, really, but I'm tired of paying outrageous out-of-pocket expenses for urgent care center visits from time to time. I think my wisdom teeth might be coming in, so I desperately need dental coverage to go get that looked at, because there's no way I can afford it (and the likely surgery to follow). But all the student health programs I keep finding basically say that you're only covered in case of acute illnesses or injuries, not for simple things like vision and dental. I'd prefer a student health plan because the rates generally seem to be better (I'm a grad student and I don't make much money. As in, at all. Plus I'm in debt up to my eyeballs thanks to school, so cost is a big factor for me but so is at least halfway decent coverage). But am I going to have to suck it up and just get regular health insurance? I'm not covered under my job's plan, as I'm a graduate assistant and thus considered part-time, but I don't know what else to do. Advice?
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
does anyone know a good health insurance company?
my family was just notified our health insurance will be going up $115 on august 10th. We are already paying $395.00 a month and it doesn't include dental,vison, or prescription coverage. We are paying so much money already and its crazy. We have to pay out of our pocket everytime go to the dentist and eye doctors. Plus, we spent so much money in expenses for cancer treatments for my mother (over $30,00) my parents pocket. our current health insurance company is anthem blue cross and blue shield. Does any one know a good health insurance comany that we could get a family plan at and it doesnt cost over $400 a month and includes dental,vision, and prescriptions? thanks!
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Dental question?
When I was a kid, my family never had extra money for anything, and we didn't have insurance, so I never saw a dentist until I was in my mid 20's. I'm 36 now and have several missing teeth, just molars, on the top and bottom on both sides. They've rotted out years ago and eventually broke apart and fell out. But the roots are still in my gums...just the crowns of the teeth are gone. My question is, is there a type of dental bridge that a dentist could fit my mouth with to fill in the spaces where the missing teeth are, even though the roots are still deep in my gums? Or would they have to somehow pull out the roots? It really hurts to eat anything crunchy like tacos, or chips because I end up biting them with my gums, where the tooth should be and that hurts.
No, the roots have to be removed. You wouldn't want trouble brewing under the bridge. Most of the time extracting roots like yours is relatively easy.
No, the roots have to be removed. You wouldn't want trouble brewing under the bridge. Most of the time extracting roots like yours is relatively easy.
Will I be able to stay on my parents insurance if I take my classes online?
I graduated from a local Community College as a dental hygienist in May. I just got a full time job, but my insurance wont kick in 'til January. I am enrolled full time online to take 12 credits this Fall and just wanted to make sure online classes will still count as... full time to insurance companies. I can't see why not... but my father brought it up and I figured i'd see if anyone knew before I called the insurance company to make sure.
What? Health, Life or Auto insurance? I'm guessing you mean health insurance. I don't think they care as long os the premium is paid to cover you. Assuming you are healthy, health insurance companies look at people like you as cash cows because you pay for services you never need, so they will want to keep you on the policy. Is your dad getting insurance from work or through a broker? Call whoever it is and find out the details. No need to be squeamish. You can't hide relevant details from the insurance company or they will use that as an excuse to withhold payment in case of a catastrophic problem.
What? Health, Life or Auto insurance? I'm guessing you mean health insurance. I don't think they care as long os the premium is paid to cover you. Assuming you are healthy, health insurance companies look at people like you as cash cows because you pay for services you never need, so they will want to keep you on the policy. Is your dad getting insurance from work or through a broker? Call whoever it is and find out the details. No need to be squeamish. You can't hide relevant details from the insurance company or they will use that as an excuse to withhold payment in case of a catastrophic problem.
Dental Procedures, and Payment Plans?
I am currently a single college student working only part time, without ANY dental coverage/benefits. I also happen to have HORRIBLE teeth; always have, mainly because of overcrowding from my teeth being too large for my mouth (quote 2 previous dentists). I've seen procedures on television that look like the person's teeth were being shaved down, then a row of fake teeth 'permanately' put over them. What is this procedure called, and what is the average price range?! Also, since I have no insurance or anything, is it unlikely that I would be able to make small monthly payments? Thank you very much for any help :)
I believe the procedure that you are referring to is when "veneers" are put on your teeth. They can be pricey. I know you don't have a benefit plan, but often even if you have a benefit plan, this procedure is not covered as it is usually considered to be "cosmetic dentistry". Some dentists may allow you to set up a payment plan, so it would be necessary to call and check with several dentists. Traditional Porcelain Veneers typically cost between $900 - $2,500. per tooth and require two or more visits one to two weeks apart. Veneers made of porcelain provide a greater longevity than plastic, typically ten years to fifteen years or more. Composite Veneers cost significantly less, around $250 per tooth or more, but only last from five to seven years typically. Lumineer Porcelain Veneers typically cost between $700. - $1,000. per tooth and also require just two visits. Lumineers are expected to last as long as traditional porcelain veneers. Generally speaking, the price of tooth veneers and whitening increases with the number of in-office treatments required by the patient. Dental insurance does not typically cover the cost of the tooth veneers procedure. Cost will vary depending on your region, the skill level of your Cosmetic Dentist and the quality of the lab they use..
I believe the procedure that you are referring to is when "veneers" are put on your teeth. They can be pricey. I know you don't have a benefit plan, but often even if you have a benefit plan, this procedure is not covered as it is usually considered to be "cosmetic dentistry". Some dentists may allow you to set up a payment plan, so it would be necessary to call and check with several dentists. Traditional Porcelain Veneers typically cost between $900 - $2,500. per tooth and require two or more visits one to two weeks apart. Veneers made of porcelain provide a greater longevity than plastic, typically ten years to fifteen years or more. Composite Veneers cost significantly less, around $250 per tooth or more, but only last from five to seven years typically. Lumineer Porcelain Veneers typically cost between $700. - $1,000. per tooth and also require just two visits. Lumineers are expected to last as long as traditional porcelain veneers. Generally speaking, the price of tooth veneers and whitening increases with the number of in-office treatments required by the patient. Dental insurance does not typically cover the cost of the tooth veneers procedure. Cost will vary depending on your region, the skill level of your Cosmetic Dentist and the quality of the lab they use..
Dental Question, Should It Really Cost This Much!?!?
okay well I went to my dentists today, we took xrays and the usual exam and he comes up with some very bad expensive news! I have two impacted bottom wisdom teeth, I have 2 cavitys (which are my first ever) and then I also have a top right molar that has been broken due to another wisdom tooth not having room to grow and the wisdom tooth needs to be pulled and then the other tooth needs to be capped! I also know its only going to cost 325 to be put under but what I am in shock about is should this be costing me 4721.00 dollars!!!!!!!!! doesnt that sound a bit much! I dont have insurance and I sure as heck dont have that kind of money! what would you do and how series can this get if I wait longer to have it taken care of? because obviously I need to come up with this money some how? also is Aspen Dental a good selection thats were I went and am getting this huge amount of money taken!?! thanks if you have any answers!
Cocoa is right. Any insurance plan that you get would probably assign you to a dental office that you don't want to go to. And if you went to one of those offices, they may find that you need more work. (they tend to do this) Was this dentist you went to today your regular dentist or was it a dental clinic type office? The fees that were given by Cocoa were also accurate as far as an average for the country. I wouldn't wait on the areas that have decay because decay only gets worse. Also, the longer you wait, the more expensive it will get. I suggest that you take care of the fillings first, then the extractions and then the crown. go about your treatment slowly and ask to set up a payment plan. One good thing here is the dentist is not being told by an insurance company what to do. He/she is telling you the best course of treatment for you based on his/her knowledge only, not by some bureaucrat. Good Luck EDIT: Can you possibly post an itemized estimate that the office has given you? Are they charging you for sedation each visit? Maybe then I can better answer your question
Cocoa is right. Any insurance plan that you get would probably assign you to a dental office that you don't want to go to. And if you went to one of those offices, they may find that you need more work. (they tend to do this) Was this dentist you went to today your regular dentist or was it a dental clinic type office? The fees that were given by Cocoa were also accurate as far as an average for the country. I wouldn't wait on the areas that have decay because decay only gets worse. Also, the longer you wait, the more expensive it will get. I suggest that you take care of the fillings first, then the extractions and then the crown. go about your treatment slowly and ask to set up a payment plan. One good thing here is the dentist is not being told by an insurance company what to do. He/she is telling you the best course of treatment for you based on his/her knowledge only, not by some bureaucrat. Good Luck EDIT: Can you possibly post an itemized estimate that the office has given you? Are they charging you for sedation each visit? Maybe then I can better answer your question
Dental cement for filling in a broken front tooth?
Need help quick, I've searched other answers, but I didn't really find one that was similar to my situation. I have a chipped front tooth,2 actually..No insurance..and I do not have the chips that came off. My appt with the dentist is in 2 weeks, (paying out of pocket..sucks!) But I have my BF's family coming in from out of town, and will be meeting his fam for the first time..and I can't get them filled in til after..(because of money). I've heard you can use dental cement for filling in, and "molding" the area til I get to the dentist. Is this true? Will it work? and what color is the stuff..I just don't want to meet new people with a chipped front tooth..and it's not that tiny, as to where you can't see it..so any suggestions would be reat! PLZ help me?
Don't waste your money. This temporary material comes in almost a stark white shade and will never hold up to the biting stress on the edge or corner of the tooth. It sounds like a tooth shaded bonded composite filling may do the job and would be much less expensive than a porcelain veneer or crown. Good luck.
Don't waste your money. This temporary material comes in almost a stark white shade and will never hold up to the biting stress on the edge or corner of the tooth. It sounds like a tooth shaded bonded composite filling may do the job and would be much less expensive than a porcelain veneer or crown. Good luck.
Whats the best dental plan for me / self employed/ central florida?
I need insurance very quickly. I just paid 300 for a wisdom tooth to be removed, and I also need a few root canals. I want my mouth to look good, and feel good, and am ready to put in the time and effort to change things for me. Im in alot of pain. I have been going to Lake Nona Dental Group in Orlando, FL. They just told me they are contracted with Delta Dental, and United Concordia, but they can also accept others. What does contracted with these companies mean? I used to have bcbs there ppo plan, but it didnt work for pretty much anything. I want something thats going to cover root canals, and also making my teeth look new. Your help would be greatly appreciated . Rodd
I would recommend this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years on all services. From cleanings, fillings, exams, xrays...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Example: Cleanings I pay only $38 compared to the regular average of $100.
I would recommend this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years on all services. From cleanings, fillings, exams, xrays...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Example: Cleanings I pay only $38 compared to the regular average of $100.
Pet Insurance Question?
ok, i've been looking all over for affordable pet insurance that will cover the things i want it to is there anywhere that i can get pet insurance for just basic veterinary care not accidents and illnesses... all i want it to cover is dental cleanings, vaccines, flea and tick preventitives, heart worm tests, and the over all exam... i dont want it to cover stuff like accidents, cancer, or other diseases just the basic stuff she needs every year... is this possible because it seems like you can only get coverage over that after you're forking out $40 a month for stuff that might not ever happen... HELP by the way: im trying to find pet insurance for my 3 year old dog who has never been diagnosed with any illnesses
Pet insurance, yearly premium, is more than what you'd spend on your dog for vaccinations, exam, etc. It's a waste of money.
Pet insurance, yearly premium, is more than what you'd spend on your dog for vaccinations, exam, etc. It's a waste of money.
Can I sue the dental office for disrespectful treatment?
Today, I went to a dental office in California for a dentist appointment. The office I go to is in a different city(2 hours driving) because my insurance plan has no offices in my city that do the benefits I am looking for. And because I didn't want to change my insurance plan as it saves a lot of money on me, more than any other plan. In today's appointment the office staff went through the choices I have for each treatment. I chose the basic service of each one because I don't have money for the other expensive ones. The dentist kinda didn't like it but she approved my choices as its my right. Then she said I will be back in a min. And when she came back she told me that she discussed it with the practice owner(another dentist) and they decided that "my medical needs are beyond the scope of their office"! AND that she reject to do, with me, any of the treatments I need which they normally provide. I was so upset, because I felt insulted and humiliated by such behavior just because I can't afford their expensive treatments. Not mentioning the work hours I took off to come to the appointment or the gas cost I paid to my friend for the ride he gave me(I don't have a car). I can't describe the frustration and anger they caused in me. And I believe also they took advantage of me because I am not American (I am an international student). Is there something I can do about that?! .. because I don't know the rules in this country USA but what I know for sure that they have no single right to treat me like this x( Thank you
yes you can. If you have missed the apponintment without informing them within 24 hours before you would be charged $20 at least. And here in American it doesn't matter where are you from...if you are on the american land you have the right to sue any organization does break the law with you. The point here is: not every unethical behavior can watched by the law! They definitely will deny it. But it will be a headache though..and it might not be worth it...you got to know that.
yes you can. If you have missed the apponintment without informing them within 24 hours before you would be charged $20 at least. And here in American it doesn't matter where are you from...if you are on the american land you have the right to sue any organization does break the law with you. The point here is: not every unethical behavior can watched by the law! They definitely will deny it. But it will be a headache though..and it might not be worth it...you got to know that.
Question about government insurance?
I recently became an independent contractor (self-employed small business) and am building a client base which takes time & I no longer have health insurance for my daughter or myself since I am no longer employed by another company. Because my business is so new, I do not yet have the funds to purchase private insurance & there is no other option even for my daughter because her dad died in an accident in '99. So my question is: if I apply for state insurance but have it ONLY for emergencies (I'll continue to pay out of pocket for our dental/doctor visits) does it still cost the government money just to have out names registered under state insurance even though we won't use it?
Yes, of course! It's the administrative costs!
Yes, of course! It's the administrative costs!
Best health insurance?
I am employed full time, but my company is too small to pay its employees any benefits. So I'm shopping for my own insurance. What I'd like: Insurance that covers all my current doctors, not just giving me a list to pick from. Something that will pay for both living and hospital expenses should a sickness or accident prevent me from working - and will keep paying. Good Dental coverage I'll gladly do a co-pay for doctor's visits. I'm 28 and in excellent health, non smoker - this should give me a good starting point.... Right now, I'm on an international health insurance out of Germany (which is where I'm from) which reimburses me for every medical expense, but I am sick and tired of having to front the money. Any advice? It's tough to just start shopping, so I'd like to get input from people who have insurance. Let me know which company you feel is the best one.
It's great that you're looking at getting health insurance. If you can afford it (which you should be able to above the poverty line!) it can do wonders. As you say, you are a non smoker and will co-pay for doctors visits which certainly helps. There is a vast difference between the prices of different health insurances, so it's important to shop around. There's a great site for this kind of thing for people in the US. It's totally free and they give you quotes from all the main health insurance agencies. You can check it out here: http://www.mb01.com/lnk.asp?o=1263&c=918273&a=21460 I wasn't sure if you were still in germany, or living abroad, but if you are some a good and complete list of health insurance firms can be found here also: http://www.medknowledge.de/germany/treatment/insurance_companies.htm Hope I was of some help, and good luck finding the right one! Just remember to get lots of quotes and check the fine print! Also, the ones which give you extra 'benefits' like physio and stuff, which you may be unlikely to use, tend to be more expensive so avoid those also if you're unlikely to use them. Have a good one :-)
It's great that you're looking at getting health insurance. If you can afford it (which you should be able to above the poverty line!) it can do wonders. As you say, you are a non smoker and will co-pay for doctors visits which certainly helps. There is a vast difference between the prices of different health insurances, so it's important to shop around. There's a great site for this kind of thing for people in the US. It's totally free and they give you quotes from all the main health insurance agencies. You can check it out here: http://www.mb01.com/lnk.asp?o=1263&c=918273&a=21460 I wasn't sure if you were still in germany, or living abroad, but if you are some a good and complete list of health insurance firms can be found here also: http://www.medknowledge.de/germany/treatment/insurance_companies.htm Hope I was of some help, and good luck finding the right one! Just remember to get lots of quotes and check the fine print! Also, the ones which give you extra 'benefits' like physio and stuff, which you may be unlikely to use, tend to be more expensive so avoid those also if you're unlikely to use them. Have a good one :-)
Does anyone use private health insurance?
I have always been under the assumption that it was a lot more money than the insurance we could get through my wife's employer or mine. For the two of us 39 and 35 as well as our two kids 3 and 6, we are currently paying out of pocket $631.08 a month for HMO coverage and another $77.32 a month dental for Aetna through my wife's job with a $2000 deductible and $30 office co-pays. We are now being told that, as of March first, it is going to go up another $250 a month with a $2500 deductible that has to be met before they will even start to cover office visits at the $30 copay. That doesn't feel like insurance to me. I have been looking around online and am seeing sites like ehealthinsurance.com with quotes for $300 to $500 a month PPO from major carriers (not including dental) that have $20-$30 office co-pays and $2k-$3k deductibles for issues beyond office visits. Is anyone else using this type of private insurance and, if so, is there a catch that I am not seeing? btw, please don't tell me to wait for Obamacare to save me.
Well, I know when I researched this in Iowa (bluecross.com) it was actually cheaper for my children (they have no chronic illnesses) and you get to pick from a variety of plans with a variety of co-pays and deductibles. I am NOT an employee of them or any other insurance company (disclaimer time!); just a parent wanting to get REASONABLY priced coverage. So far, so good with payments and what they pay.
Well, I know when I researched this in Iowa (bluecross.com) it was actually cheaper for my children (they have no chronic illnesses) and you get to pick from a variety of plans with a variety of co-pays and deductibles. I am NOT an employee of them or any other insurance company (disclaimer time!); just a parent wanting to get REASONABLY priced coverage. So far, so good with payments and what they pay.
Dental Question What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years?
What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years. I brush my teeth everyday.I haven' had any dental. Just about all of my teeth are sensitive to my spit in my mouth alone. I had my wisdome teeth removed. When they removed the teeth did I get a root canal with the extraction. I am scared they might take all of my teeth. How much are those fake tooth implants per tooth? If I was able to pay for insurance in the future would it pay for fake teeth. I am going to a dentist today at a federally subsidized health care service. Do they do the tooth implants or is that cosmetic?
They will probably take a full set of x-rays then do a thorough cleaning. Afterwards the dentist will examine your teeth and discuss any problems. Tooth implants are expensive, anywhere from $3000.00 to $4000.00 per tooth with crown and they are usually not covered by insurance although the crown would be covered. Some insurance will cover it, just depends on the insurance plan that the patient has. Some employer sponsored plans will cover some of the cost of implants. I doubt a subsidized facility will do implants. It usually requires a dental surgeon to do the work.
They will probably take a full set of x-rays then do a thorough cleaning. Afterwards the dentist will examine your teeth and discuss any problems. Tooth implants are expensive, anywhere from $3000.00 to $4000.00 per tooth with crown and they are usually not covered by insurance although the crown would be covered. Some insurance will cover it, just depends on the insurance plan that the patient has. Some employer sponsored plans will cover some of the cost of implants. I doubt a subsidized facility will do implants. It usually requires a dental surgeon to do the work.
Dental bridges- 3, 4, 5?
On Monday I am supposed to have a procedure done- basically a dental bridge. My dentist told me I would need to have a five-unit bridge done. The teeth that are missing are #6 and #4 on the right side. This decision was made by the dentists, and frankly, insurance came into play. I cannot afford implants, though I have researched extensively and the general consensus is implants, we came to the conclusion that bridge work will be done. My question is- why a 5 unit bridge? Why not 4 or even 3? is there a significant difference, in terms of placement? I haven't had time to discuss this with the dentist, but I'd like to go armed with information. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Professional responses would be awesome. Thanks!
The best support for a bridge is for it to be balanced on both side by solid teeth/roots. That's why your dentist wants to do a 5 unit bridge and include #7. What you are asking for by not including #7 is a cantilever. This is done in very very limited cases, and even then, not many dentists will do it because of stress risks to th teeth involved. Too much stress on a tooth in the wrong directions can cause a root of a tooth to fracture. So while I understand you don't want to shave a healthy tooth, you would be risking #3 and #5 by not including #7. If you really don't want to shave #7 and think implants may be a possibility for you in the future, consider a partial denture as a temporary solution and save up for implants. Think of support on a bridge over water. It is held by solid ground on both sides. If you have it held by only one side and someone stands on the opposite side, forces are pulling the ground on the side that is holding it up and sideways, that side of the cliff will collapse.
The best support for a bridge is for it to be balanced on both side by solid teeth/roots. That's why your dentist wants to do a 5 unit bridge and include #7. What you are asking for by not including #7 is a cantilever. This is done in very very limited cases, and even then, not many dentists will do it because of stress risks to th teeth involved. Too much stress on a tooth in the wrong directions can cause a root of a tooth to fracture. So while I understand you don't want to shave a healthy tooth, you would be risking #3 and #5 by not including #7. If you really don't want to shave #7 and think implants may be a possibility for you in the future, consider a partial denture as a temporary solution and save up for implants. Think of support on a bridge over water. It is held by solid ground on both sides. If you have it held by only one side and someone stands on the opposite side, forces are pulling the ground on the side that is holding it up and sideways, that side of the cliff will collapse.
Dental work, what to do?????
I have had some recent dental work done, trying to avoid gum surgery. My dentist wants to bridge a couple of my teeth and put veneers on in order to prevent reoccurring problems and to prevent my spaces between my teeth from making my teeth shift and/or become crooked. The problem is, after insurance, my out of pocket expenses with be roughly $5000! I cannot afford this high of a bill, but I'd really like to have the work done. I dont want surgery, I dont want to let the problems return or get worse and I would love a beautiful white smile, Any advice?
I would ask what options you have other than veneers. Veneers are purely cosmetic and have no restorative benefit. They will not prevent recurring decay or new decay from developing. However, for an esthetically nice smile, it doesn't come cheap. Your out of pocket is so high because no insurance will cover anything cosmetic. Sorry!
I would ask what options you have other than veneers. Veneers are purely cosmetic and have no restorative benefit. They will not prevent recurring decay or new decay from developing. However, for an esthetically nice smile, it doesn't come cheap. Your out of pocket is so high because no insurance will cover anything cosmetic. Sorry!
Dental care and general Health Care question?
A friend at my church doesn't have "dental care" as part of his benefits package. Therefore, he doesn't take his family to get periodic checkups. THIS totally baffles me. EVEN IF he isn't covered by "insurance" (which I remind you, YOU PAY FOR in your premiums), 6-month cleanings and check-ups are only about $75 each, or $150 a year. I KNOW he can afford to pay by the fact that he smokes, how he dresses, the sports his kids are always signed up for, and the "toys" he buys (camper, scooter, "stunt" bikes for his boys, etc). In my mind.... $150 a year to keep your teeth is pretty darn cheap! So here's the "deeper question"..... Knowing he COULD get the care, but doesn't because it's not provided for "free" at his place of work.... am I supposed to support a government solution that somehow causes ME to pay for him, and/or risk screwing up the care I have and am VERY happy with? HOW do you think we should help uninsured" people like him?
You pay if it is offered. It is usually separate. You didn't say how many kids he has. So if you take 150 x 4 or 5 that is a lot of money. How much does he make. Can he afford an extra amount out of his budget. I have several suits I wear that look expensive but they were purchased some time ago. You can't judge based on clothing and toys. Why does it bother you about his teeth. You aren't paying the bills. I'm glad you aren't someone in my church you sound very judgmental. That being said, health insurance reform is important. There are many people who would love to have insurance but can't afford it after being uninsured for a time. I can't afford to pay for insurance that doesn't cover preexisting conditions for a year So would have to pay premiums for a year and still pay for any doctor visits that are connected to a preexisting condition. We need to have some reform to bring down the cost of insurance. Tort reform and cap on payments, letting insurance companies compete across state lines, knocking out the pre existing condition clauses. That would get us a long way in correcting what is needed in our health insurance needs. The government wouldn't have to do more than what it is doing to help the poor.
You pay if it is offered. It is usually separate. You didn't say how many kids he has. So if you take 150 x 4 or 5 that is a lot of money. How much does he make. Can he afford an extra amount out of his budget. I have several suits I wear that look expensive but they were purchased some time ago. You can't judge based on clothing and toys. Why does it bother you about his teeth. You aren't paying the bills. I'm glad you aren't someone in my church you sound very judgmental. That being said, health insurance reform is important. There are many people who would love to have insurance but can't afford it after being uninsured for a time. I can't afford to pay for insurance that doesn't cover preexisting conditions for a year So would have to pay premiums for a year and still pay for any doctor visits that are connected to a preexisting condition. We need to have some reform to bring down the cost of insurance. Tort reform and cap on payments, letting insurance companies compete across state lines, knocking out the pre existing condition clauses. That would get us a long way in correcting what is needed in our health insurance needs. The government wouldn't have to do more than what it is doing to help the poor.
dental issues i need someones advice?
i went for my dental checkup she took xrays according to her all my molars have cavities which i have no problems with my teeth. for the first time i thought i was going to have a check up with no cavities. it was a surprise to me for my dentist to tell me this. although i asked where are my cavities she wouldn't response then, i asked are they big cavities her response was i don't know until i dig in which that scared me. i have insurance i think i need a second opinion my teeth do not bother me at all even when i eat candy. i been flossing and brushing diligently. then she left without explaining the cost and i had questions she was gone i left Pretty upset . any advice do you think their trying to pull a fast one
STAR, not ALL cavities show on x-rays, if you floss and eat candy the cavities are most likely on top of the teeth and this doesn't show on x-rays. If in doubt always get a second opinion.
STAR, not ALL cavities show on x-rays, if you floss and eat candy the cavities are most likely on top of the teeth and this doesn't show on x-rays. If in doubt always get a second opinion.
Dental implant ?
I had a dental implant done a year ago and the crown place about 6 months later. The dentist said everything healed really nicely... My problem is now. The gum around the area is swollen and bleeds when I floss. I floss it a lot because I am so paranoid about food getting stuck in there. Well, something is definitely wrong. I moved recently and am now 2 hours away from the dentist that did the surgery. I am willing to drive to have him look at it but would like to solve this on my own if possible. I rinse with warm salt water, peroxide ( at night), mouthwash. I even got a night guard because I know I clinch my teeth at night. I'll be damned if I pay one more cent for this tooth. 3000 dollars has gone into this and I think one of the reasons I am avoiding going to the dentist is because I don't want him to charge me. Insurance pays nothing. Sorry for the mouth ful. Anyone else had this problem with theirs?
I would recommend going back to see who did your surgery. Your gums sound like they are inflamed. I would continue with brushing and flossing as you normally do. Your dentist may consider placing you on a rinse called Peridex to help with the inflamed tissue. If you are unable to take the time to go to the dentist that you started with, you may also see a dentist that is closer to you, but i am sure there will be a charge along with it. I know implants are very costly but if you spent $3000 on it already isn't it worth to have it checked to make sure that everything is ok rather than taking a risk and losing your implant?
I would recommend going back to see who did your surgery. Your gums sound like they are inflamed. I would continue with brushing and flossing as you normally do. Your dentist may consider placing you on a rinse called Peridex to help with the inflamed tissue. If you are unable to take the time to go to the dentist that you started with, you may also see a dentist that is closer to you, but i am sure there will be a charge along with it. I know implants are very costly but if you spent $3000 on it already isn't it worth to have it checked to make sure that everything is ok rather than taking a risk and losing your implant?
Can I transfer dental records and x-rays to a surgeon and skip the initial visit?
My husband made me an appointment at Aspen dental for the first time. Trusting his decisions, I went, had my x-rays and examination done, and made and appointment for the 29th to have my wisdom teeth extracted. The appointment and x-rays were done 2 weeks ago, so they are very current. The thing is, a series of events have made it so I do not want Aspen dental anywhere near my mouth! I'm going to cancel the surgery and find a new oral surgeon. The thing is, my insurance won't cover another first examination/set of x-rays in the same year somewhere new! So the question is, do you think that an oral surgeon will go off of my x-rays and files from Aspen (which I would have transferred) and be able to skip the first examination? Since the first examination will produce the exact same results as the files that I will have transferred?
My gut says no, because experience tells me that they will want to do their own examination, for their own records and just in case the first dentist missed something. However, it would do no harm to call the office ahead of time and ask.
My gut says no, because experience tells me that they will want to do their own examination, for their own records and just in case the first dentist missed something. However, it would do no harm to call the office ahead of time and ask.
Upselling at a dental office?
Okay, so I went to the dentist, which I normally do twice a year. I had been seeing a dentist regularly who always just cleaned my teeth filled one cavity the last time I was there and that was it. I went to a different dentist last week because my insurance changed and it's closer to my house. From the minute the dentist walked in they were trying to tell me that I needed braces, that I needed 8 cavities filled, that I needed a deep cleaning, and visits every 3 months instead of every six months. I found this very surprising because wouldn't my last dentist have realized that?? So my question is, do people at dental offices ever try to "up sell" their services or products? Or do they ever tell you that you need something even though you may not really need it? Anyone who has every had this experience or that works in a dental office please help!
yes some of them do! i have worked in a few dental offices and have seen it many times... they are almost as bad as mechanics. they also get special "perks" for refering you to other places for dental work, so some do that a lot too. the biggest one they do is, "you need your wisdom teeth pulled cause they are impacted." well, everyones teeth are turned in while they are in the gums until the yget ready to break the gum and come in as visible teeth... a lot of ppl dont know that so, when a persons wisdom teeth havnt come thru yet, in the xray, it shows they are turned laterally instead of vertically. well, everyones teeth are that way until they come thru the gums... but, a dentist know that ppl genreally dont know that so ppl belileve that if they dont get them pulled, they will continue to grow that way. but the reality is, if your wisdom teeth are coming thru fine, and arent causing any discomfort, and not crowding the rest of your teeth. they are fine.
yes some of them do! i have worked in a few dental offices and have seen it many times... they are almost as bad as mechanics. they also get special "perks" for refering you to other places for dental work, so some do that a lot too. the biggest one they do is, "you need your wisdom teeth pulled cause they are impacted." well, everyones teeth are turned in while they are in the gums until the yget ready to break the gum and come in as visible teeth... a lot of ppl dont know that so, when a persons wisdom teeth havnt come thru yet, in the xray, it shows they are turned laterally instead of vertically. well, everyones teeth are that way until they come thru the gums... but, a dentist know that ppl genreally dont know that so ppl belileve that if they dont get them pulled, they will continue to grow that way. but the reality is, if your wisdom teeth are coming thru fine, and arent causing any discomfort, and not crowding the rest of your teeth. they are fine.
Dental Surgeon Office Treated Us Oddly?
I took my son to see a dental surgeon about getting some wisdom teeth out. I heard the girls behind the counter sneering at us. When we left, they offered to find out how much our insurance would pay towards the procedure, but never called me back. I have since called two more times and each time they say they will call right back. I have waited by the phone for hours and no call. The last call, they could not even locate my son's chart! The surgeon was very informative and kind, but the girls behind the desk treated us like low class trash. What would you do?
For one thing, I sure wouldn't go back. For another thing, it is possible that the dentist doesn't know how the office people are acting. If there's a way you could inform him, he needs to know. So don't go back and also tell everyone you know how terrible the office people are.
For one thing, I sure wouldn't go back. For another thing, it is possible that the dentist doesn't know how the office people are acting. If there's a way you could inform him, he needs to know. So don't go back and also tell everyone you know how terrible the office people are.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Dental implants.......?
I posted a question earlier but nobody answered so, hopefully I get one now. I'm thinkin' 'bout gettin' dental implants. First thing first, I have no upper teeth right now, haven't in 4 months. I do have dentures but they were mad poorly 'n my dentist refuses to fix 'em 'n my insurance will not pay to have another made so my last place to try is thru a cosmetic surgen here in WI 'n I'm doin' it cuz I can get patient financin'. So, wit that said, if my teeth have been removed for 4 months would it still b a long process or a simple step? Please, please help.
Implants to put the inserts in, fittings to make the new teeth and fit them, screwing in the screws and then gluing and fitting the teeth. It isn't quick. good luck.
Implants to put the inserts in, fittings to make the new teeth and fit them, screwing in the screws and then gluing and fitting the teeth. It isn't quick. good luck.
Dental Question What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years?
What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years. I brush my teeth everyday.I haven' had any dental. Just about all of my teeth are sensitive to my spit in my mouth alone. I had my wisdome teeth removed. When they removed the teeth did I get a root canal with the extraction. I am scared they might take all of my teeth. How much are those fake tooth implants per tooth? If I was able to pay for insurance in the future would it pay for fake teeth. I am going to a dentist today at a federally subsidized health care service. Do they do the tooth implants or is that cosmetic? Also: Do all dentist put metal fillins in your mouth or do they have another alternatives?
Cosmetic dentistry is expensive. That includes porcelain veneers, whitening and whatnot. And there are substitutes to metal fillings. I have composite resin filings. Here's a good site for dental information (including filling types): http://www.mamashealth.com/dental/cfilli… You will probably undergo an extensive and routine cleaning also. Other than that, I can't tell you what to expect because I can't see your teeth. But don't stress out too much, be proud of yourself for finally making an appointment! :)
Cosmetic dentistry is expensive. That includes porcelain veneers, whitening and whatnot. And there are substitutes to metal fillings. I have composite resin filings. Here's a good site for dental information (including filling types): http://www.mamashealth.com/dental/cfilli… You will probably undergo an extensive and routine cleaning also. Other than that, I can't tell you what to expect because I can't see your teeth. But don't stress out too much, be proud of yourself for finally making an appointment! :)
Husband has bad Dental Hygine???
I'm ready to loose it on my husband. YES he brushes his teeth every morning but when night rools around he gets so lazy and only brushes then maybe 2 out of every 7 nights. First off it is so gross. I dont want to even kss him any more. Second off for 2 YEARS IN A ROW we have used our ENTIRE tax check ($2,000 + with no insurance) to get fillings, root canals, crowns, etc for him because he is so lazy. The irony in it all is that 4 yrs ago after a VERY hard pregnancy I had to have a total of $1,000 of dental work done , not becuae I was lazy, but because throwing up 24/7 for 9 monthes ate away at my enamal. Since then and before then I have NEVER had to have any dental work done. I done with it. He doesnt even try. What can I do, I'm tired of being called a B **** because I hound him to brush his teeth like a NORMAL PERSON at night???
It's got to be more than not brushing his teeth at night. He must eat alot of junk, sweets, and drink soda. It could be hereditary (bad teeth in the genes) medication, not flossing, not brushing for the full 2 minutes recommended, something more than not brushing at night. I have only had one cavity in my whole life and I'm not a nightly brusher, and I'm not particularly anal about flossing. I brush in the morning of course. Something else is going on with him, unless you find out what it is you can expect to keep forking out the big bucks.
It's got to be more than not brushing his teeth at night. He must eat alot of junk, sweets, and drink soda. It could be hereditary (bad teeth in the genes) medication, not flossing, not brushing for the full 2 minutes recommended, something more than not brushing at night. I have only had one cavity in my whole life and I'm not a nightly brusher, and I'm not particularly anal about flossing. I brush in the morning of course. Something else is going on with him, unless you find out what it is you can expect to keep forking out the big bucks.
Cancer survivor getting health insurance or life insurance.?
I'm a childhood bone cancer survivor. I had osteosarcoma back in 1992 and had my leg amputated but the cancer never returned and the only issue after is I can't donate blood. I'm Canadian living in the province of Newfoundland. and while Canadian's have most of their health care covered though taxes most medications, private rooms, ambulance services, dental, and other services are not covered by all provinces. ( the big one for me is no coverage of prosthetic limbs) I was covered under my parents health insurance and will continue to be covered until I finish university. I'm also covered partly under my Fiance's work health insurance ( not very much) I'm getting married in 2010 and want to get some extra coverage for myself and any future family. I also want to get life insurance because I want my Fiance and family taken care of should any thing happen. The only other health concern I have is hypothyroidism. but I'm on medication which controls it and it's not serious. Can I get life and health insurance. any experience from other cancer survivors would be appreciated.
Congrats on being a 16 year survivor! You may be able to get insurance because you've been cancer free for so long. It will probably end up costing you more, of course, but it isn't necessairly impossible. I know a few people who had cancer 10 years ago, and they were able to obtain life insurance coverage. The best way to obtain coverage (either life or health) is probably through your job. Suggested reading: http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancerpoints/l… http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.khLXK1P… http://www.canceradvocacy.org/resources/… Best of luck to you!
Congrats on being a 16 year survivor! You may be able to get insurance because you've been cancer free for so long. It will probably end up costing you more, of course, but it isn't necessairly impossible. I know a few people who had cancer 10 years ago, and they were able to obtain life insurance coverage. The best way to obtain coverage (either life or health) is probably through your job. Suggested reading: http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancerpoints/l… http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.khLXK1P… http://www.canceradvocacy.org/resources/… Best of luck to you!
my dentist got false information regarding my dental plan?
ok i need to have 2 Porcelain crowns for my 2 front teeth, it is a two visit process i was told the dental office requires half my portion on the first visit and half on the second... and i am fine with that but the amount they said the insurance company would cover seemed off, so i contacted the company and i was right the dentist said that porcelain crowns were not covered so i would need to pay the difference between porcelain and metal, and they said i was only covered at 50% the insurance said they dont not cover for porcelain crowns for posterior teeth and that i was covered at 80% obviously they have already overcharged me AND they will expect an additional payment next week.. sure they said i'd get reimbursed any over paid amount but i dont really have free 500 to fork over regardless of whether or not i'll be getting it back... so the question is what should i do if the dentist wont accept my report from the insurance company? i already have started with them so switching dentists is not an option since i have temp crowns and they already took the molds and are ordering the new crowns... plus i'm pretty sure i would still need to pay even if i switched
I would keep all documents that you insurance has sent you and who the person you talked to at the insurance office. Also you have to remember that you only have a certain amount that the insurance is going to give you 80% on. So find out what that is. Most insurance companies are either $1500 a year or $2000 a year and then anything after that you will pay out of pocket. So make sure that you have meet your amount already. Remember you get that per year. So when did you husband have work and how much was it. Also call you insurance company back and find out what your yearly cost is that they will help pay the 80% on. Then I would go from there. Good Luck
I would keep all documents that you insurance has sent you and who the person you talked to at the insurance office. Also you have to remember that you only have a certain amount that the insurance is going to give you 80% on. So find out what that is. Most insurance companies are either $1500 a year or $2000 a year and then anything after that you will pay out of pocket. So make sure that you have meet your amount already. Remember you get that per year. So when did you husband have work and how much was it. Also call you insurance company back and find out what your yearly cost is that they will help pay the 80% on. Then I would go from there. Good Luck
Question about Dental - Tooth Extraction?
I have two wisdom teeth that have rather large cavities in them. I'd say half of the tooth on each one is close to gone. I know I need to get these removed, but I need to either wait a year to get dental through my company, or get Badger Health Care and be put on a 6 month waiting list to have the teeth removed. One of the teeth is starting to give me headaches. I have started to stick to only non-sugary drinks and only soft foods, like noodles. I need to get these teeth pulled NOW. Do I have to have insurance or will a dentist allow me to set up a payment plan? Does anyone know in what ball park how much this might cost? Both of them are fairly well gone, and one of them is only half sticking out. I was told I might need dental surgery from a friend, and I want to be put under for something like this. Having my last normal tooth removed while I was awake was not a fun time.
First, sorry about your trouble. Dental pain is the worst! As far as having to put under for the 2 teth to be extracted, that just depends. Most people are sedated for wisdom teeth extraction but many can tolerate it with just laughing gas (nitrous oxide) & local anesthesia (shot on the gums to numb it) alone. Usually if the teeth are erupted & will be fairly easy to extract you could probably do with out being sedated. But if you already have a history of unpleasant / bad experience with pulling teeth it might be worth it to have a mild sedative prescribed. Maybe just a Valium like pill. One where you're still conscious but won't remeber a thing :) Now, to the real question- what should you do? Answer: you HAVE to have them pulled ASAP! you'll have to find a way because if left untreated, it could cause way bigger problems that end up costing triple what the extractions will cost. If they get infected, which eventually they will. Then they could get abscesses & lead to problems SO much worse!! Look into your community I'll bet you have a cimmuntiy health denta clinic that will do most treatment free or based on your income. Good luck to you!!
First, sorry about your trouble. Dental pain is the worst! As far as having to put under for the 2 teth to be extracted, that just depends. Most people are sedated for wisdom teeth extraction but many can tolerate it with just laughing gas (nitrous oxide) & local anesthesia (shot on the gums to numb it) alone. Usually if the teeth are erupted & will be fairly easy to extract you could probably do with out being sedated. But if you already have a history of unpleasant / bad experience with pulling teeth it might be worth it to have a mild sedative prescribed. Maybe just a Valium like pill. One where you're still conscious but won't remeber a thing :) Now, to the real question- what should you do? Answer: you HAVE to have them pulled ASAP! you'll have to find a way because if left untreated, it could cause way bigger problems that end up costing triple what the extractions will cost. If they get infected, which eventually they will. Then they could get abscesses & lead to problems SO much worse!! Look into your community I'll bet you have a cimmuntiy health denta clinic that will do most treatment free or based on your income. Good luck to you!!
Looking for individual/family health insurance in Arizona...?
I am a stay-at-home mom (in Arizona) and I need to get health insurance. My boyfriend (and our toddler) have insurance through his employer but it's like $400/month for just the two of them and it doesn't cover much. To add me to his plan we would have to get married first and it would be over $200/month more than he's already paying now. So that's over $600/month for insurance that doesn't cover much. It doesn't seem like a very good deal at all. So I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would take all three of us as an unmarried family, for less than $600/month. So far I don't see any that cover maternity, and we do want to have another child within the next year or two... We don't get sick often, but our baby needs her regular checkups and vaccinations, we need our regular checkups, vision and dental, and of course catastrophic coverage in the event something really bad were to happen. I don't see much purpose in me having insurance for myself, a young woman, that doesn't cover maternity or birth control, other than for the sake of catastrophic coverage. But if need be I could get my own insurance plan for maternity/birth control/whatever if I could find an affordable one, and they can be on their own plan that doesn't cover maternity. Blue Cross Blue Shield has some cheap rates but they don't cover maternity. Neither does Aetna. Cinergy is too expensive for just me, let alone my family too. So my question(s) to you specifically are: Can you suggest any health insurance companies that cover maternity? Can you suggest any that are affordable? Can you suggest any that would insure us as a family even though we are unwed?
I'm an independent agent in AZ and there are several companies, including Blue Cross, that have policies that cover maternity. If they are "affordable" depends on your point of view. The problem you'll find with individual maternity is that the insurance company, if you do the math, is not going to pay out more for your delivery than they receive from you in extra premium. A group policy is different because everyone on the plan, including your toddler, is paying more for your maternity coverage and the employer is probably kicking in quite a bit. Complications of pregnancy are covered even if you don't have maternity. None of the Arizona companies will accept an unmarried couple. Many healthy young people get insurance just for catastrophic occurrences because that will keep the premium lower. They will save the premium difference in the bank for those occasional doctor visits and many women will work with their doctor and hospital to prepay the prenatal visits and delivery.
I'm an independent agent in AZ and there are several companies, including Blue Cross, that have policies that cover maternity. If they are "affordable" depends on your point of view. The problem you'll find with individual maternity is that the insurance company, if you do the math, is not going to pay out more for your delivery than they receive from you in extra premium. A group policy is different because everyone on the plan, including your toddler, is paying more for your maternity coverage and the employer is probably kicking in quite a bit. Complications of pregnancy are covered even if you don't have maternity. None of the Arizona companies will accept an unmarried couple. Many healthy young people get insurance just for catastrophic occurrences because that will keep the premium lower. They will save the premium difference in the bank for those occasional doctor visits and many women will work with their doctor and hospital to prepay the prenatal visits and delivery.
My husband has 32 cavities because he has no enamel on his teeth due to Sjogren's -fix em or pull em ?
he has systemic scleroderma... the dds wants $4,000 just to fix the cavities...and I guess no way to restore the enamel..... we have no dental insurance either..
No way to restore enamel. Sorry, sounds like a tough spot. I would say that without insurance or a big checkbook, the best thing to do it pull and put in falsies. Your doctor should be discussing your options with you in detail. If you are leaving with questions, may I suggest that you get a second opinion?
No way to restore enamel. Sorry, sounds like a tough spot. I would say that without insurance or a big checkbook, the best thing to do it pull and put in falsies. Your doctor should be discussing your options with you in detail. If you are leaving with questions, may I suggest that you get a second opinion?
im looking for dental assistance? or financial aid?
i need to get my teeth fixed about $2000 of work. i applied online @ carecredit.com i have really bad credit i didn't qualify. i dont have a credit card. dont have enough in my 401k for a loan. i have a loan already thru the bank for car repairs / school clothes. and they will not renew it for that much money. does anyone know any good websites or web address for assistance with this? i would need a specific address. i asked this question before and all i got was insurance plans. i already have insurance. it doesnt cover the full cost. or does anyone know of any one that offers financial aid in regards to dental work? or anyone have any other ideas?
Medicaid or Medicare Edit: Go to the Public hospitals, they will tell you what Health plans are available. You can pick whatever suits you! http://www.ibx.com/health_plans/ Also try: http://www.basichealth.hca.wa.gov/rate.h… Financial Aid is government help to pay for college expense not medical!
Medicaid or Medicare Edit: Go to the Public hospitals, they will tell you what Health plans are available. You can pick whatever suits you! http://www.ibx.com/health_plans/ Also try: http://www.basichealth.hca.wa.gov/rate.h… Financial Aid is government help to pay for college expense not medical!
Dentist/or dental student question..brown stain between two upper front teeth?
Ok it's a dark brown stain and I'm going to make an appointment because for awhile I wasn't on my mother's dental plan (got taken off dads) and I was only making enough payments for my car which were about $400/month at the time, so I couldn't really afford a dental cleaning because I wasn't making enough to reimburse the amount that would be deduced from my bank account. So I have been for awhile..late summer, so starting from that time (because I was overdue for a cleaning the last time, which at that point I wasn't on a plan) it's been six months, I know, procrastination not good..been 3 months since my sis went in so she's on my moms plan and isn't in school (i am now) so poor excuse for not going sooner but I had to be sure considering that extra cash taken out for it would have been double with the car payments, which that amount included insurance. So, anyway, the real question is is it a stain? Like I read online it could be from coffee tea, which I drink, but I floss, brush, and use mouth wash everyday (faithfully), so plaque couldn't have accumulated that much, unless it's the hard stuff, but I do floss and brush. I'm pretty anal about teeth now (took me long enough to be since I didn't care as a child) because I absolutely hate the drills and I wear a retainer because I had braces but this stain appeared a short time ago, sometime in mid to late december. Or rather I noticed it out of the blue, so can anyone that knows about this can help? I'd like to set this worry aside now before calling. Also, I know it looks like something is stuck there but isn't, trust me, flossed, picked at it, looked in a mirror, it's a stain. But there is no pain whatsoever. Can anyone help?
Since you state your hygiene is very good, I seriously doubt it's a cavity. I would guess it's just a stain, just like you thought. How did you get it ... probably the tea and coffee. I have patients with very good oral hygiene and they still sometimes get stains. Please don't worry, a quick polishing will remove the stain and your back in business. I have seen teeth stain even though there is very little plaque. I'm not aware of any method you could use at home to remove the stain. Some one will probably tell you to buy an over the counter dental instrument and remove it yourself, BAD idea. If you haven't had a cleaning in a long time, it may be time to get one. Even the best brushers still leave a little plaque that can only be removed by your friendly hygienist! Dr. Dan Update: No, you might not have any sensitivity with this type of decay (if it was). This are sneaky little cavities and are often only seen on radiographs (x-rays). So short answer, it may never "hurt" and you might never see anything other than a "weird" color change. With your history, relax, just a stain!
Since you state your hygiene is very good, I seriously doubt it's a cavity. I would guess it's just a stain, just like you thought. How did you get it ... probably the tea and coffee. I have patients with very good oral hygiene and they still sometimes get stains. Please don't worry, a quick polishing will remove the stain and your back in business. I have seen teeth stain even though there is very little plaque. I'm not aware of any method you could use at home to remove the stain. Some one will probably tell you to buy an over the counter dental instrument and remove it yourself, BAD idea. If you haven't had a cleaning in a long time, it may be time to get one. Even the best brushers still leave a little plaque that can only be removed by your friendly hygienist! Dr. Dan Update: No, you might not have any sensitivity with this type of decay (if it was). This are sneaky little cavities and are often only seen on radiographs (x-rays). So short answer, it may never "hurt" and you might never see anything other than a "weird" color change. With your history, relax, just a stain!
how bad will the dentist be!?
so, i haven't been to the dentist in ten years due to the fact that i haven't had dental insurance. last time i went i was seven. What can i expect? I brush twice a day, but i often forget to floss, and i have been smoking for a year. will my dentist know? what will the process be that i will have to go through with cleaning? I only have a thousand dollars to spend. how much do you think it will cost?
First you will get and x-ray and an assessment. They will design a treatment plan for you. Cleaning,and removing plaque. Most likely you have a few cavities and they will be drilled cleaned and filled.You will be given a numbing gel which takes away most of the pain from the injection of Novocain , After the first injection you won't feel any pain at all.It's really not bad at all. I had 6 teeth pulled and a bunch of reconstruction surgery and it wasn't any where's near as bad as I thought it would be.
First you will get and x-ray and an assessment. They will design a treatment plan for you. Cleaning,and removing plaque. Most likely you have a few cavities and they will be drilled cleaned and filled.You will be given a numbing gel which takes away most of the pain from the injection of Novocain , After the first injection you won't feel any pain at all.It's really not bad at all. I had 6 teeth pulled and a bunch of reconstruction surgery and it wasn't any where's near as bad as I thought it would be.
do I have a dental malpractice case?
I went to the dentist to a general check up. Dentist told me that I have a couple of small cavities in my left wisdom teeth. Ultimately, she suggested that they fill the cavities. The initial shuts for the procedure felt truly painful and abnormal. But, dentist told me that it is normal when procedure is done for wisdom tooth. Additionally, during the procedure dentist and her assistant were consistently tried to open my mouse bigger and bigger. After the procedure was done doctor told me that I will feel pain and discomfort for the next several days. Ten days later, I still could only open my mouth about 1.5 fingers, left side of my face is still hurting, my left ear and left side of my neck is hurting as well. I feel that my teeth do not align the same way they did before the procedure. I have called the dentist and they invited me to stop by the office. In office dentist told me that complications resulted from procedure because my mouth was open too big. She told me that I have to see TMJ specialist. However, they could not refer me to anyone. Instead they gave me a sticky note with the phone number to some dental school that might be able to recommend me to someone. I asked who is going to pay for the medical treatments and they said that I need to contact my insurance company and discuss this matter with them. I opposed, stating that complications arised from the procedure. They said that it is not the case. I asked to invite the doctor, they refused. Additionally, I requested my dental records (copies), on which they refused as well. Meanwhile, I have contacted my general doctor and waiting for the referral to a specialist. I truly feel that this dental office should be responsible for their negligence. I am not sure what my exact diagnose but my symptoms are very disturbing.
I cannot help with any of the other, but as far as your dental records are concerned this is the law for Texas as copied from the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners website. I do not know where you live though. A dentist shall furnish copies of dental records to a patient who requests his or her dental records. Requested copies including radiographs shall be furnished within thirty (30) days of the date of the request, provided however, that copies need not be released until payment of copying costs has been made. Records may not be withheld based on a past due account for dental care or treatment previously rendered to the patient. (1) A dentist providing copies of patient dental records is entitled to a reasonable fee for copying which shall be no more than $25 for the first 20 pages and $0.15 per page for every copy thereafter. (2) Fees for radiographs, which if copied by an radiograph duplicating service, may be equal to actual cost verified by invoice. (3) Reasonable costs for radiographs duplicated by means other than by a radiograph duplicating service shall not exceed the following charges: (A) a full mouth radiograph series: $15.00; (B) a panoramic radiograph: $15.00; (C) a lateral cephalometric radiograph: $15.00; (D) a single extra-oral radiograph: $5.00; (E) a single intra-oral radiograph: $5.00. (4) State agencies and institutions will provide copies of dental health records to patients who request them following applicable agency rules and directives.
I cannot help with any of the other, but as far as your dental records are concerned this is the law for Texas as copied from the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners website. I do not know where you live though. A dentist shall furnish copies of dental records to a patient who requests his or her dental records. Requested copies including radiographs shall be furnished within thirty (30) days of the date of the request, provided however, that copies need not be released until payment of copying costs has been made. Records may not be withheld based on a past due account for dental care or treatment previously rendered to the patient. (1) A dentist providing copies of patient dental records is entitled to a reasonable fee for copying which shall be no more than $25 for the first 20 pages and $0.15 per page for every copy thereafter. (2) Fees for radiographs, which if copied by an radiograph duplicating service, may be equal to actual cost verified by invoice. (3) Reasonable costs for radiographs duplicated by means other than by a radiograph duplicating service shall not exceed the following charges: (A) a full mouth radiograph series: $15.00; (B) a panoramic radiograph: $15.00; (C) a lateral cephalometric radiograph: $15.00; (D) a single extra-oral radiograph: $5.00; (E) a single intra-oral radiograph: $5.00. (4) State agencies and institutions will provide copies of dental health records to patients who request them following applicable agency rules and directives.
Question about a health insurance claim?
I got new health insurance about a year and a half ago when I started a new job. I was sent a dental card and a medical card in the mail not a vision card. Turns out that was by mistake, I was supposed to get a vision card too (doesn't make sense, why not just give me one card!). Anyway, I have a medical condition with my eyes and I guess growing up my parents would put some of my eye exams under medical not vision coverage. I went in to get a check up at my eye doctor. I hand them my insurance card and they ask for my vision card...immediately I'm confused because I know I have the vision insurance but didn't know I had to give them a separate card. So I proceed to explain that growing up sometimes due to medical issues it was billed under medical. They say ok, just send us your vision coverage info later and we will get you squared away. I paid a small fee that day and called the next day to give them all my vision info. Now a month later the doctor sends me a bill? I called and asked and they said the medical coverage denied my claim. I didn't even know how they filed it since I gave them both a medical and a vision card. I called my vision insurer and they said it was the medical people that denied it not them. The vision insurer said tell them to send the claim and we will pay for it all. I call the doctors office to explain and they say they can't send the claim through as a vision claim because they already sent it through as medical. The doctors office said they cannot and will not, they aren't allowed they tell me I call the insurer to tell them this. The insurer says that's bogus. They call the doctor and request them to file a claim. The doctor tells them they can't file the claim as vision because it was a medical procedure? I just had a routine eye exam and a refraction. That's what I got and that's what the doctor told me to tell my insurer. Now when the insurer calls and asks they say otherwise. The bill the Dr sent me has no codes or info explaining what the charges are for, it just lists insurance companies and dollar amounts. I'm going to request a more detailed bill. The secretaries haven't been helpful or nice. I don't see what's going on. I mean I have the insurance why can't they just file it? Why would they just start doing procedures on me without my consent? If they preformed something other than a general eye exam I should have to agree to it first. Any advice?
the provider does NOT have to bill any insurance for you. it is a courtesy. call the doctors office and request a copy of the actual bill. send it to the vision carrier.
the provider does NOT have to bill any insurance for you. it is a courtesy. call the doctors office and request a copy of the actual bill. send it to the vision carrier.
Dental payment/Invisalign?
I staring Invisalign at a new dental office about 9 months ago and was told it would be $1500 total out of pocket (after my insurance). I paid the amount and when I went in for my appointment on monday there was a new receptionist and she asked me if I was going to make a payment today. When I told her I already paid in full she told me that I still had a balance of $1500. I guess what happened is that the receptionist that used to be there messed up a lot and was fired. I never received a print out of the total cost and was only told what it would be. They apologized a lot and told me that they might be able to give me a discount and that I could make payments, but they did acknowledge that it was their fault and told me that they could work something out so they didn't lose me as a patient. But I don't think that I should have to pay for an office mistake and if I knew it was going to be that much I wouldn't have done it. Is there anything I can do about this, isn't there a problem with ethics or something legally wrong with this?
FYI, just to have the dental lab make these custom aligners for you costs a separate fee NOT PAID BY INSURANCE. Your dentist has to pay this cost, so he bills you for it. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO NOT HAVE TO PAY THIS FEE, The true problem is this whole cost affair was inadequately explained to you. Your insurance can cover a part of INVISALIGN but not all the costs associated with it.
FYI, just to have the dental lab make these custom aligners for you costs a separate fee NOT PAID BY INSURANCE. Your dentist has to pay this cost, so he bills you for it. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO NOT HAVE TO PAY THIS FEE, The true problem is this whole cost affair was inadequately explained to you. Your insurance can cover a part of INVISALIGN but not all the costs associated with it.
Aetna DMO ; dental group on list, charged me for something I should not have paid for.?
I was reading some questions about Aetna's DMO and how ppl are being overcharged. My husband's plan is DMO; we can go to anyone on the list. Found mostly "dental groups" within the DMO program. Meaning a gazillion dentists are employed there as well as "specialty" DDS's . I read on my husbands insurance that Root canals are 100%' referral required, which I got from my PCD. Upon finish of just the RT, i was charged 96.00. Aetna's website shows they paid the Dentist 100% ; so why did the dentist take 96.00? They had to have their butts set on fire to send Aetna a pre treatment letter. I never got that. I got a half estimate of what to expect but the numbers aren't matching up. I have to get my final crown on this RT(been a month now on one tooth) and I refuse to pay what I already did. I hope they don't get ticked after all they probably have 1000 dollars more than they are supposed to have from one tooth. (quoted 1000 per tooth on RT, crown post and whatnot) I think I paid that plus Aetna paid out 1000 as well. Damn, Im in the wrong business. lol Should I take this one step up and write to the Atty. General of my state? Consumer affair fraud dept.? (state : NJ) I think we are being charged for stuff clearly stated to be 100% paid by Aetna. This dental group IS in the list for DMO.
First turn your Aetna card over and call the member service number. Speak to them and have them explain why you are charged what you are charged and tell them all the payments you have made to the insurance.
First turn your Aetna card over and call the member service number. Speak to them and have them explain why you are charged what you are charged and tell them all the payments you have made to the insurance.
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?
You will find the following sites below to have a wealth of information about your problems: Arguments In Support of Private Insurance Coverage of Autism-Related Services http://www.autismspeaks.org/docs/argumen… When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents do what they know best – pursue the most effective intervention services they can find for their child. This is what Joe and Elizabeth Micheletti did for their son Jake when he was diagnosed with autism two years ago. They found an effective intervention http://autismblog.easterseals.com/tag/he… Mom wins fight for autism insurance : http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/condition… How To Get Your Child's Autism Treatments Covered By Health Insurance http://autism.about.com/od/financialreso… Health Insurance Reimbursement Tips & Tricks http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/hea… Autism Speaks Pushes Health Insurance Coverage in Florida, California and Michigan http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2007/… How to find autism health insurance information: http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2008/… INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR AUTISM http://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-R-07…
You will find the following sites below to have a wealth of information about your problems: Arguments In Support of Private Insurance Coverage of Autism-Related Services http://www.autismspeaks.org/docs/argumen… When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents do what they know best – pursue the most effective intervention services they can find for their child. This is what Joe and Elizabeth Micheletti did for their son Jake when he was diagnosed with autism two years ago. They found an effective intervention http://autismblog.easterseals.com/tag/he… Mom wins fight for autism insurance : http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/condition… How To Get Your Child's Autism Treatments Covered By Health Insurance http://autism.about.com/od/financialreso… Health Insurance Reimbursement Tips & Tricks http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/hea… Autism Speaks Pushes Health Insurance Coverage in Florida, California and Michigan http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2007/… How to find autism health insurance information: http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2008/… INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR AUTISM http://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-R-07…
What's the best way to...?
Unfortunately I do not have dental insurance so I haven't been to the dentist in 7 years. I wondering the best way to take care of my teeth. Anything you can think of - Do' and Don'ts? Products?
walmart is now selling a new toothbrush which is not like the normal one it is more rubbery and cleans plaque easier without all the abrasive scrubbing..and cost is less mix toothbrushes i would suggest
walmart is now selling a new toothbrush which is not like the normal one it is more rubbery and cleans plaque easier without all the abrasive scrubbing..and cost is less mix toothbrushes i would suggest
Question regarding a dental bill?
Late last week, I received a bill in the mail for "pulp cap - indirect" for $50. I have a couple of questions about this. My first one being, what exactly does this term mean? Onto my issue... I had a filling done about 3 months ago. At the time I was told he was going to put some type of medicine under the filling to protect whatever is underneath, and prevent further problems (I'm assuming maybe that's what the bill is for?). I have medicaid, and at the time I was not working, so I had no income of my own. I did receive child support payments, and social security benefits for my brother. I was completely baffled after seeing the bill, so I called today in question of it, since I'd thought my insurance covered most things. I was told that this just happened to be something my insurance did not cover, a first for me in my 2 years having it. Still, I didn't think it was a huge issue, I mean it's only $50. However, I'm pretty upset that no one at the dental office told me I might be billed, and now 3 months later - surprise! I was told from someone in the billing dept that if I can prove my wages for the time this was done, they might be able to bring down the bill a little bit. Problem is, I didn't have any wages! So my questions... Firstly, am I wrong for being upset that no one told me I'd be billed for this? Is there any way to prove my wages from 3 months ago? I plan on setting up a sliding fee with them in case this happens again (since I didn't know until today I could do that). I'm not trying to get out of the bill, I am just upset I didn't know about it until now. Thanks for any help!
That term could very well refer to the filling. As for proving what you were earning so that the billing department could consider bringing down your bill, ask them what information they need to prove what you weren't making. As for them waiting for three months - WOW! You heard back from them soon! The way things go with our dental insurance plan, we often don't get bills until six months or longer after the procedure when we have something to pay on it. (And my husband and I each have dental insurance through our employers with a well known and trustworthy dental insurer.) The dental office may not have told you about this because they might not have known just what you were going to have to pay or not pay until after medicaid had finished with the bill.
That term could very well refer to the filling. As for proving what you were earning so that the billing department could consider bringing down your bill, ask them what information they need to prove what you weren't making. As for them waiting for three months - WOW! You heard back from them soon! The way things go with our dental insurance plan, we often don't get bills until six months or longer after the procedure when we have something to pay on it. (And my husband and I each have dental insurance through our employers with a well known and trustworthy dental insurer.) The dental office may not have told you about this because they might not have known just what you were going to have to pay or not pay until after medicaid had finished with the bill.
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